满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My little brother likes to jump up and__...

My little brother likes to jump up and______ like a monkey.


down 【解析】 句意:我的弟弟喜欢像猴子一样跳上跳下。 根据“like a monkey”可知动词jump后面用副词短语up and down修饰,表示“上上下下”。故答案为down。  

Climbers is an exciting movie. I'm going to______ it.



July is the seventh______ of the year.



Carol often goes to school______ bike. It's good for her health.



    人生的每一次经历都是一种学习和提升。2019年新型冠状病毒在中国和全球蔓延,我们见证了全国人民居家隔离,医务人员驰援武汉,学生停课不停学等战“疫”行动,这些都带给我们许多思考和启发。请以“A Life Lesson I Learned"为题,用英语写一篇短文。



A Life Lesson I Learned




A: Does your son share everyday chores?

B: 1. How about your daughter?

A: Well, she did little housework except for her homework. 2.

B: Probably we should change our mind. It’s important to develop kids’ hardworking spirit and form good working habits through both school and family education.

A: Sounds right. 3.

B: 4.

A: I agree. 5.

B: Sure, the more skills they have, the more problems they can deal with.

A.After all, they will leave parents and face the challenges in life.

B.78% students don’t help with everyday chores.

C.But what should we do?

D.Well, schools can give students some real-world work experience, while parents can help kids learn to do chores at home.

E.Not really.

F.However, this has not been done in recent years.

G.We expect she can spend all her spare time on school work.



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