满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

你什么时候去邮局? When will you go to the ______...


When will you go to the ________ ________?


post office 【解析】 通过中英文句子对照可知,英文句子中缺少“邮局”的表达;“邮局”post office,固定词组,故答案为post office。  

不要担心你妈妈, 她现在没事了。

Don't ________ ________ your mother. She is OK now.



A: Morning, Jack.

B: Morning, Lucy 1.

A: Yes. I'll go to Sunshine Park with my cousins.

B: Sunshine Park? 2.

A: It's in the south (南部) of the city.

B: 3.

A: It's about 20 kilometres from here. .

B: 4.

A: No, we will take the underground there.

B: 5.

A: Because it is a new park and the scenery (风景) there is beautiful. Why don't you go with us?

B: Good idea! See you tomorrow.

A.Where is it?

B.When will you leave?

C.How far is it from here?

D.Are you going there by bus?

E.Why do you want to go there?

F.Have you got any plans for tomorrow?

G.What will you do there?



    When I was a child, my father had to do three jobs for a family of seven. Every time I saw him come back late, looking tired, I thought that I would show (展现) my thanks to my father for what he did.

Later, my father had a heart problem. One morning, his old car broke down and he asked me to pick him up from the hospital. At that time, I wanted to buy a car for him. I asked my father to go with me to pick a car. When I started talking with the seller, I found my father was interested in a brown car.

Several days later, I asked my father if he could go with me to pick up my new car. As we got there, the seller gave him a key to his new car-the brown one and said that it was for him, from me. My father looked at me in great surprise (惊讶). I told him that it was my dream when I was a child. I smiled at this man, a great man who had given up (放弃) everything for his family.

1.How many people are there in the family?

A.6. B.7. C.8. D.9

2.What was wrong with the writer's father?

A.He had a heart problem. B.He had a tooth problem.

C.He had a foot problem. D.He had a hand problem.

3.What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined phrase (下划线短语)?

A.打破 B.坏了 C.休息 D.碎了

4.The brown car made the writer's father ________.

A.sad B.tired C.surprised D.strict

5.From the passage we know that ________.

A.The writer loved his/her father very much.

B.The writer was not very rich.

C.The father didn't do a lot for his family.

D.The father still liked his old car.



    The Greens are English. Now they are in Beijing. This is their first visit to China. They will stay in China for three weeks. They will visit some big cities.

Mr. Green is a photographer (摄影师). He likes taking photos very much, so they will go sightseeing and take photos of some famous places in China. Mrs. Green is a teacher. She will visit a middle school in Beijing with Mr. Green. And they will learn Chinese from the students. They will also do some shopping in China. When they are back to England, they are going to show the photos to their friends. They want Englishmen to know more about China.

1.Where are the Greens from?

A.America B.England C.Australia D.China

2.How long will the Greens stay in China?

A.For three weeks B.For two weeks C.For three days D.For one month

3.What will the Greens do in China?

A.They will visit some villages. B.They will learn English.

C.They will take a boat tour. D.They'll go sightseeing.

4.Why are the Greens going to show the photos to their friends?

A.Because they are very happy.

B.Because the photos are beautiful.

C.Because this is their first visit to China.

D.Because they want Englishmen to know more about China.

5.Which of the following is right?

A.Mrs. Green likes taking photos.

B.Mrs. Green will visit a middle school in Tianjin.

C.The Greens will do some shopping in China.

D.Mrs. Green is a nurse.



    Thomas Edison was a ______ American inventor (发明家). ______ he was a child, he was always trying out new things. His mother loved him very much. She ______ him Tom. Young Tom was ______ school for only three ______. During those three months, he asked his teacher a lot of ______. Most of the questions were not ______ his lessons.

His teacher thought he wasn't clever and told his mother to take ______ out of school.

Edison's mother had to ______ him herself. Edison learnt very quickly. He read a lot, and later he became very interested in science and invented (发明) _______useful things, it is said that his inventions  (发明物) are over 2,000.

1.A.famous B.poor C.sad D.difficult

2.A.When B.What C.Why D.Who

3.A.spoke B.told C.called D.said

4.A.at B.out C.on D.by

5.A.hours B.months C.days D.years

6.A.stories B.questions C.prices D.answers

7.A.in B.about C.at D.with

8.A.his B.her C.him D.me

9.A.write B.read C.teach D.spell

10.A.a few B.some C.a little D.many



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