满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Yuan Longping, a great scientist, is the...

    Yuan Longping, a great scientist, is the first person to develop a kind of hybrid rice (杂交水稻) which helps fight hunger in China.

Food was a big problem in China in the past. This was because China had 22 percent of the world's population, but only 7 percent of its farmland. In the 1960s, China suffered (遭受)serious hunger. Millions of people died because they had no food. As an agronomy (农学) teacher, Yuan was very sad to see this. “How can I help them have enough food?” he thought. He decided to work on a kind of hybrid rice. It has a high output(产量).

At that time, other scientists didn't think hybrid rice was worth studying. But Yuan and his team worked on it every day. They took very good care of their rice seeds.

At last, in 1973, they grew a new kind of hybrid rice. This rice is strong. Farmers can grow it in many different kinds of farmland and also in bad weather. It can also fight disease. Its output was much greater than common kinds of nice. With the new kind, about 70,000,000 people could have food every year.

Yuan solved the food problem in China. But he is still working on rice. Before he retires (退休), he hopes to grow rice in the sea!


1.Why was food a big problem in China in the past?

A.Because farmers didn't grow nice.

B.Because farmers didn't have rice seeds.

C.Because China had no money to buy plenty of food.

D.Because China had a large population but a little farmland.

2.How did Yuan Longping help people have enough food?

A.He discovered another kind of food.

B.He borrowed enough food from other countries.

C.He developed a kind of hybrid rice with his team.

D.He started being an agronomy teacher to study nice.

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the new kind of hybrid rice?

A.It is able to fight disease. B.It is grown across the world.

C.Its output is much higher. D.It can be grown in different farmland.

4.Yuan Longping wishes to         before he retires.

A.grow rice in the sea B.have a good rest

C.keep several pet cats D.help people in Africa

5.What does this passage mainly talk about?

A.The new kind of hybrid rice is worth studying.

B.The new kind of hybrid rice was invented in China.

C.Yuan Longping grew the new kind of hybrid rice for many years.

D.Yuan Longping has played an important role in solving China's food problem.


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 【解析】 袁隆平,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”,他研究的杂交水稻,提高了粮食产量,为我国解决了重要的粮食问题。这篇短文给我们介绍了袁隆平研究杂交水稻的背景以及他做出的贡献。 1. 细节理解题。根据短文第二段“Food was a big problem in China in the past. This was because China had 22 percent of the world's population, but only 7 percent of its farmland.”可知,在过去,粮食是中国的大问题,因为中国有世界22%的人口,但只有7%的耕地。故选D。 2. 细节理解题。根据短文第二段““How can I help them have enough food?” he thought. He decided to work on a kind of hybrid rice.”和第四段“At last, in 1973, they grew a new kind of hybrid rice.”可知,袁隆平和他的团队种植了一种新的杂交水稻,这种水稻能对抗疾病、产量高,因而解决了中国的粮食问题。故选C。 3. 细节理解题。根据短文第四段“At last, in 1973, they grew a new kind of hybrid rice. This rice is strong. Farmers can grow it in many different kinds of farmland and also in bad weather. It can also fight disease. Its output was much greater than common kinds of nice.”可知,文章中提到了这种水稻产量高、能抵抗疾病、能在不同的耕地上种植,B选项“它在全世界种植”没有提到。故选B。 4. 细节理解题。根据短文最后一段“Before he retires, he hopes to grow rice in the sea!”可知,袁隆平在退休之前,希望能够在大海里种植水稻。故选A。 5. 主旨大意题。根据文意以及短文第一段“Yuan Longping, a great scientist, is the first person to develop a kind of hybrid rice which helps fight hunger in China.”可知,这篇短文主要讲述了袁隆平和他的团队是如何研究种植杂交水稻,帮助中国解决粮食问题的。D选项最符合文意,故选D。

    No one wants to be in a life-or-death situation. However, if you are in a dangerous situation, what will you do, fight or flight?

When 13-year-old Joe Rowlands and his dad were in a kayak(皮艇) accident, the brave teenager chose to fight. He not only fought for his own life, but also saved his father's.

