满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Set your imagination free. Children’s imagination is amazing. They can always create things that surprise everyone. To _______ children’s imagination, New York City will hold an activity called the Inventgenuity Festival for children.

The Inventgenuity Festival is all about thinking and _______things. It is held for children aged from seven to sixteen. Parents are also able to _______the festival. There will be many different kinds of workshops in the festival. Children are_______to create things in those  workshops. For example, they can make things  _______ funny hand-made T-shirts  or  cartoon toy dolls. No one will tell them _______to make these things. They create everything with their imagination. Besides making things, children can see a wonderful movie called A trip to the Sun in a_______during the festival.

In the festival, children are asked to do most of the work by themselves ._______, if the work is too difficult for them, they can ask their children for_______.To take part in the festival, children need to register first, and then________ the workshops they like on the website. One child can take part in two workshops at a time.

1.A.develop B.use C.catch D.leave

2.A.watching B.finding C.buying D.making

3.A.come over B.take part in C.hear about D.stay away from

4.A.free B.busy C.exhausted D.scared

5.A.by B.like C.except D.for

6.A.where B.when C.why D.how

7.A.theater B.station C.restaurant D.shop

8.A.Whatever B.Whenever C.Wherever D.However

9.A.help B.money C.time D.trouble

10.A.describe B.build C.choose D.close


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文,文章介绍纽约市为了发展孩子们的想象力,举办的创意发明节的活动。介绍了活动上孩子们可以做的事情以及如何参加这个活动。 1. 句意:为了发展孩子们的想象力,纽约市将给孩子们举办叫做创意发明节的活动。 develop发展;use使用;catch捉住;leave离开。根据“children’s imagination”可知此处用动词develop。故选A。 2. 句意:创意发明节是关于思考和制作东西。 watching观看;finding找到;buying购买;making制作。根据后文“they can make things ”可知此处用动名词making。故选D。 3. 句意:父母也能参加这个节日活动。 come over过来;take part in参加;hear about得知;stay away from回避。根据“festival”可知此处用动词短语take part in表示“参加”。故选B。 4. 句意:孩子们在那些工作室里有自由去创造事物。 free自由;busy忙碌的;exhausted疲惫的;scared害怕的。根据“create things”及“They create everything with their imagination”可知此处用be free to do表示“有做某事的自由”。故选A。 5. 句意:例如,他们能制作东西,比如有趣的自制的T恤或者卡通玩具娃娃。 by通过,靠着;like像;except除了;for为了。根据“funny hand-made T-shirts or cartoon toy dolls”可知此处在举例,用介词like。故选B。 6. 句意:没有人告诉他们怎样制作这些东西。 where哪儿;when什么时间;why为什么;how怎样。根据“make these things. They create everything with their imagination”可知没人告诉他们怎样做,全凭他们自己想象,此处用how。故选D。 7. 句意:除了制作东西,孩子们还可以节日期间在剧院里看一个精彩的电影叫做《太阳之旅》。 theater剧院;station车站;restaurant餐馆;shop商店。根据“see a wonderful movie”可知是在电影院看电影用名词theater。故选A。 8. 句意:然而,如果工作对他们来说很难,他们可以找孩子们帮忙。 whatever不管什么;whenever无论何时;wherever无论哪儿;however然而。前后是转折的关系,此处用however,并用逗号与后面句子隔开。故选D。 9. 句意:然而,如果工作对他们来说很难,他们可以找孩子们帮忙。 help帮助;money钱;time时间;trouble麻烦。此处用ask for help表示“寻求帮助”。故选A。 10. 句意:为了参加这个节日庆祝活动,孩子们需要首先注册,然后在网上选择他们喜欢的工作室。 describe描述;build建造;choose选择;close关闭。根据“the workshops they like”可知此处用动词choose表示“选择”。故选C。

阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从下列各题所给的A BCD项中选出最佳选项。

Women are friendly. But men are more competitive. Why? Researchers _______    it's all  down to the hormone oxytocin(荷尔蒙催生素). Although known as the love hormone, _______    it differently affects the sexes." Women are often social in_______behavior. They often share with others. But men are often competitive. They are trying _______their social status," said Professor Ryan.

Generally, people believe that the hormone oxytocin is let out in our body in various  social situations and our body creates_______it during positive social interactions( 互动 )   such as falling in love or giving birth.  But in _______former experiment Professor Ryan has found that the hormone is _______let out in our body during negative social interactions such as envy. _______research shows that in men the hormone oxytocin improves the ability to recognize competitive relationships, but in women it raises the ability to recognize friendship.

