满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Deep in the forest lives David, who love...

    Deep in the forest lives David, who loves books. As soon as he reads one book, he brings home_______

Soon the house_________ books. His wife, Alice, is angry. You_________do something!”

David thinks hard and has_________ idea. “I can bring my books into the faraway hills and share_________I have with the children.”

Every week, David sets off across the countryside to faraway villages with his two donkeys. Early_________a sunny morning, David and his donkeys stop at a river_________.Then, from deep in the shadows, a bandit (山贼)jumps out! “Please let us pass,” David says. “The children_________.”The bandit takes one book and shouts, “Next time I want_________!”

They move on until at last, David sees some houses below. The children run to meet__________.David reads them a story first.__________the story ends, it's time for everyone to choose a book. The children hold their books close as they say good-bye and run home__________. David and his donkeys head back, over and around the hills, and into the sunset.

At home, Alice feeds her hungry husband and the donkeys. But then, instead of__________,David picks up his book,__________reads deep into the night. And far away in the hills, candles and lanterns burn as the children read borrowed books deep into their night,__________.

1.A.other B.another C.the other D.the others

2.A.fills with B.filled with C.is filled with D.was filled with

3.A.must B.could C.would D.may

4.A.a B.an C.the D./

5.A.what B.who C.why D.how

6.A.in B.on C.at D.for

7.A.drink B.drinking C.drinks D.to drink

8.A.wait B.waited C.are waiting D.have waited

9.A.some money B.any money C.some moneys D.any moneys

10.A.he B.his C.him D.himself

11.A.Before B.When C.If D.Because

12.A.cheer B.cheerful C.cheerfully D.more cheerful

13.A.sleep B.slept C.sleeps D.sleeping

14.A.and B.but C.or D.so

15.A.either B.neither C.also D.too


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,文章讲述喜欢读书的大卫,因为家里书太多,而把书送到远处的山里给孩子们分享他的书的故事。 1. 句意:他读完一本书,就带回家另一本书。 other其他的,形容词; another又一个,再一个(三者或以上),指泛指,形容词和代词;the other(两个中的)另一个,代词,剩余的,形容词; others其他的,代词,泛指。根据one book可知此处用another,表示三者以上的另一个。故选B。 2. 句意:不久房子里堆满了书。 fills with动词一般现在时的第三人称单数;filled with动词的过去式;is filled with充满,一般现在时;was filled with充满,一般过去时态。主语是the house表示某地方装满了某物用短语be filled with,句子是一般现在时,用is filled with。故选C。 3. 句意:你必须做点事情。 must必须;could能;would将;may可能。根据“His wife, Alice, is angry”可知此处用情态动词must表示“必须”。故选A。 4. 句意: 大卫努力地想到一个主意。 a不定冠词,用在辅音音素开头的单词前;an不定冠词,用在元音音素开头的单词前;the定冠词。此处表示泛指“一个”,idea是元音音素开始的单词,用不定冠词an。故选B。 5. 句意:我可以把书带到远处的山里,和孩子们分享我拥有的书。 what什么;who谁;why为什么;how怎样。此处用what来引导宾语从句,表示“我拥有的书”。故选A。 6. 句意:在一个晴朗的早晨,大卫和他的驴停在河边喝水。 in用在年、月的前面;on用于具体的某一天或具体某一天的上午,下午或晚上;at 用于具体的时刻前面;for接一段时间。根据“a sunny morning”可知表达的是具体的上午用介词on。故选B。 7. 句意:在一个晴朗的早晨,大卫和他的驴停在河边喝水。 drink动词原形;drinking动名词;drinks动词的第三人称单数;to drink动词不定式。此处表示目的状语用动词不定式to drink。故选D。 8. 句意:孩子们正等着。 wait等,动词原形;waited动词的过去式;are waiting动词的现在进行时;have waited单词的现在完成时。此处用现在进行时are waiting表示“正在等待”。故选C。 9. 句意:下一次我想要一些钱。 some money一些钱;any money一些钱,用于否定或疑问句;some moneys结构错误;any moneys结构错误。此处是肯定句用some money表示“一些钱”。故选A。 10. 句意:孩子们跑过来见他。 he他;his他的;him他,宾格;himself他自己。此处指的是孩子们见大卫,动词meet后面用宾格him。故选C。 11. 句意:当故事结束的时候,每个人选一本书的时候到了。 before在……之前;when当……时候;if如果;because因为。此处是时间状语,用when引导从句表示“当故事结束的时候”。故选B。 12. 句意:当孩子们说再见的时候,他们紧紧地抱着书开心地跑回家。 cheer欢呼;cheerful开心的;cheerfully开心地;more cheerful更开心。此处用副词修饰动词run,此处用cheerfully。故选C。 13. 句意:但是,大卫没有去睡觉,而是拿起书来,一直读到深夜。 sleep睡觉,动词原形;slept动词的过去式;sleeps动词的第三人称单数;sleeping动名词。instead of后面用动名词,此处用sleeping。故选D。 14. 句意:但是,大卫没有去睡觉,而是拿起书来,一直读到深夜。 and和;but但是;or否则;so因此。此处表示承接,用连词and。故选A。 15. 句意:在远处的山里,蜡烛和灯笼亮着,孩子们也在读着借来的书到深夜。 either二者之一;neither二者都不;also也,用于句中;too也,用于句末。放在句末,用逗号和句子隔开,表示“也”用too。故选D。

    你的睡眠习惯是怎样的?是早睡早起的morning people,还是晚睡晚起的evening people?请以“A Morning or Evening People?”为题,根据所给表格提示,写一篇短文,谈谈你对养成良好睡眠习惯,保持身体健康的认识。文中不得出现真实的人名和地名,词数不得少于80个词。

A Morning or Evening People?





sleeping habits

Body Part

your parents’ sleeping habits; your seeping habit

go to bed; get up; seeping hours

different ideas




enough sleep; healthy body





I caught a cold. It was really a bad cold. Actually, the doctor later told me that I had the flu (流感).

