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Recently, the result of the national rea...

Recently, the result of the national reading survey has been announced and it paints a brighter future for reading habits in the Internet times. Last year, 21,270 men from 55 cities answered the survey . It showed that the Chinese people's reading rate increased slightly over the year before. Reading rate means the percentage of citizens regularly reading books, newspapers and digital (数字) reading materials.

The survey shows that the daily reading time and yearly reading number of paper books, printed newspapers and magazines have dropped, while digital reading has continuously increased. Every day Chinese people use different digital devices like mobile phones, personal computers or iPads for 100.41 minutes on average (平均), 15.5 percent higher than the year before.

According to the survey, Chinese people's reading habits have changed because mobile provide more chances to get different kinds of reading materials on digital platforms. More  than 50 percent of the Chinese people who were interviewed prefer digital reading, mostly on mobile phones.

Another interesting result is that an increasing number of people like to listen to audiobooks (有声读物). More than 30 percent of the people who answered the survey listen to audiobooks, higher than the year before. It may have something to do with the way people go to and from work-many people in the countryside drive or take public transport for long hours, which leads to the greater need for audiobooks.

People's reading habits are changing with social changes. In my opinion, the relevant authorities(相关机构) should pay attention to it and shouldn't fall behind.


The National Reading Survey

the result of the survey

Chinese people's reading habits are changing and reading rate is going 1. .

Three changes

Printed books are not as popular as digital materials.

Chinese people spend more time reading digital books.

Chinese people read 2. paper books, printed newspapers and magazines.

Reading on mobile phones is becoming a habit.

Different kinds of reading materials can be got on mobile phones.

Over a 3. of the Chinese people who were interviewed prefer to read on mobile phones.

Audiobooks are welcomed.

More people begin to listen to audiobooks.

Listening to audiobooks can help to 4. being bored on the the way to and from work.

The writer's opinion

Social changes influence people's reading habits. The relevant authorities should notice and 5. the changes.





1.up 2.fewer 3.half 4.avoid/stop/prevent 5.follow 【解析】 这是一篇说明文,文章讲述全国阅读调查的结果,中国人的阅读发生了三个明显的变化,作者认为社会的变化影响着人们的阅读习惯,相关部门注意到并跟随这些变化。 1. 句意:中国人的阅读习惯正在改变,阅读率在上升。 根据第一段“It showed that the Chinese people's reading rate increased slightly”可知阅读率在上升,此处用increase的近义表达go up。故答案为up。 2. 句意:中国人读纸质的书、印刷的报纸和杂志更少。 根据第二段“the daily reading time and yearly reading number of paper books, printed newspapers and magazines have dropped”可知,纸质的书、印刷的报纸和杂志的每日阅读时间和年阅读量在下降,fewer和less都表示“较少的”,fewer修饰可数名词,less修饰不可数名词,原句中books是可数名词,所以此处填fewer。故答案为fewer。 3. 句意:被采访的一半以上的中国人更喜欢在手机上阅读。 根据第三段“More than 50 percent of the Chinese people who were interviewed prefer digital reading, mostly on mobile phones”可知超过50%,也就是超过一半,用over a half。故答案为half。 4. 句意:听有声读物能帮助避免在上下班的路上感到无聊。 根据“people go to and from work-many people in the countryside drive or take public transport for long hours, which leads to the greater need for audiobooks”上下班要坐很长时间的车导致了有声读物的需求增长,可知此处用动词avoid或者stop或者prevent表示“避免,阻止”。故答案为avoid/stop/prevent。 5. 句意:相关部门应该注意到并跟随这些变化。 根据最后一段“the relevant authorities should pay attention to it and shouldn't fall behind”可知此处用not fall behind(不掉队,不落后)的近义表达follow,表示“紧跟步伐,跟随”。故答案为follow。

    Friends bring joy and fun to our life. To most of us, it's always easy to make friends but hard to go on one more step closer to our friends. The tips below will help you.

● Be yourself with your friends

Sometimes your friends may find out that your true personality is completely different from what they thought it was. In order not to make them lose trust in you, find some proper time to tell them what you really often do and like to do. And they may understand you.

● Get through the difficult times with small tricks

People never know what kind of chocolate they are going to taste. It is true of life. When your friends taste the bad one, why not tell something funny about yourself, like "Am I like a round ball?" Hearing this, your friends may be happy again. The best friends may not always agree with each other and even have few words for days. Some small tricks like telling jokes or calling him or her nickname(绰号) may help you get along with your friends better.

● Find proper ways to communicate warmly

There is no doubt that people like to communicate with their close friends as often as possible. Remember those special days in your friends' lives. Sometimes you book a table to help celebrate your friend's birthday, but when you call her, she tells you her birthday is not that day. Don't make it happen and remember the exact date. Having regular activities also provides good chances to meet and chat with your friends. Make sure your friends will come and have fun.


If you want to build a stronger friendship, please read the following suggestions. First, remember to be honest and open with your friends, and let your friends know your habit and 1. . Second, life is full of ups and downs. When your friends are unhappy, you can tell something funny about the shape of your own 2. to cheer them up. You can play small tricks when your friends and you are not in 3. . Third, it's always meaningful to contact your friends often. Every important day in your friend's life counts. Make sure the date you remember is 4. your friend's important day. What's more, organize some activities and invite your friends join you. In a word, the tips above can 5. , and your friendship will last forever.



    A man had a garden. He planted a rose and watered it c1.. Before the rose blossomed(盛开), he noticed many thorns() around the bud(花蕾) and he thought, “H2. can any beautiful flower come from a plant with so many sharp thorns?” Because of this i3., he lost interest in this kind of plant, then he gave up watering the rose. And just b4. it was ready to blossom, it died.

Good qualities are just like roses. There is a rose in e5. spirit. The good qualities planted in us at birth, grow among the thorns our weaknesses. Many of us look at o6. and we only see our weaknesses. We lose heart, thinking that n7. good can possibly come from us. We give up watering the roses in us, and slowly they die. We never realize the g8. of being able to find out our good qualities.

Someone may not see the rose in himself, so we need to help him d9. the rose. With love, we can accept a person into our life, even though we know his true weaknesses. At the same time, we should e10. him to face his weaknesses bravely and correct them. Then he will blossom many times.



At yesterday's meeting, I__________(控制) the speed of speaking and made myself heard clearly.



Every Monday, we watch the raising of the national flag in the playground__________(除非) it rains.



Please__________(……圈起来)the new words and look them up in the dictionary.



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