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Nature is amazing! Take a close look at ...

    Nature is amazing! Take a close look at the world of insects (昆虫) and you will discover many unbelievable things. Consider butterflies, for example. They have beautiful, colorful wings, and strong. steady flying skills. On summer days, we see them flying gracefully over flower gardens and wild fields.

But, do you know that butterflies live three separate lives before they become the flying insects we all know? They begin their lives as one thing, change into another, and then another. Finally, they change into beautiful flying insects. It’s true. And it’s one of the wonders of nature.

In the beginning, there is an egg, it’s usually small and colorful. A female butterfly lays an egg on a leaf of a plant. When you look at this tiny egg, it’s hard to believe that in a few days, it will become something completely different.

In time, it changes into a new life. No longer the small egg becomes a walking insect. This insect is called a caterpillar. It now has legs, eyes, a mouth and a large body. A new life has begun. The caterpillar eats, and eats, and eats. It can walk. It can see. But it is still not a butterfly. Soon, after growing big, the Caterpillar makes a cover for itself. It wraps (包裹) itself in this nice protective blanket and goes to sleep. This stage (阶段) of a butterfly’s life is known as the “pupa” stage.

What happens next is truly amazing!

After a period of time, the blanket breaks and a wet, weak butterfly appears. It now has six legs, a mouth, eyes and wings. Soon, the wings fill with blood, and the beautiful, colorful butterfly spreads its wings and flies away.

After a few weeks pass, this adult butterfly lays her eggs, and the cycle begins all over again.

This is just one example of the wonders of nature. Look around the natural world, and you will learn many truly amazing things.

1.________ is a “caterpillar”.

A. B. C. D.

2.According to the passage, it’s clear that butterflies ________.

A.have three separate lives in all

B.have colorful wings with no legs

C.can be seen in flower gardens in summer

D.are small eggs with no color at the beginning

3.The last paragraph means we should ________.

A.take a close look at the insect world

B.protect all kinds of animals and plants

C.discover the different forms of different things

D.go into the nature and enjoy the wonders of the world


1.B 2.C 3.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,主要以蝴蝶的生长发育过程为例说明了大自然的神奇。   1.细节理解题。根据第四段“No longer the small egg becomes a walking insect. This insect is called a caterpillar. It now has legs, eyes, a mouth and a large body”可知,毛毛虫不会走路,但它有腿,有眼睛,有嘴巴和一个大大的身体。综上所述,B项中的图片所展示的是一只毛毛虫。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据第一段“On summer days, we see them flying gracefully over flower gardens and wild fields”可知,在夏天,我们能看到蝴蝶在花园飞舞。故选C。 3.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Look around the natural world, and you will learn many truly amazing things”可知,环顾自然界,你会学到许多真正令人惊奇的东西,故最后一段的意思是:我们应该走进大自然,享受世界奇观。故选D。


The Way Out

By Ming-da Wang

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Words from readers

I couldn’t put the book down after I read some pages at my friend’s home. I borrowed it and read it over that night. I think it can help someone who is afraid to face family problems.

Sam Lee

The book saved my life. It opened a door that led me into a world of true love. I was able to look at the world around me with fresh new eyes.

Candy Vigor

The first part of the book really touched my heart and made me want to read on. However, I was getting bored when I came to the second part. In fact, I didn’t finish the book.

Rod Green

The book helped me forget about my worries. I laughed and cried with those people in the book. With its simple and clear language, people of all ages can enjoy it.

Vivian Lu




1.________ thinks the second part of the book is boring.

A.Rod Green B.Candy Vigor C.Sam Lee D.Vivian Lu

2.The book is probably about ________.

A.school education B.website safety C.travel lines D.family problems

3.We can know from the passage that ________.

A.Ming-da Wang tells his family stories in the book

B.everyone can find the ways of solving problems from the book

C.it’s the right time to buy the book because of the price at present

D.the book is only written for children with simple and clear language



    A long time ago, a father was old and sick. He did not have much time to live, and he wanted 1. (give) his sons a good lesson before he died.

Recently, he noticed that his sons 2. (fight) among themselves and seemed unable to agree on anything. The old man feared what would happen after his 3. (die). He was afraid that his sons would begin to argue. “They will disagree about everything,” He thought. “Soon they 4. (be) enemies, each going his own direction.”

He called his sons together in his room. “Bring 5. (I) a bundle () of stick,” he asked his servant (仆人). Soon enough, a thick bundle of sticks arrived, tied 6. (close) together. One by one, he gave the bundle to each son, and asked him to break the bundle. One son after another pulled and twisted () with all of his strength (力量), 7. the sticks would not break.

The old man smiled and ordered his servant to untie the bundle of sticks. He handed one stick to each son and said, “Now break the stick.”

Of course, the single stick 8. (break) in two easily. The old father looked at his sons. “Do you understand this lesson?” he asked.

Each son, being intelligent, 9. (understand) the meaning at once. Alone, it is easy for one of them to be harmed. But together, they are strong and can’t be harmed even 10. great forces (势力).

That’s the meaning of the sticking together. In unity, there is great strength.



    Long ago, when the world was young, a spider was given a pot (罐子) containing all the wisdom (智慧) of the world. Each day, he reached into the pot and learned _______ new.

But Spider would not _______. He wanted to keep all the wisdom to _______.

Spider made a plan. He began to climb a tall tree. “I will hide the wisdom pot way up high,” he said. “I will be the _______ one in the world.”

As he climbed, he had a lot of trouble. The pot kept _______ stuck in the branches (树枝).

From _______, Spider’s son watched. He called out, “_______ the pot to your back, Father. That way, it will be easier to climb.”

Spider got mad. He thought, “My young son is wiser than I. I have the wisdom pot, yet he is wiser.” Spider got very mad and threw the pot to the ground, breaking it _______ many pieces. Everyone _______ a piece of wisdom.

And that is ________ many people know different things, but no one has all the wisdom in the world.

1.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything

2.A.share B.shout C.show D.shut

3.A.myself B.yourself C.himself D.herself

4.A.kindest B.wisest C.luckiest D.richest

5.A.getting B.giving C.putting D.playing

6.A.outside B.above C.behind D.below

7.A.Tie B.Lead C.Turn D.Connect

8.A.off B.into C.for D.onto

9.A.set up B.cut up C.took up D.picked up

10.A.what B.where C.when D.why



—I’m afraid I can’t dance.

—________! Just for fun.

A.Sounds great B.Take it easy C.What a pity D.My pleasure



— Would you like to come to my birthday party tonight?

— ________.

A.Yes, I’d like to. B.It doesn’t matter.

C.Have a good time! D.You’re welcome.



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