满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Sometimes Dick and Jack drive to work. (...

Sometimes Dick and Jack drive to work. (改为同义句)

Sometimes Dick and Jack go to work ________  ________.


by car 【解析】 句意:有时迪克和杰克开车去上班。 根据句意理解可知,这里需要替换的是“开车去上班”,英语中可以表示为drive to work,也可以表示为go to work by car,所以所给的部分可以看出,这里应该填by car,这里by是介词,表示乘坐某种交通方式,故答案为by car。  

Wen Wei and his mother go shopping once a week. (对划线部分提问)

________  ________ do Wen Wei and his mother go shopping?



They are reading story books under the tree. (改为否定句)

They ________  ________ reading story books under the tree.




I like fishing with my parents on weekends. But my friends don’t understand(理解)it. They always ask me, “How can you sit with your parents for hours like that?” When they ask me, I never say a word.

Last Sunday, I went fishing with my parents in a small river. When we got there, I found a nice place to fish and sat down. My parents sat far away from me. I didn’t catch a fish after an hour or two. So I went to see my mom and dad. They didn’t catch anything. My dad said, “Let’s fish together. We may be lucky later.” I got my things and sat down with dad and mom. We started to talk and I told them about the most interesting teacher at school. We talked and laughed(大笑) for the rest of the day. Soon it was late. We didn’t catch any fish, but I had a great day. I now understand my parents better.

On the way home, I told my mom how much I wanted to have fish for dinner. “That’s a good idea. We can buy one from the supermarket. ” she said. We all looked at each other and laughed loudly. Just at that time, I realized(意识到)why I loved fishing with my parents.

1.Did they catch any fish last Sunday?


2.Where did they go fishing?


3.Why does the writer like fishing with his parents?


4.Do you want to go fishing with your parents? Why or why not?





A: Last Sunday I went to the zoo. What about you?

B: 1.

A: 2. Why didn’t you play soccer with your friends?

B: I had a lot of homework to do.

A: And what are you going to do this afternoon?

B: I don’t know. 3.

A: It’s sunny and warm. 4.

B: Wow, wonderful! The weather is fine. I’m going to fly kites.

A: How interesting it is!

B: Yes. 5.

A: Great. I’d like to.

A.Would you like to go with me?

B.How’s the weather today?

C.The temperature is 21.

D.I was in hospital.

E.It was warm.

F.What was the weather like last Sunday?

G.I was at home all day.



    Sometimes school life is very interesting for children, but sometimes it’s hard for them. Then as parents, you can help them to learn.

Sometimes your children may not like reading, then you must help them with their reading. You can keep good books and newspapers in the house. Let them see you reading. But how to help them? Take them to visit the library. Let children read to you, and talk about the books with them. What is the book about? What will people in the story do next?

After a day, your children become very tired. They may like watching TV and don’t do their homework. Then you should teach them how to use time. How long can they watch TV every day? What time should they get up and go to school? When should they do their homework and go to bed? You must teach them to do the right things at the right time.

Children may think school life is boring. It’s time for you to do something. You can talk with your children and listen to them. You can talk with them about their teachers and classmates. Listen to their interesting things or difficult subjects at school. You can also visit the school or talk with teachers on the phone.

If you can do these things with your children, they will like their school life and they will do well in their study.

1.The passage (短文) is for ________ .

A.children B.parents C.teachers D.classmates

2.Parents may NOT ________ when children think they have a boring school life.

A.visit the school B.talk with teachers on the phone

C.watch TV alone D.listen to their hard math problems

3.The passage mainly (主要地) tells us________.

A.how to help children with reading

B.how to help children use time

C.how to talk with children in everyday life

D.some ways to help children about their school life

4.If we put the passage into three parts (部分), which of the following is the best?

(=Para.(自然段)1 =Para.2  =Para.3  =Para.4  =Para.5)

A.; ②③④;  B.①②; ③④;

C.①②; ; ④⑤ D.①②③; ;



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