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In 2007, Barrington Irving became the yo...

    In 2007, Barrington Irving became the youngest person to fly alone around the world. He was just 23 years old—and he built the plane himself. How did he achieve this?

Irving's interest in flying started when he was 15. He was working in his parents’ bookstore in Miami, Florida. One of the customers was a pilot, Gary Robinson. One day, Robinson asked Irving if he was interested in flying. Irving didn't think he was smart enough. But the next day, Robinson took Irving to an airport. He showed Irving inside the cockpit (驾驶舱) of a Boeing 777. That experience changed Irving’s life.

Irving really wanted to fly, but flight school was expensive. To achieve his dream, he worked different jobs. He washed airplanes and cleaned swimming pools. At home, he practiced flying on a video game. In the end, he got enough money for flight school.

At flight school, Irving achieved his dream of learning how to fly. But he wasn’t finished. Next, he planned to build his own plane and fly alone around the world.

Building the plane was difficult. Irving asked more than 50 companies for airplane parts. Most said no, but he persisted (顽强地坚持) in asking. Three years later, he had parts worth $300,000. Columbia, an airplane company, agreed to build a plane using the parts. Soon, his airplane was ready to fly.

On March 23, 2007, Irving began his round-the-world trip. After 97 days—with 145 hours in the air—he landed back in Miami. A cheering crowd of people was there to welcome him.

Irving saw many young people in the crowd, and this had a powerful effect (影响) on him. He wanted to use his experience to help other young people achieve their own dreams.

“Everyone told me what I couldn’t do,” says Irving. “They said I was too young, that I didn’t have enough money. But even if no one believes in your dream,” he says, “you have to pursue (追求) it.”

1.Why was Gary Robinson important in Irving's life?

A.He got Irving interested in flying. B.He sent Irving to a flight school.

C.He helped Irving build a plane. D.He taught Irving how to fly.

2.Put the events about Irving in the correct order.

a. Irving got the parts for his plane.      b. Irving flew around the world,

c. Irving met Gary Robinson.          d. Irving learned to fly.

A.c—d—a—b B.c—a—d—b C.b—c—a—d D.b—c—d—a

3.What can we know about Irving's personality according to the passage?

A.Clever and honest. B.Humorous and responsible.

C.Polite and powerful. D.Hard-working and persistent.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Becoming a Pilot. B.Life in Flight School.

C.Achieving a Dream. D.Building Your Own Plane.


1.A 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 这篇短文讲述的是2007年,年仅23岁的Barrington Irving成为了独自飞行环游世界的最年轻的人,而且他是乘坐他自己制造的飞机飞行的。短文中通过讲述Irving的飞行故事告诉我们年轻人应该有梦想,并要为了梦想努力。 1. 细节理解题。根据短文第二段“One day, Robinson asked Irving if he was interested in flying. Irving didn't think he was smart enough. But the next day, Robinson took Irving to an airport. He showed Irving inside the cockpit (驾驶舱) of a Boeing 777. That experience changed Irving’s life.”可知,是Robinson让Irving对飞行产生了兴趣,因此他对于Irving来说是一个很重要的人。故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据短文第二段到第六段的描述可知,Irving15岁时在Robinson的带领下,对飞行产生了兴趣,然后去了飞行学校学习飞行;接下来他自己制造了飞机,开始环游世界的飞行。正确的顺序是cdab,故选A。 3. 推理判断题。根据短文第三段“To achieve his dream, he worked different jobs.”和第五段“Building the plane was difficult. Irving asked more than 50 companies for airplane parts. Most said no, but he persisted (顽强地坚持) in asking.”可知,Irving为了实现自己的飞行梦,努力工作去赚钱上航校。在找公司制造自己的飞机时,他被拒绝了很多次,但仍然顽强坚持。由此可知,hard-working“工作努力的”和persistent“顽强坚持的”这两个词最能体现Irving的个性。故选D。 4. 主旨大意题。根据文意可知,这篇短文讲述了Barrington Irving从15岁开始对飞行有了兴趣,然后努力学习飞行,克服种种困难,制造了自己的飞机,并环游世界的故事。由文章的最后“He wanted to use his experience to help other young people achieve their own dreams.”可知,通过Irving的故事,短文是鼓励年轻人们要努力实现自己的梦想。C选项“实现梦想”能够体现文章的主题,作为题目最为合适。故选C。


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The Barton Photography (摄影) Club welcomes new members. We are a busy club with famous teachers. Join before 1st March and enter our summer photography competition. First prize is a new XP8ii camera! You need to pay £15 to join the club.

Visit www.bartonphotoclub.com to join.

Theatre Group

Have fun with a local theatre group. We are looking for actors to be in a musical comedy this summer. You must be available twice a week starting 2nd April. Passion (热情) is more important than talent! Join us for free.

Write to Mandy Giles on mandy76@dmail.com.



1.What can we do for more information about the running groups?

A.Visit Mike. B.Give Mike a call.

C.Write to Mike. D.Send Mike an email.

2.How much does it cost to join the photography club?

A.£15. B.£8. C.£3. D.Free.

3.Which of the following is true according to the ads above?

A.You are sure to get a camera to join the photography club.

B.Talent is the most important for actors in the theatre group.

C.The running groups have running competitions every Wednesday.

D.Actors must take part in the theatre group’s activities twice a week.




Cowboys have lived and worked in the west and south—west of the United States for over three centuries and they are a famous symbol of the USA. When you watch those old Hollywood cowboy films from the fifties and sixties, you see a job. You see a _________ of freedom and adventure (冒险). However, the real job of an American cowboy has always been _________ and sometimes dangerous. It is physical with long hours and low pay.

Life hasn’t _________ much for cowboys since the early days. Cows walk across huge plains (草原) to _________ the grass and the cowboy rides on his horse to bring _________ home. Like the cowboys of the past, a 21st century cowboy _________ gets up early on freezing cold mornings and makes breakfast over a fire.

So why does a man—because it is usually a man—become a cowboy? For some, it isn't a _________, because they are born into the life. They have worked with _________ since they were children. They _________ the traditional cowboy culture: “It’s a real life about you, your horse and the open __________.”

Some people choose the job __________ in life. Pat had an office job with the US government with high pay, __________ he didn’t like city life and spending all day inside. So one day, he __________ his job and moved to a ranch (牧场) in Texas, making much less money __________ a cowboy. He wanted job satisfaction. And for a cowboy, job satisfaction doesn’t come from the money or a comfortable office. It comes from being __________ to wake up under the sky and being your own boss.

1.A.life B.place C.way D.day

2.A.interesting B.boring C.hard D.easy

3.A.got B.paid C.done D.changed

4.A.catch B.eat C.touch D.take

5.A.it B.him C.her D.them

6.A.just B.still C.even D.never

7.A.problem B.choice C.plan D.dream

8.A.parents B.brothers C.cows D.sheep

9.A.create B.miss C.love D.refuse

10.A.country B.culture C.mind D.cowboy

11.A.later B.early C.quickly D.suddenly

12.A.so B.and C.since D.but

13.A.looked for B.took up C.gave up D.cared about

14.A.for B.as C.with D.like

15.A.relaxed B.slow C.late D.free



You  ________ lunch at school. So you don’t have to bring your own food.

A.give B.will give C.are given D.have given



I don’t know the words to a lot of songs, but I do know some folk songs that my grandma  ________ me at an early age.

A.teaches B.taught C.will teach D.has taught



The performer  ________ because there was too much noise coming from the crowd.

A.continued B.relaxed C.stopped D.won



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