满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It is a hot summer day. Clara is drinkin...

    It is a hot summer day. Clara is drinking juice in the yard. Her mom is cutting grass with a lawnmower (割草机). The lawnmower is loud, and Clara wishes her mom would play with her instead. But mom says the grass is very long and has to be cut.

Suddenly, the lawnmower stops. Clara’s mom looks upset. Clara wonders what is wrong. Her mom picks something up out of the grass, and walks to Clara.

Clara’s mom has a little turtle in her hand! As Clara looks closer, she sees that one leg is in bad shape. “I think I broke its leg,” Clara’s mom says. “I’m really sorry. Will you help me nurse it back to health?”

Clara feels bad for the little turtle. Turtles move slowly, so it probably could not run away when it saw the lawnmower coming. And Clara’s mom could not see it in the long grass! It was a mistake, but Clara and her mom will make it right. Clara names the turtle Phillip.

They take Phillip to the vet. The vet takes an X-ray of Phillip’s leg, and makes sure that it is broken. The turtle gets a little splint(夹板)and bandage. The vet tells Clara that the turtle needs plants to eat, water to drink and a place to live in. Clara and her mom buy a small tank (水箱) for Phillip on the way home.

At home, Clara takes good care of Phillip. She puts water and rocks in the tank. She brings him fruit and leaves to eat, and keeps his tank clean.

After eight weeks, Clara and her mom take Phillip back to the vet, who says that his leg is healthy again. Clara is both happy and sad. Happy because Phillip is better, but sad because she has to let him go. When Clara gets home, she feeds Phillip some fruit, kisses his back and says goodbye, then lets him go in the yard. Clara will always remember Phillip.

1.Clara’s mom looks upset because ________.

A.she can’t play with Clara B.the grass is too long to cut

C.the lawnmower doesn’t work D.she hurts the turtle by mistake

2.What does the underlined word “vet” mean?

A.兽医 B.药剂师 C.饲养员 D.驯兽师

3.Clara provides ________ for Phillip.

A.some fruit, water and grass B.a tank, some leaves and water

C.a splint, a tank and some rocks D.a bandage, some water and leaves

4.What does Clara do after Phillip becomes healthy?

A.She takes him to get an X-ray. B.She feeds him some leaves.

C.She lets him go. D.She keeps him as a pet in the yard.

5.What do you think of Clara? She is ________.

A.kind B.polite C.careless D.creative


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了克拉拉的妈妈在除草时不小心弄断了一只小乌龟的腿,于是克拉拉在兽医的建议下悉心的照料小乌龟。小乌龟恢复健康之后,克拉拉将它重新放回了大自然。 1.细节理解题。根据第三段“I think I broke its leg”可知,克拉拉的妈妈为自己不小心弄伤小乌龟的腿而感到沮丧。故选D。 2.词句猜测题。根据第五段“The vet takes an X-ray of Phillip’s leg, and makes sure that it is broken”可知,小乌龟的腿受伤了,所以克拉拉好妈妈带它去看兽医,故划线部分vet意为“兽医”。故选A。 3.细节理解题。根据第五、六段“Clara and her mom buy a small tank (水箱) for Phillip on the way home…She puts water and rocks in the tank. She brings him fruit and leaves to eat”可知,克拉拉给小乌龟准备了水箱、水、石头、水果和树叶。故选B。 4.细节理解题。根据最后一段“…lets him go in the yard”可知,菲利普重获健康之后,克拉拉让它离开了。故选C。 5.推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,克拉拉悉心照顾受伤的小乌龟,在小乌龟痊愈之后便让它离开了,由此可见她是一个善良的人。故选A。

— I wonder_________.

— Well, I think Qingfeng Lake Park is a good choice.

A.what I shall sell at my street stall(货摊)

B.whom I could open a street stall with

C.if I can open a street stall after work

D.which is the best place for a street stall



By the end of 2025, garbage-sorting systems (垃圾分类系统) will be ________ in Dongying.

A.set up B.given up C.shut off D.brought out



We should__________to buy products that come from wild animals. A large number of them are in danger.

A.stop B.decide C.refuse D.continue



We asked 200 students in our school about whether they wanted a younger brother or sister. Here are the results.

It shows that ________ percent of them don’t want to have one. This is a big problem.

A.10 B.40 C.50 D.80



Many students hated to have classes on DingTalk, ________ they gave it one-star reviews(评价).

A.so B.or C.but D.while



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