满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A good friend is like a good book. A fri...

    A good friend is like a good book. A friend can ______ you out when you are in danger. A friend can ______ your problems. A friend can stay with you when you aren’t happy. Well, _____can be your friends? Your friends can be the people in your community. They live ______ you. Your friends can be your classmates. You study in the ______ class.

My name is Lisa. I have a friend named Sally. She is special to me. She is my classmate. When I meet problems, she is a good listener and tells me what is right ______ wrong. She is a model student in our class. She does well in all _____, so she always helps me with my study. ______ the help of her, I also do well in my study. She always comes to my home after school. My parents like her very much. My mom says Sally is her ______ daughter.

It is _____ for me to have a friend like Sally. I think she is my best friend in the world.

1.A.help B.give C.run D.play

2.A.ask for B.shout at C.listen to D.look at

3.A.what B.when C.who D.where

4.A.far from B.in front of C.behind D.near

5.A.different B.same C.big D.small

6.A.and B.or C.but D.so

7.A.subjects B.games C.sports D.jobs

8.A.In B.Under C.From D.With

9.A.first B.one C.second D.two

10.A.interesting B.lucky C.boring D.beautiful


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B 【解析】 这篇短文主要介绍了作者对朋友的定义和介绍了自己的好朋友sally之间的一些事情。 1. 句意:当你有危险时,朋友可以帮助你。 help 帮助;give给;run跑;play玩。根据下文“when you are in danger.”可知,这里是一个朋友能帮助你。短语help sb. out表示帮助某人。故选A。 2. 句意:朋友可以倾听你的问题。 ask for寻求;shout at大喊; listen to听; look at看。根据下文“A friend can stay with you when you aren’t happy.”可知,这里是朋友可以倾听你的问题。故选C。 3. 句意:谁能成为你的朋友? what什么;when当……的时候; who谁;where在哪儿;根据下文“Your friends can be the people in your community. They live ___4___ you. Your friends can be your classmates”可知,上文是在问谁能成为你的朋友。.故选C。 4. 句意:他们住的离你很近。 far from离……远;in front of在……前面;behind 在……后面;near在……附近。根据上文“Your friends can be the people in your community.”可知,这里是他们离你很近。故选D。 5. 句意:你的朋友可以是你的同学。你在同一个班学习。 different不同的;same 相同的; big大的;small小的。根据上文“Your friends can be your classmates.”可知,这里是他们在同一班学习。故选B。 6. 句意:当我遇到问题时,她是一个很好的倾听者,会告诉我什么是对是错。 and和,又;or否则,要然不;but但是;so因此。根据上文“When I meet problems, she is a good listener”可知,这里是能告诉我是对还是错。right和wrong在这里是选择关系。这里用or连接。故选B。 7. 句意:她各门功课都很好,所以她总是帮助我学习。 subjects 科目;games比赛; sports运动;jobs工作。根据下文“so she always helps me with my study.”可知,这里是她各门功课都很好。故选A。 8. 句意:在她的帮助下,我的学习也很好。 In在……里面;Under 在……下面;From从……;With带有,具有。根据与下文“I also do well in my study.”可知,上文是在她的帮助下。故选D。 9. 句意:我妈妈说莎莉是她的第二个女儿。 first 第一;one一; second 第二;two二。根据文中“She always comes to my home after school. My parents like her very much.”可知,作者的妈妈认为Sally是她的第二个女儿。这里表示第几个用序数词。故选C。 10. 句意:我很幸运有一个像莎莉这样的朋友。我想她是我最好的朋友。 interesting 有趣的; lucky幸运的;boring 无聊的;beautiful漂亮的。根据下文“I think she is my best friend in the world.”可知,这里是有一个像Sally.这样的朋友我很幸运。故选B。

— Listen! Jane________ in the music room.

— Yeah. She ________ there yesterday.

A.sings; sings B.is singing; sings C.sings; sang D.is singing; sang



—There is________with my computer.

— Oh, you can ask Mr. Green for help.

A.something wrong B.wrong something

C.anything wrong D.wrong anything



—Excuse me, ________ is Yingpanshan Park from here?

—It’s about two kilometers.

A.how long B.how often C.how far D.how much



Kangkang often helps the old woman ________ her dog in his free time.

A.look at B.look after C.look like D.look up



There are ________ floors in this building and Mr. Wang’s office is on ________floor.

A.twenty; twelfth B.twentieth; twelve

C.twentieth; twelfth D.twenty; the twelfth



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