My head was pounding. My throat was hurting. My body was aching. My voice became hoarse and I could hardly speak. I never experienced anything like this before. Worst of all, my sore throat was so serious that I couldn’t even swallow (吞咽)!

I knew I should drink more fluids—water, soup or juice—and maybe take some medicine. But I couldn’t. Each time I tried to swallow, it hurt so much. So my dad took me to the hospital.

A doctor came in. He checked my throat. He then checked my lungs. After his examination, he said, “Nothing to worry about. You have the flu.”

“Why is it so serious?” I asked. “Can you give me some medicine so that I don’t suffer as much?”

“No.” the doctor said. “No medicine can cure (治愈) your flu. Don’t be sad. Your body is an amazing thing. It will cure itself without any help.” “What? My body will fix things on its own?” I cried in disbelief.

“Yes, your body’s immune system (免疫系统) will fight the virus (病毒) for you. No doctor or medicine will cure you.” repeated the doctor.

My tears rushed out. I had not realized this in the past. Everything had always seemed so natural. I’ve had my meals every day for thirteen years. I drink water like taking a breath—without thinking about it at all.

Now, I understand that even a simple thing like swallowing is like a miracle (奇迹). The parts of my body do their jobs amazingly well—and yet quietly, without me even noticing.

I don’t remember how many days it took me to be well again, but I do remember what my father told me. He said that we should all appreciate our bodies and the miracle of how they are built.


1.What was wrong with the girl?


2.What does the underlined word “it” refer to (指代)?


3.How old is the girl?


4.Why did the doctor not give her any medicine?




    I failed a test. I felt terrible. It hurt me both inside and out. I was embarrassed. Just think about it. 1.!

I cried. I could not sleep. “I was supposed to be at the top! How will I face my friends at school?” I thought. I would never be happy again. Never!

2.. She said, “So, you failed a test. But do you know about another test that is even more important?”

“What is it?” I looked at my mother, puzzled.

“It is whether or not you can learn from your mistake,” my mom continued. “3.. To me, that is more important than what you scored on a test.”


After a few days of struggling, I finally understood what my mom had said. She was right. 5.. I will walk away from this a better person.

A.What my mom said really made me think

B.My mom found out about my problem

C.I should not pity myself because of this one bad test

D.Learning from your mistakes will make you strong

E.A smart girl did not pass the test



    Nature is amazing! Take a close look at the world of insects (昆虫) and you will discover many unbelievable things. Consider butterflies, for example. They have beautiful, colorful wings, and strong. steady flying skills. On summer days, we see them flying gracefully over flower gardens and wild fields.

But, do you know that butterflies live three separate lives before they become the flying insects we all know? They begin their lives as one thing, change into another, and then another. Finally, they change into beautiful flying insects. It’s true. And it’s one of the wonders of nature.

In the beginning, there is an egg, it’s usually small and colorful. A female butterfly lays an egg on a leaf of a plant. When you look at this tiny egg, it’s hard to believe that in a few days, it will become something completely different.

In time, it changes into a new life. No longer the small egg becomes a walking insect. This insect is called a caterpillar. It now has legs, eyes, a mouth and a large body. A new life has begun. The caterpillar eats, and eats, and eats. It can walk. It can see. But it is still not a butterfly. Soon, after growing big, the Caterpillar makes a cover for itself. It wraps (包裹) itself in this nice protective blanket and goes to sleep. This stage (阶段) of a butterfly’s life is known as the “pupa” stage.

What happens next is truly amazing!

After a period of time, the blanket breaks and a wet, weak butterfly appears. It now has six legs, a mouth, eyes and wings. Soon, the wings fill with blood, and the beautiful, colorful butterfly spreads its wings and flies away.

After a few weeks pass, this adult butterfly lays her eggs, and the cycle begins all over again.

This is just one example of the wonders of nature. Look around the natural world, and you will learn many truly amazing things.

1.________ is a “caterpillar”.

A. B. C. D.

2.According to the passage, it’s clear that butterflies ________.

A.have three separate lives in all

B.have colorful wings with no legs

C.can be seen in flower gardens in summer

D.are small eggs with no color at the beginning

3.The last paragraph means we should ________.

A.take a close look at the insect world

B.protect all kinds of animals and plants

C.discover the different forms of different things

D.go into the nature and enjoy the wonders of the world




The Way Out

By Ming-da Wang

$450$199 Buy it now!


Words from readers

I couldn’t put the book down after I read some pages at my friend’s home. I borrowed it and read it over that night. I think it can help someone who is afraid to face family problems.

Sam Lee

The book saved my life. It opened a door that led me into a world of true love. I was able to look at the world around me with fresh new eyes.

Candy Vigor

The first part of the book really touched my heart and made me want to read on. However, I was getting bored when I came to the second part. In fact, I didn’t finish the book.

Rod Green

The book helped me forget about my worries. I laughed and cried with those people in the book. With its simple and clear language, people of all ages can enjoy it.

Vivian Lu




1.________ thinks the second part of the book is boring.

A.Rod Green B.Candy Vigor C.Sam Lee D.Vivian Lu

2.The book is probably about ________.

A.school education B.website safety C.travel lines D.family problems

3.We can know from the passage that ________.

A.Ming-da Wang tells his family stories in the book

B.everyone can find the ways of solving problems from the book

C.it’s the right time to buy the book because of the price at present

D.the book is only written for children with simple and clear language



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