满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Humans are social animals. They live in ...

    Humans are social animals. They live in groups all over the world. As these groups of people live apart from other groups, over the years and centuries they develop their own habits and ideas, which form different cultures. One important particular side of every culture is how its people deal with time.

Time is not very important in non industrial societies. The Nuer people of East Africa, for example, do not even have a word TIME that is in agreement with the abstract thing we call time. The daily lives of the people of such non industrial societies are likely to be patterned around their physical needs and natural events rather than around a time schedule (时间表) based on the clock. They cook and eat when they are hungry and sleep when the sun goes down. They plant crops during the growing seasons and harvest them when the crops are ripe. They measure time not by a clock or calendar(日历), but by saying that an event takes place before or after some other event. Frequently such a society measures day in terms of “sleeps” or longer periods in terms of “moons”. Some cultures, such as the Eakinos of Greenland measure seasons according to the migration of certain animals.

Some cultures which do not have a written language or keep written records have developed interesting ways of “telling time”. For example, when several Australian aborigines want to plan an event for a future time, one of them places a stone on a cliff or in a tree. Each day the angle of the sun changes slightly. In a few days, the rays of the sun strike the stone in a certain way. When this happens, the people see that the agreed - upon time has arrived and the event can take place.

In contrast (成对比), exactly correct measurement of time is very important in modern, in detribalized societies. This is because industrialized societies require the helpful efforts of many people in order to work. For a factory to work efficiently (well, quickly and without waste), for example , all of the workers must work at the same time, Therefore, they must know what time to start work in the morning and what time they may go home in the afternoon. Passengers must know the exact time that an airplane will arrive or depart. Students and teachers need to know when a class starts and ends. Stores must open on time in order to serve their customers. Complicated (复杂的) societies need clocks and calendars. Thus, we can see that if each person worked according to his or her own schedule, a complicated society could hardly work at all.

1.By saying “Humans are social animals”, the author means ________.

A.they live all over the world.

B.they are different from other animals

C.they live in one area as a whole

D.they are divided into many groups

2.Time is not very important in non industrial societies. This is because people in those societies ________.

A.don’t have the word TIME in their languages

B.don’t get used to using clocks and other timepieces

C.don’t measure time in their daily lives

D.don’t need to plan their daily lives around an exact time schedule

3.The Australian aborigines’ way of “telling time” is based on ________.

A.the change of the sun rays

B.the movement of the earth in relation to the sun

C.the position of the stone

D.the position of the tree or the cliff

4.Which of the following night be the best title for this passage?

A.Time and Culture

B.The Measurement of Time

C.Time schedule and Daily Life

D.Clock, Calendar and Society


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.A 【解析】 人类是群居动物,经过很长时间,形成了不同的文化。非工业社会人民很可能是围绕着他们的生理需求和自然事件而不是根据时间安排日常生活,工业化社会需要许多人的一起才能工作,准确地测量时间在现代社会是非常重要的。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段“They live in groups all over the world.”——他们在世界各地群居,可知人类是群居动物;故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段“The daily lives of the people of such non industrial societies are likely to be patterned around their physical needs and natural events rather than around a time schedule (时间表) based on the clock” 非工业社会人民的日常生活很可能是围绕着他们的生理需求和自然事件而不是根据时间安排;所以非工业社会人民不需要按照精确的时间表安排他们的日常生活,故选D。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段“the rays of the sun strike the stone in a certain way. When this happens, the people see that the agreed - upon time has arrived and the event can take place.” —— 可知澳大利亚的土著是根据太阳光的变化来确定时间;故选A。 4.最佳标题。本篇讲述人类经过很长时间,形成了不同的文化;非工业社会人民根据他们的生理需求和自然事件安排时间,工业化社会需要许多人的一起才能工作,准确地测量时间在现代社会是非常重要,故选A。

    Everyone wants to succeed in their life, don’t they? Even as a teenager, you can achieve success in your life. It really isn’t so hard. Just follow the steps below.

Do well at school.

No matter how boring it is now, education will help you find your place in society. Try the best you can such as listening to teachers, doing your homework seriously, and facing difficulties bravely. They will help you enter a better university and enable you to get a great job in the future . School sets you up on the right track!

Find out your goals in life and work towards them.

Start thinking about jobs you would like to take in future. You can work towards non-job-related goals first, such as getting good grades at school, joining a team sport, and taking up a hobby, etc. It will help you know yourself better. Discover and try new things, and you might be surprised at what you can do!

Have good friends

Friends are there to support you and lift your spirits. Be with people who can share your happiness and sadness, and oppositely, ditch the ones who can’t. Create a group of supportive, loving friends that can help you succeed in life ad live your dreams. Find a few really good friends that will stick with you once you leave your school.

