满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Since 1989, Project Hope________millions...

Since 1989, Project Hope________millions of young people from poor families achieve their dreams of going to school.

A.will help B.helps C.has helped D.is helping


C 【解析】 句意:自1989以来,希望工程已经帮助了数百万贫困家庭的年轻人实现了上学的梦想。 考查时态。will help一般将来时;helps一般现在时;has helped现在完成时;is helping现在进行时。根据时间状语Since 1989,可知该句应用现在完成时have/has done,又因为主语为Project Hope,所以用has,故选C。  

My hometown, Kunming, is famous ________fresh flowers. No matter when you visit it, they will catch your eye.

A.as B.for C.of D.by



You are not allowed to play with fire in the forest. It ________kill plants, animals and even people.

A.might B.might not C.should D.should not



    为了帮助学生迎接中考,在中考前几个月,老师一般都会进行复习教学。一家英语教学研究中心(English Teaching Research Center)正在对中考英语复习教学现状进行调查。请你根据下面提示,写一篇英语短文,向他们介绍你们班的英语复习课的情况,谈谈你对英语复习课的感受及看法,并提出建议。


1. Your feelings about your English revision classes.

2. Class activities: a. What did your English teacher usually do in class?

b. What did you usually do in class?

3. Your advice on English revision classes to your English teacher.





I think my English revision classes were ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




(Mei and Jian are talking in the school. Mei=M Jian=J)

M: Help me, Jian. I have got to organize the school clean-up day, but I don't know what to do.

J: 1.

M: I don’t know.

J: Well, Mei. 2.. It's a good idea to learn what that person did.

M: OK, I will ask Ms. Robert. But I need to get started today. How should I tell other students about the event?

J: 3. Everyone sees that.

M: Great idea!

J: 4. Put signs on the rubbish bins (垃圾桶) to remind students not to drop litter. I can help you with that.

M: That's clever. If we start keeping the school clean, there'll be less work to do on clean-up day.

J: That’s right! And one more thing, you might try talking to teachers. 5.

M: Good advice, Jian. Thank you!

A.You should ask.

B.When is the clean-up day?

C.Who organized it last year?

D.Some volunteers will do the clean-up.

E.You'd better put it on the school calendar.

F.Ask them to tell their classes about the day.

G.And why don’t you get students to clean before the event?



    Do you know what your friends watched on TV last night? Do your friends know what you had for breakfast today? Do you think you are using social media (社交媒体) too much?

1. It is reported that around 2,800 million people often use social media. That’s almost 40 percent of the world’s population. But how much time do we really spend on social media? And what exactly do we spend that time doing?

Research shows that, worldwide, the average (普通的) person spends two hours and 19 minutes on social media each day. 2. An average person there spends four hours and 17 minutes a day on social media. Research also shows that women use social media more than men. In the United States, for example, women spend around two hours more a week than men on social media.

3. In general, it seems we spend more time looking at other people’s pages than adding to our own. According to one survey, the most common social media activities are visiting friends’ pages, reading their news, and commenting (评论) on their posts.

4. It has over 2,000 million users. In second place, however, is the Chinese site Qzone. In 2017, Qzone was China's most popular social media site, with around 600 million users worldwide. That's more than Twitter and Instagram.

Social media continues to grow. 5. And as Internet access (通道) becomes available to even more people around the world, this growth won't stop anytime soon.

A.What do most people do on social media?

B.Why do people communicate on social media?

C.People in Philippines are the most active users.

D.The most popular social media site is Facebook.

E.On Facebook, people post their news and photos.

F.Right now, there are 5 new Facebook users every second.

G.Social media is now a part of many people’ s everyday lives.



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