满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It might be fun to use your smartphone, ...

    It might be fun to use your smartphone, but be careful. Too much screen time may be harmful to your health.

First, it is bad for your eyes. A researcher called Sarah Hinkley says the problem comes from the blue light that the screen gives out. Looking at a smartphone for a long time can cause eye strain(劳损), headaches and dry eyes. So it is a good idea to take a break every 15 minutes when you are working at a computer or using a smartphone.

Second, screen use can do harm to children’s brains. A new study shows that using screens too much can affect(影响) how children’s brains grow. If children use screens for more than one hour a day, they might have lower levels of white matter in their brains. White matter is a key to the development of language and reading skills. So it is wise to cut down the time of children using all kinds of screens.

Third, using screens too much will affect your sleep. According to a study, about 95% of the people between the ages of 13 and 64 use electronics before bed, especially the young people under 20. Doctors say that the light from those electronics at night may make you excited before you go to bed. Then it’s hard for you to get enough sleep. So you’d better turn off smartphones, TVs, and all other screens an hour before your bedtime.

To keep healthy, doctors and researchers strongly advise that you shouldn’t use screens for long hours.

1.The blue light from your screens can cause ________.

A.eyestrain B.headaches C.dry eyes D.all of the above

2.According to the passage, you can’t sleep well because you ________.

A.take a break every 15 minutes B.have lower levels of white matter

C.use screens too much before bed D.are the people from 13 to 64

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Using smartphones for long hours does harm to your eyes.

B.A lot of screen time affects children’s brain growth.

C.The light from electronics at night may make you excited.

D.People of all ages mustn’t use electronics.

4.You may read the passage in ________.

A.a science magazine B.a travel diary C.a guide book D.a novel

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.The ways to keep healthy. B.The harm of using screens too much.

C.The ways to use screens. D.The advantages of using screens.


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文,文章主要讲述的是屏幕使用过多对人的三点危害。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段“Looking at a smartphone for a long time can cause eye strain, headaches and dry eyes”可知长时间看手机会引起眼劳损、头痛和干眼症。故选D。 2. 细节理解题。根据第四段“using screens too much will affect your sleep”可知睡觉之前看屏幕太多会影响睡眠。故选C。 3. 推理判断题。根据“it is bad for your eyes”可知A选项表述正确;根据“screen use can do harm to children’s brains”可知B选项表述正确;根据“the light from those electronics at night may make you excited before you go to bed”可知C选项表述正确。根据“it is wise to cut down the time of children using all kinds of screens”可知D选项“People of all ages”表述错误。故选D。 4. 推理判断题。a science magazine一本科学杂志;a travel diary一个旅行日记;a guide book一本指南;a novel一本小说。文章主要讲述使用手机时间过长对人的危害,可知文章来自科学杂志。故选A。 5. 主旨大意题。文章主要讲述的是屏幕使用过多对人的危害,可概括为The harm of using screens too much。故选B。

    Yesterday I went to buy a little tree for my father. When I was talking with the cashier(收银员), he asked what I would be doing with this little tree. I explained that it was for my Dad, because he no longer lived at home.

The cashier just stopped and looked at me with the kindest look. He shared with me that his grandfather couldn’t live in their home any longer either because he had Alzheimer’s disease(阿尔茨海默症). So I shared with him that my Dad was on the same journey. We talked about the difficulties because of the illness, not only for those who are ill, but also for their families.

When I was paying for the tree, he said, “Because this is for your Dad, let me see what I can do for you.” He took some coupons(优惠券) from a drawer and reduced my cost by over 60%.

I thanked him for his kindness. We wished each other Merry Christmas and the best hopes for our loved family members.

On the way home I kept thinking of the kindness he offered me. It was truly a moment of “kindness given, kindness received”. I made Dad’s tree more beautiful as soon as I got home. So thankful. So blessed.

1.What’s wrong with the writer’s father?

A.He had a bad cold. B.He had a backache.

C.He had Alzheimer’s disease. D.He had a heart problem.

2.When did the story probably happen?

A.Before Christmas. B.After Christmas.

C.On the writer’s father’s birthday. D.On the cashier’s grandfather’s birthday.

3.The writer felt ________ when the cashier offered him his kindness.

A.relaxed B.angry C.nervous D.thankful

4.The underlined word “reduced” in Paragraph 3 means “________” in Chinese.

A.增加 B.减少 C.支付 D.给予

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.My Great Dad B.A Christmas Gift for Dad

C.Sharing Is Important D.Face Difficulties Bravely



    In China, there are 24 solar terms(节气)in a year. And there are six of them in winter. They are beginning of winter, light snow, heavy snow, winter solstice(冬至), lesser cold(小寒)and greater cold.

Beginning of winter usually falls on November 7th or 8th. After beginning of winter, most parts of the country can start to expect cold weather. On this day, after a year of hard work, people are happy to have a rest and spend time with family. The northern China celebrates beginning of winter as the “Small Spring Festival”. People usually have dumplings and mutton soup on that day.

Light snow usually falls on November 22nd or 23rd and heavy snow usually falls on December 7th or 8th. When winter solstice comes, it brings the shortest days of the year and the longest nights. Many places around the country can expect the coldest weather yet. People often start counting “nine cold periods” starting from winter solstice. Every cold period has nine days. People believe that after 81 cold days, spring will come.

Greater cold comes after lesser cold. The field is covered with snow. And all Chinese are ready to welcome the Spring Festival after it. Of course, a new round of solar terms will start.

1.From the passage, we know that there are six solar terms in winter.

2.People in northern China usually have dumplings and mutton soup on beginning of winter.

3.Heavy snow comes before light snow.

4.All Chinese are ready to celebrate the Spring Festival after greater cold.

5.The passage tells us how people celebrate the Spring Festival.



    When I was in Grade 5, I had a fight with a boy named Tony in my class. I have forgotten what the fight was about, but I have never forgotten the_________ I learned that day.

I thought that I was right and he was wrong ___and Tony just thought that I was wrong and he was right. The teacher, Mrs Green, decided to teach us a very _________ lesson.

Mrs. Green asked us to stand on each side of her desk. In the middle of her desk was a large, round object.

I could _________ see that it was black. She asked Tony what _________ the object was. “White,” Tony answered. I couldn’t_________ Tony said the object was white, when it was black! Another fight started _________ us, this time about the color of the object.

The teacher told me to go and stand where Tony was standing and told him to come and stand where I had been. _________ changed places, and now she asked me what the color of the object was, I had to answer, “_________” It was an object with _________ differently colored sides. From Tony’s side it was white,__________ from my side it was black.

1.A.fight B.lesson C.teacher D.classmate

2.A.difficult B.boring C.safe D.important

3.A.loudly B.widely C.clearly D.heavily

4.A.color B.size C.shape D.time

5.A.decide B.believe C.doubt D.promise

6.A.under B.behind C.between D.beside

7.A.She B.He C.They D.We

8.A.White B.Black C.Brown D.Purple

9.A.one B.two C.three D.four

10.A.or B.nor C.but D.since



— Could you please tell me ________ about the CCTV Host Competition?

—Let’s check it on computers.

A.how can I get the information B.how I can get the information

C.why can I get the information D.why I can get the information



There ________ a basketball game next Monday. If it ________ , we’ll have to put it off.

A.is going to have; will rain B.is going to have; rains

C.is going to be; rains D.is going to be; will rain



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