Help out in your community

Volunteering can not only improve yourself, but also make you happier. Studies show that people who volunteer are less likely to develop depression anger and other bad feelings than people who don’t.________________For example, if you love animals volunteer at an animal shelter,if you love helping the environment, plant trees. Having lots of volunteer hours will make you taste different parts of live. More importantly, when you help others, you’re making a big difference in the world.

1.If you want to do well at school, you should____________.

A.find your place B.go to a better university

C.get a good job D.pay attention to teachers’ words

2.Which of the following is close to the underlined sentence in paragraph 2?

A.If you want to go to school,you should find a right way.

B.People always set up schools on the right road.

C.Learning at school can help you live a happy life.

D.Education will help you to make right choices and succeed.

3.The word“ditch”in paragraph 4 probably means“____________”.

A.learn from B.keep in touch with C.stay away from D.communicate with

4.Choose the best sentence for the blank“____________”in paragraph 5.

A.Find volunteer opportunities that interest you.

B.Develop your personal skills and confidence.

C.Respect other volunteers in your community.

D.Make friends with more volunteers.



    Have you ever rubbed your hands together when they get cold? Why do we do that? We do that for friction. Friction happens when two things that aren’t very smooth rub together to make heat energy. The faster you rub two things together, the more friction ( and heat) you can make. Let’s discover friction!

WHAT YOU’LL NEED:·Soap ·Water· Your hands!


1. Make sure your hands are dirty.

2. Rub your hands together until you feel the heat of your hands.

3. Now, use soap and water to get your hands very slippery(滑的).

4. Try to make friction happen while your hands are slippery.

5. Please write down what has happened.


Friction is an energy that happens when two things rub together. When friction happens, it makes heat! When your hands are slippery, they won’t make very much friction and your hands won’t get so hot.


(1)Friction happens when you stop your fast running bike.

(2)Ancient people made fires by rubbing two pieces of wood together. Friction happened though they didn’t know it.


Friction is everywhere. Have you ever noticed situations where friction is happening? If not, ask your parents to take you out in a car. If it is not hot, touch the tires(轮胎) of the car before and after a short drive to see how much warmer they get from friction.

1.This passage is most probably ____________.

A.a science report B.a car advertisement

C.a rubbing introduction D.a chemistry program

2.____________ is not an example of friction.

A.Bike riding B.Car driving C.Hands rubbing D.Friction discovering

3.What’s the last column(栏目)?






Mr Wu is an English teacher. Last Monday at the beginning of class, he_______asked his students how their weekends had been. One girl said that she had spent a _______ weekend—she had her wisdom teeth pulled out and they still hurt. “Why do you always seem to be so happy, Mr Wu?” she asked.

The girl's question_______ Mr Wu of something he had read somewhere before. “Every morning when you get up, you have a _______ about how you want to get close to life that day,” Mr Wu said with a smile. “I choose to be cheerful.”

“And today is my _______ day,” he added.

“Why ?” The students’ eyes opened wide. The whole class were curious.

“This morning, I _______to school as usual. I only had to go another kilometer down the road when my e-bike broke down...”

“Your e-bike broke down and you are happy?” The students were _______. “What do you mean, Mr Wu?”

“My e-bike broke down a quarter before class, so I _______ it on the roadside, took my books, and_______down the road. It took me ten minutes to arrive at the school. I live eight kilometers away. My e-bike could have broken down ________ along the way. But it didn't. But, it broke down in the________ place—off the main road, within walking distance of here. I'm still able to teach my class, I'll be able to get it repaired after class ________and I can get back home on my e-bike. If my e-bike must break down ________, it couldn't be arranged(安排)in a better way.”

The students smiled. Mr Wu smiled back. Somehow, his story had ________ them. He was happy that they had a perfect chance to consider ________in a new way.

1.A.proudly B.cheerfully C.seriously D.angrily

2.A.busy B.satisfying C.terrible D.meaningful

3.A.reminded B.warned C.told D.thought

4.A.question B.task C.dream D.choice

5.A.awful B.faithful C.busy D.lucky

6.A.walked B.ran C.drove D.rode

7.A.surprised B.bored C.impatient D.nervous

8.A.repaired B.checked C.left D.found

9.A.rode B.walked C.drove D.skated

10.A.somewhere B.anywhere C.everywhere D.nowhere

11.A.middle B.dangerous C.perfect D.bad

12.A.hard B.secretly C.exactly D.rapidly

13.A.yesterday B.that day C.tomorrow D.today

14.A.hurt B.touched C.controlled D.worried

15.A.dream B.purpose C.wish D.luck



— Playing video games is really a waste of time.

— _________. There are more meaningful things to do.

A.I can’t agree more B.I hope so C.I have no idea D.I’m afraid not



—I promise that I will read English for half an hour every morning from now on, mum.

—Really? ________.

A.Every dog has its day

B.Practice makes perfect

C.Many hands make light work

D.Actions speak louder than words



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