满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Two brothers had lived happily on neighb...

    Two brothers had lived happily on neighboring farms for over forty years. But one day, they had a little misunderstanding and______with each other. Both of them were so_____ that they stopped talking to each other.

One morning, somebody knocked on the elder brother Jamie's door. It was a man with a toolbox. He said, “I am______ some work. Have you got some work for me?" Jamie thought for a while and said, "Yes. Look at the______ across from the river. My brother Jackie lives there. Please build a______ fence (栅栏) so that I won't see him anymore.

The man smiled and said, "I will try to make you satisfied.”

At sunset, the man______his work. But Jamie found that there wasn't a fence at all. Instead, there was a beautiful bridge over the river. Jamie saw his brother walking towards him. Jackie said, “After I said and did something bad to make you ______, you still build this bridge! I'm really sorry, Jamie." Jamie______his brother.

When the man came to say______to Jamie, Jamie said, “Please stay! I've got some other work for you. But the man refused. Sorry. I have to go. I have more bridges to build."

Sometimes, we fight over small things and they become big over time. Instead of creating conflicts (冲突), we should try to________ them.

1.A.connected B.argued C.helped

2.A.worried B.angry C.excited

3.A.looking for B.looking up C.looking out

4.A.park B.farm C.garden

5.A.poor B.low C.high

6.A.found B.finished C.provided

7.A.relaxed B.uncomfortable C.dangerous

8.A.pulled B.hugged C.beat

9.A.sorry B.thanks C.goodbye

10.A.solve B.cause C.create


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A 【解析】 文章大意:本文主要讲两兄弟吵架后哥哥想要建个栅栏使自己再也看不到弟弟,结果工人搭了一座桥帮他们和好了。由此告诉我们:有时,我们为小事争吵,随着时间的推移,事情变得越来越大。我们应该设法解决冲突,而不是制造冲突。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.…… sorry对不起;thanks谢谢;goodbye再见。根据下文“Sorry. I have to go. ”可知那人是向Jamie道别,用goodbye符合题意。故选C。 10.

—Do you know________?

— In China.

A.which country he was born B.where the toys were made C.what her favorite country is



—Hi, Linda. Could you climb the Yuelu Mountain with me this weekend?

—Sorry, I ________. I have to climb the homework mountain at home.

A.must B.couldn't C.can't



Changsha is a happy city ________ you will never want to leave once you come.

A.which B.where C.what



—More and more people like buying things online?

—Yes. Because the price is ________ than that of things in real shops.

A.lower  B.much cheaper C.far cheaper



— You look pale. Are you sick?

— Yes. I don't feel well. My sister was sick several days ago and I am afraid she________me her cold.

A.was giving B.will give C.has given



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