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My dad had to leave high school to suppo...

    My dad had to leave high school to support his mom and six brothers and sisters at the age of 16. He tells my brothers and me the stories of when he was our age.

One day, when he came home after school, he found a _______ on the door. It said that his family must move out of the house at once.

Smoking and drinking _______ all his dad’s money, but my dad wasn’t angry about it. Instead, when he remembered the happy times he had sat with his father enjoying football matches, he felt a little _______.

My dad’s little sister would cry at birthday parties _______ she could never have one of her own at home. My brothers and I have had _______ every year, but we had my dad’s first birthday party when he was forty.

He tell us to work hard and stay in school. We’ve heard it so much that sometimes we don’t take it _______ But now I often think of his words “There’s _______ you can’t do if you stay in school and work hard.” I think my father’s fate 命运) would be changed _______ if he’d had just one person saying those words to him.

He works hard for 16 hours a day, so we can _______ a good home and do the things he never could.

My dad has always told me this, but now it’s my turn. I am so ________ of you, Dad.

1.A.map B.stamp C.notice D.menu

2.A.spent B.cost C.paid D.took

3.A.nervous B.afraid C.worried D.excited

4.A.because B.whether C.although D.after

5.A.theirs B.ours C.yours D.his

6.A.slowly B.quickly C.seriously D.simply

7.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything

8.A.darkly B.politely C.differently D.carefully

9.A.catch B.lose C.join D.own

10.A.proud B.angry C.sad D.lucky


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲述作者的父亲在作者的年龄时的艰难的经历。 1. 句意:一天,当他放学回家,看到了门上的通知。 map地图;stamp邮票;notice通知;menu菜单。根据“It said that his family must move out of the house at once.”可知此处表达“通知”,用名词notice。故选C。 2. 句意:抽烟和喝酒花光了他父亲的钱,但是我父亲没有对此生气。 spent某人花时间在某物上或做某事;cost某物花费多少钱;paid某人付款;took做某事花费多少时间。此处主语是smoking and drinking,动词用cost表示花费。故选B。 3. 句意:相反,当他记起他和父亲坐在一起享受足球比赛的幸福时光,他感到有点兴奋。 nervous紧张的;afraid害怕的;worried担心的;excited兴奋的。根据“the happy times he had sat with his father enjoying football matches”可知此处用形容词excited表示“感到兴奋的”。故选D。 4. 句意:我的姑姑在生日聚会上哭泣,因为在家她永不会有一个属于自己的生日聚会。 because因为;whether是否;although尽管;after在……之后。此处表示原因,用连词because引出原因状语从句。故选A。 5. 句意:我的哥哥和我每年都有我们自己的(生日聚会),但是我父亲40岁的时候我们给父亲开了第一个生日聚会。 theirs他们的东西;ours我们的东西;yours你的东西;his他的东西。四个选项都是名词性物主代词,根据“My brothers and I”可知此处用ours表示“我们自己的聚会”。故选B。 6. 句意:我们有时听到他说的太多我们都没认真对待这件事。 slowly慢;quickly快;seriously严肃;simply仅仅,简单地。此处用短语take sth. seriously表示“认真对待某事”。意为父亲说的遍数太多,导致我们没有认真对待。故选C。 7. 句意:如果你在学校学习努力没有什么是你不能做成的。 something某样东西;nothing没有东西;anything任何东西;everything每样东西。根据“if you stay in school and work hard”可知此处用不定代词nothing表示“没什么事”,表示父亲认为努力学习终归会有好的前途。故选B。 8. 句意:如果以前有人给他说这些话,我认为我父亲的命运会发生变化。 darkly黑暗;politely礼貌;differently不同;carefully小心。根据changed可知此处用副词differently表示“变得不同”,父亲如果能够上学,命运就会不一样。故选C。 9. 句意:他的工作一天16个小时,因此我们能拥有一个好的家能做他绝不会做到的事。 catch捉住;lose失去;join加入;own拥有。根据“a good home”可知此处用动词own表示“拥有”。故选D。 10. 句意:爸爸,我因你而自豪。 proud自豪的;angry生气的;sad悲伤的;lucky幸运的。根据前文讲述父亲工作一天16个小时,因此我们能拥有一个好的家能做他绝不会做到的事,可知作者此处因他而自豪,用形容词proud。故选A。

— Do you know ___________?

— Yes. They’ll go there by train at 8:30 tomorrow morning.

A.how would they leave for Beijing

B.how will they leave for Beijing

C.how they would leave for Beijing

D.how they will leave for Beijing



— Why have I never seen this kind of 5G mobile phone?

— Because it ___________ by Huawei last week.

A.was produced B.would produce C.have produced D.was producing



— Has Jack solved the difficult math problem?

— Not yet. But I believe he ___________ in a few minutes.

A.has worked it out B.will work it out C.was working it out D.works it out



—To the students, what should the teacher ___________ at school?

—Of course the ways they study, I think.

A.give up B.part with C.care about D.clear out



—Have you ever seen the 3D film?

—Yes. It can make you ___________ being in the real situation.

A.grow up B.look over C.show up D.feel like



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