Professor Ryan's recent experiment used 62 men and women_______ 20 to 37. Half of them received   oxytocin. ________half received placebo(安慰剂). After a week, the two groups received the opposite. They went through the same process with the other material.

Following each treatment, they were shown some video pictures with different social interactions. Then they________  to examine the relationships by answering some questions. The questions were about telling friendship ________competition. And their answers should be based on gestures, body language and facial expressions.

The results showed that, after treatment with oxytocin, ________ ability to recognize competitive relationships improved, but in women it was the ability to correctly recognize friendship that got better.

Professor Ryan thus concluded: "Our experiment proves that the hormone oxytocin ________raise people's ability to recognize different social interactions. And the differences between men and women are caused by biological influences________are mainly hormonal."

1.A.have found B.found C.has found D.finds

2.A.but B./ C.however D.so

3.A.theirs B.them C.their D.they

4.A.improve B.improved C.improving D.to improve

5.A.the number of B.a large number of C.a large amount of D.the amount of

6.A.a B.an C.with D./

7.A.as well B.too C.either D.also

8.A.Further B.Farther C.far D.farer

9.A.aging B.age C.ages D.aged

10.A.the other B.other C.another D.the others

11.A.asked B.ask C.has asked D.were asked

12.A.to B.about C.of D.from

13.A.men B.man C.men’s D.man’s

14.A.must B.can C.should D.ought to

15.A.what B.who C.how D.that





1. 列举生活中至少两种不文明现象并写出各自产生的影响;

2. 提出至少三条争做文明中学生的建议;

3. 发出争做文明中学生的号召。


1. 词数80100词,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 文中不能出现真实的学校名称和姓名;

3. 可以适当发挥。

Hello, everyone! My name is Li Hua. Nowadays, people care more about our grades. In fact, good behavior is as important as good grades. However,_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    I believe we'll be better students as long as we behave ourselves.

    That's all. Thanks for listening.





Students Wanted for School Show

Time: From 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Friday, August 28th

Place: In the school music hall

Email: Sandy0717@qq. com

Come and show us!



Dear Sandy,

I am happy to get the information about the school show on 1., August 28th. I want to 2. in it. I'm good at singing and I can play the guitar, 3.. Could I get a chance please?

Looking forward to your reply!




Dear Sandy,

I'd like to take part in the school show in the music 4.. I'm in the school band. I can play the drums. And I can also dance. I really hope to 5. myself. Can I be a member?

Please reply to me soon.






    A new report from a university says 80% of the world's teens don't get enough exercise very day. The report was based on (基于) a research done with about 2 million students aged 11 to 17 around the world. According to the report, activity standards are different in different countries and they are also different between boys and girls. In China, for example, only 20% of the boys are active enough, compared to 11% of the girls.

Why don't teens go out for exercise? One main reason is that they always have technology products in their hands or around them. They spend too much time on smartphones, computers and TVs in their free time. Many teens find it very hard to pull themselves away from these devices (设备). The report says that young people need to do less in the digital world but more the real world. It advises kids to get at least an hour of exercise every day. This could include running, biking, playing sports, or many other outdoor activities.

More and more research shows that exercise not only helps the body, but also helps the brain. Besides, doing sports helps kids to make friends. Mark, a sports fan, started to play football when he was six years old. He used to be shy and weak, but now he has become taller and stronger. He gets to know the importance of communicating with his teammates and hoy to learn from mistakes and failure. And he has made lots of friends with the same interest. They often have football training on the playground. They have more to talk about and enjoy the happiness after training.


1.How many students around the world took part in the research?


2.Are activity standards the same between boys and girls according to the report?


3.What does the report advice kids to do


4.When did Mark start to play football?


5.Where do Mark and his teammates often have football training?




New Greeting Ways

The novel coronavirus has made a big difference 1. our lives. In many countries, it has also changed the 2. people greet each other. To help stop the spread of coronavirus, people give up their usual greeting styles and invent safe ways. Let's 3. at them.

In France and Italy, people learn to use their 4. to greet people instead of kissing or hugging. In Iran, people try to shake 5. rather than shake hands. An official from the WHO gives us three suggestions: waving hands, Thai "wai" and bumping elbows.

What do you think of these new greetings?



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