满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

他没有生气,反而看起来挺高兴。 ______________ _________...


______________ ______________being annoyed, he seemed quite pleased.


Instead of 【解析】 根据句子结构可知,逗号后是完整的句子,这里应该是一个短语;结合句意和空后的being annoyed是动名词形式,这里考查短语instead of,意为“代替……,而不是”,后跟名词或动名词形式。故答案为Instead of。  


She didn't worry too much because she knew he would always______________ ______________for he.




The teacher is very______________ ______________students.





How's your day?

—Great. Today's______________ ____________!



    Li Wen is a normal 15-year-old boy from the countryside. He works very hard and does well in school. It is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school. When he was a little boy, he seldom caused any problems, and his family spent a lot of time together. However, things began to change a few years ago. His parents moved to the city to look for jobs, and his grandparents came to take care of him. But he missed his parents so much and he often felt lonely and unhappy.

Li Wen's unhappiness began to influence his schoolwork. He became less interested in studying. Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations. Finally, Li Wen's parents made the decision to send him to a boarding school. However, Li Wen was shy and was not able to make friends quickly in school. He found life there difficult. One day he told his teacher that he wanted to leave the school. His teacher was worried about him. And she called his parents. She advised them to talk with their son in person. So his parents took a 24-hour train and a 5-hour bus ride to get to Li Wen's school.

They had a long talk. "It was exactly what I needed," he said. Now I understand that even though they are busy, they are always thinking of me. They take pride in everything good I do.

After that, Li Wen's parents had much more communication with their son than they used to. Now Li Wen has really changed. He has become more outgoing and made some good friends in school. He has even joined the school basketball-team and become active in many other activities. "I'm much happier now, and I work even harder than I used to. I know my parents love me and they're always proud of me." says Li Wen. "It's very important for parents to be there for their children."

1.The main idea of this passage:


2.Li Wen's feeling after his parents moved to the city:


3.List two of Li Wen's problems at school after his parents first left him:


4.The event that makes him begin to become better:


5.Please find the phrases in the passage that has the same meaning as "They take pride in everything good I do."(请在本文中找与划线短语意思相同的短语)




    Almost each Chinese child has heard or read Journey to the West-one of the most famous Chinese1.(tradition)classics. All of them like the main character—the Monkey King or Sun Wukong. However, it wasn't popular2.1970s in England. In November 1979, pupils in England were able to watch a new program called Monkey. Most of them were hearing this story for the3.(one)time.

The Monkey King isn't4.usual monkey. In fact, he sometimes doesn't even look like a monkey! This is because he can make seventy-two changes to his shape and size, 5.(turn)himself into different animals and objects. But unless his tail6.(hide), he can't turn himself into a man.7.(fight)bad people, the Monkey King uses a magic stick. Sometimes he can make the stick small enough to keep it in his ear. At other times, he can make it big and long.

The Monkey King8.(excite)the children of China for many years. And as soon as the TV came out more than 30 years9., Western children became interested in reading this story because the clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help10.(weak)and never gives up.



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