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On May 27th, the national cultural offic...

    On May 27th, the national cultural office dropped management of vendors and other roadside businesses in the city as a requirement for deciding if ạ city can be given the civilized city" title. In less than a week, one city after another has introduced polices (政策) that will benefit (使受益 )vendors and a wide group of other people and will also raise the economy (经济).

The first to benefit are job—seekers. In Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province, which is famous for its rich kinds of snacks, the policy created 100,000 new jobs overnight, and 100,000 households have got a better income.

Vendors do not have to spend money renting ( 租用) a place. All they need is a 2 square meters of space by the roadside for two to three hours in the evening. And all the money they make from it goes to them or their families. However, that does not mean common shops will lose customers. The two kinds of businesses are different parts of economy.

Office——goers too will benefit. Instead of having to wait in a long line at a supermarket, they can now snack from a vendor after a whole day in the office. They can appear from a subway station and grab a cake or get off a bus and buy some handmade ice—cream.

City management officials, or chengguan are also doing less stressful jobs now. Earlier, their job was to drive away vendors doing businesses without licenses. They are now more helpful, making sure that vendors are dealing with their garbage before shutting business for the day and looking for space for vendors at a place with no traffic problems or which won' t cause traffic problems.

But that will need more wisdom and more services to the people, which in turn requires the local governments' wisdom. Time for them to be creative!

1.What does the underlined word vendors mean in Chinese?

A.店主 B.民工 C.小贩

2.How many kinds of people will benefit from the new policy on vendors according to the passage?

A.2. B.3. C.4.

3.The city management officials now do the following jobs EXCEPT ________.

A.driving away the vendors

B.looking for a safe space for vendors

C.asking the vendors to sort garbage

4.We can infer from the passage that

A.the office—goers do not have to wait in line at a supermarket anymore

B.the vendors can do businesses anywhere they want

C.the government is becoming more and more supportive

5.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.How about being a vendor? B.Our convenient life C.How to be a vendor?


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 【解析】 本文介绍了城市推出的有益于商贩在街道摆摊的政策,在这个政策的推动下,不但给许多找工作的人提供了商机,给购买者也提供了很多方便,同时也给城市管理人员减轻了很多压力。 1. 词句猜测题。根据Vendors do not have to spend money renting ( 租用) a place. All they need is a 2 square meters of space by the roadside for two to three hours in the evening,可知,不需要花费钱租用一个地方,他们所需要的只是路边2平方米的空间,晚上可以呆上2到3个小时,由此可推断,这里描述指的是街边小贩,所以vendor表示“小贩”。故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据The first to benefit are job—seekers及Office——goers too will benefit,City management officials, or chengguan are also doing less stressful jobs now,可知,在这个政策下,有三种人会收益,分别是:找工作的人;办公室职员;城市管理工作人员。故选B。 3. 细节理解题。根据They are now more helpful, making sure that vendors are dealing with their garbage before shutting business for the day and looking for space for vendors at a place with no traffic problems or which won' t cause traffic problems,可知,城市管理人员现在所需做的工作是:确保小贩在结束营业前处理好垃圾;给小贩找一个没有交通问题的地方。结合所给选项,A不包含在现在所做的工作内。故选A。 4. 推理判断题。根据On May 27th, the national cultural office dropped management of vendors and other roadside businesses in the city as a requirement for deciding if ạ city can be given the “civilized city” title及But that will need more wisdom and more services to the people, which in turn requires the local governments' wisdom. Time for them to be creative,可知,国家文化局取消了对全市商贩和其他路边商贩的管理,不再作为“文明城市”的认定条件,并且在一系列的政策下,地方政府充分发挥创造力去为人民服务。由此可推断,政府变得越来越支持。故选C。 5. 最佳标题。通读全文,可知,本文主要介绍了城市推出的有益于商贩在街道摆摊的政策,在这个政策的推动下,不但给许多找工作的人提供了商机,给购买者也提供了很多方便,同时也给城市管理人员减轻了很多压力。结合所给选项,最适合本文的标题是“成为一名商贩怎么样”。故选A。

    Here are three popular English magazines for children. It can be wonderful to read them in the free time.


Teen Ink

Price, $49.9 for 10 issues (期刊) a year

Teen Ink isn't just for teens. It's actually by teens. It offers teenagers an opportunity to publish (出版) their own works. It collects some of the most thoughtful and creative works from teenagers.

National Geograp

hic Kids

Price, $46.9 for 10 issues a year

National Geographic Kids lets kids explore (探索) and learn about wildlife, technology, traditional culture and history! It's a great magazine for kids who want to learn more about the world around them.



Price, $36.9 for 9 issues a year

Do you like arts and crafts (手工艺)? Are you interested in creating

things? ASK answers questions about arts, crafts, inventions. It's a good educational magazine and kids can find inspiration from it to create new ideas.


1.What's special about Teen Ink?

A.Each article must be creative.

B.The articles are written by teens.

C.It helps teens with their listening.

2.Children who likes ________ may be interested in both National Geographic Kids and ASK.

A.researching World War Ⅰ

B.studying habits of ants

C.making paper-cutting

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Teen Ink is the most expensive one among the three.

B.There are funny stories in National Geographic Kids.

C.Both ASK and Teen Ink come out nine issues a year.



Let's take a look at the top ten countries with the fastest mobile Internet,


Average Download Speed


Average Download Speed

South Korea

88.01 Mbps


73. 52 Mbps


84.81 Mbps


68. 18 Mbps


84. 68 Mbps


66.87 Mbps

United Arab Emirates

78. .56 Mbps


62.15 Mbps


75.32 Mbps

Saudi Arabia

55.71 Mbps



1.Where docs China rank (排名)?

A.No. 1. B.No. 2. C.NO.3.

2.How much slower is the mobile Internet speed in Australia than in Canada?

A.10.57 Mbps. B.11.37 Mbps. C.12. 63 Mbps.



    Two brothers had lived happily on neighboring farms for over forty years. But one day, they had a little misunderstanding and______with each other. Both of them were so_____ that they stopped talking to each other.

One morning, somebody knocked on the elder brother Jamie's door. It was a man with a toolbox. He said, “I am______ some work. Have you got some work for me?" Jamie thought for a while and said, "Yes. Look at the______ across from the river. My brother Jackie lives there. Please build a______ fence (栅栏) so that I won't see him anymore.

The man smiled and said, "I will try to make you satisfied.”

At sunset, the man______his work. But Jamie found that there wasn't a fence at all. Instead, there was a beautiful bridge over the river. Jamie saw his brother walking towards him. Jackie said, “After I said and did something bad to make you ______, you still build this bridge! I'm really sorry, Jamie." Jamie______his brother.

When the man came to say______to Jamie, Jamie said, “Please stay! I've got some other work for you. But the man refused. Sorry. I have to go. I have more bridges to build."

Sometimes, we fight over small things and they become big over time. Instead of creating conflicts (冲突), we should try to________ them.

1.A.connected B.argued C.helped

2.A.worried B.angry C.excited

3.A.looking for B.looking up C.looking out

4.A.park B.farm C.garden

5.A.poor B.low C.high

6.A.found B.finished C.provided

7.A.relaxed B.uncomfortable C.dangerous

8.A.pulled B.hugged C.beat

9.A.sorry B.thanks C.goodbye

10.A.solve B.cause C.create



—Do you know________?

— In China.

A.which country he was born B.where the toys were made C.what her favorite country is



—Hi, Linda. Could you climb the Yuelu Mountain with me this weekend?

—Sorry, I ________. I have to climb the homework mountain at home.

A.must B.couldn't C.can't



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