满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.We found that only fifteen percent of ...

1.We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. Forty-five percent exercise four to six times a week. Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week. And twenty percent do not exercise at all!

2.If you go without sleep, you might have problems with your memory or with your concentration(注意力).In order to concentrate at school or perform well in tests, we really need to get a good night's sleep.

3.Dr. Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. “Kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too. Although it's normal to want successful children, it's even more important to have happy children.”

4.Yes, you knew I was going to say this! It is so important. Smoking is not cool. It is dangerous. It harms nearly every part of your body. Think about how your family and friends will feel, and think about what it will do to your health.

5.I have never been very active, and I do not like sports. I have always wanted a pet, so my parents gave me a dog for my birthday. Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day. Now I feel really healthy.

Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage.

A.Not getting enough sleep has effects on our brain's work.

B.Have a healthy diet!

C.Say no to smoking!

D.Our survey about doing exercise.

E.Taking my pet for a walk makes me healthy.

F.Too much pressure is not good for a child's development


1.D 2.A 3.F 4.C 5.E 【解析】 本文主要讲了对我们身心健康有益的几点建议,如充足睡眠,别给孩子太多压力,不抽烟,带宠物散步等。 1. 根据上文We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. Forty-five percent exercise four to six times a week. Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week. And twenty percent do not exercise at all! 我们发现只有15%的学生每天锻炼。45%的人每周锻炼四到六次。20%的人每周只锻炼一到三次。20%的人根本不锻炼!可知本段是关于做运动的调查。所以“Our survey about doing exercise. 我们关于做运动的调查。”为本段的主题句,故选D。 2. 根据上文If you go without sleep, …we really need to get a good night's sleep. 如果你不睡觉,你的记忆或你的注意力可能会有问题,为了在学校集中精力或在测试中表现良好,我们真的需要一个良好的睡眠。可知本段主要讲睡眠不足会影响我们的大脑工作。所以“Not getting enough sleep has effects on our brain's work. 睡眠不足会影响我们的大脑工作。”为本段的主题句,故选A。 3. 根据上文Dr. Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. … it's even more important to have happy children.” 格林博士说,所有这些活动都会给孩子造成很大的压力。“孩子们也应该有时间放松自己思考。虽然想要成功的孩子是正常的,但拥有快乐的孩子更重要。”可知本段主要讲了太大的压力对孩子的发展不好,所以“Too much pressure is not good for a child's development太大的压力对孩子的发展不好” 为本段的主题句,故选F。 4. 根据上文It is so important. Smoking is not cool. It is dangerous. It harms nearly every part of your body. …think about what it will do to your health.这是如此重要。吸烟不酷还很危险。它几乎伤害了你身体的每一部分。想想你的家人和朋友会有什么感觉,想想它会对你的健康产生什么影响。可知本段主要讲了不要抽烟!所以“Say no to smoking! 别抽烟!”为本段的主题句,故选C。 5. 根据上文I have never been very active, and I do not like sports….Now I feel really healthy. 我从来都不活跃也不喜欢运动。我一直想要一只宠物,所以我父母给了我一只狗作为我的生日礼物。现在我每天带它散步来锻炼身体。现在我感觉真的很健康。可知本段主要讲带宠物散步使我们健康。所以“Taking my pet for a walk makes me healthy. 带我的宠物散步使我健康。” 为本段的主题句,故选E。

A: Hi, Janet. Are you free?

B: Nothing much.1.

A: I want to write an article on how to save the environment.


A: But I don't know how to write it. 3.

B: Well, first you can start with turning off the lights when you leave the room.

A: Yes, that’s too easy. 4.

B: Second, how about riding a bike to school? Don't take a car or a taxi if you don’t have to.

A: That will save money too. What else?

B: Try to recycle paper.

A: Hmm...Newspapers, magazines, mails...we get a lot of paper at home.

B: And last, take a bag with you when you go shopping. Don't use plastic bags.

A: OK.5.I’ll tell them about it. Thanks a lot. I will begin to write.

B: Not at all.

A.Good idea.

B.Would you please give me a hand?

C.What’s next?

D.My parents often go shopping.

E.What’s up?

F.What time is it?



Which sign means "No eating"?

A. B. C.



There ________still some milk and fruit in the fridge. What else shall we buy?

A.is B.isn’t C.are



—Dr. Zhong Nanshan preferred ________to Wuhan rather than ________at home safely.

—What a great doctor!

A.to go; to stay B.go; to stay C.to go; stay



—I wonder if we  ________a farewell party next week.

—If we ________it, I will call you.

A.will have ; have B.have;will have C.will have; will have



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