On that day, Joe and his father Paul were out on their kayak off the coast of Anglesey in the UK. Suddenly they noticed that the kayak was starting to fill with water. Then they found out there was a hole in the floor of the boat. Without another choice, Paul turned the boat over. He asked Joe to climb on top so that he could push the boat to a nearby island.

However, the rough (汹涌的)waves made it too hard for Paul to push the boat to land. They had to swim without the boat. Luckily, Joe made his way to the island safely. But when he looked back, he found his dad was no longer swimming. Risking his life, Joe jumped back into the cold water and managed to drag(拽) his dad up onto some rocks. Then Joe did CPR(心肺复苏) on his dad until he came around.

“I know I can never pay him back for saving my life and I'm very proud of him. He acted with courage beyond his years, "Paul said of his son.


1.What did Joe do that day?

A.He went kayaking with his dad. B.He went kayaking all by himself.

C.He watched a kayak race at home. D.He walked along the coast of Anglesey.

2.When the boat started to fill with water, how did Paul deal with it?

A.By fixing the boat up. B.By shouting for help.

C.By turning the boat over.  D.By pushing the boat with Joe.

3.After finding his dad was no longer swimming, Joe          .

A.swam to the island nearby B.dragged the boat onto rocks to save his dad

C.did CPR on his dad at once D.jumped back into the water to save his dad

4.What does the underlined phrase “came around” most probably mean?

A.Lost his life. B.Came back to life.

C.Ran around the rock. D.Gave up the boat.

5.From the passage, we can infer(推断)that         .

A.Paul and Joe successfully finished their kayaking

B.Joe showed the ability to face danger without fear

C.Paul was angry because Joe risked his life to save him

D.Joe chose to depend on his dad in the life-or-death situation



    Robots have built a big house in Switzerland using 3D-printed materials. It is the first house made by robots for people to live in. It is more environmentally friendly and safer than man-made houses.

The creators say the big house will inspire the future of building. “This is a new way seeing architecture(建筑),” said one of the creators. "How you build is important."

The big house was built completely from robot-made materials. It used 60% less cement(水泥)than a man-made house. Its ceilings(天花板)were made with a 3D printer. There are 35 parts in the house and each one was built in 60 to 90 minutes. It means that the robots built the full house in just 48 hours.

It is not the first time for robots to build houses. The Chinese used 3D printers to build 10 houses in a day in 2014. They created a building the next year. And last year Italians built a house in just 48 hours.

Scientists say one day they could send robots to build houses on the moon. We are curious about how we're building for the future.


1.The big house is the first house made by robots.________

2.The big house does less harm to the environment than man-made ones.________

3.The 35 parts of the big house were built from robot-made materials.________

4.The Chinese created a 3D-printed building in just 48 hours in 2014. ________

5.Robots were once sent to the moon to build houses. ________



    Do you know what "paying it forward" means? It's not paying for something before you buy it, " Paying it forward" is to do something nice for another person for no _______. Then that person does something nice for someone else.

You may think this doesn't seem like much. But this nice act can spread quite _______.

One day in December 2015, a woman was buying a meal at McDonald's in Florida, US. She also _______ a meal for the person standing in line behind her. That person did the same thing, and the next person did it, _______ . Soon, 250 people had done another person the act of _______!

But you _______spend money to pay for it forward. There are examples of paying it forward every day like volunteering, giving food to _______ or doing something nice for someone around you.

Try it out for _______. All you have to do is look for _______things that you could do make someone happy. Then, ask them to spread the word and do three kind things for someone else. And when someone does something nice for you, don't ________ to do the same.

1.A.space  B.action   C.reason

2.A.fast  B. slowly   C. hardly

3.A.made B.bought C.sold

4.A.too B.either C.also

5.A.madness B. politeness  C.kindness

6.A.would like to B.are supposed to  C. don't need to

7.A.the rich B.the homeless C.the missing

8.A.myself B.yourself C.itself

9.A.small B.awful C.strange

10.A.agree B.forget C.decide



When we teenagers have problems in getting on well with parents, it's necessary to put ourselves in parents’ shoes.

A.wear parents' shoes B.get parents shoes

C.consider in parents' position D.put parents to trouble



If you are going to be a computer programmer, you’d better start with the ABC of computers.

A.English grammar B.English letters C.the difficulties D.the basic knowledge



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