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假如你是李华,你们学校准备开展主题为"保护野生动物"的演讲比赛,倡议大家关爱野生动物。你们班交换生 Peter 给你发邮件询问相关事情。请用英语回复一封邮件,告诉他演讲比赛的时间和地点,并分享你对保护野生动物的一些想法。

speech contest(演讲比赛), protect, wild animals, call on

When and where will the speech contest be held?

What would you like to share with Peter on protecting wild animals?

Dear Peter,

I'm glad to receive your email. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If there is anything that I can do, please let me know.


Li Hua


范文: Dear peter, I'm glad to receive your email. The speech contest on protecting wild animals will be held at 4 o'clock next Monday afternoon. It will be held in the Students Developing Center. Now, I'd like to share some ideas with you on protecting wild animals. First, we can make posters on protecting wild animals. And we can put them up in our school and communities because we should make more and more people realize that wild animals are human's friends. It's our duty to protect them. Second, we can build a website on protecting wild animals. We need to call on everyone not to hunt or kill wild animals. In a word, we should try our best to protect wild animals. If there is anything that I can do, please let me know. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 题干解读:这篇作文要求学生们以李华的身份,给交换生Peter写信,内容包括:关于学校要开展的主题为“保护野生动物”的演讲比赛的情况,包括演讲比赛举办的时间、地点等;然后分享你对保护野生动物的一些想法。题目中并没有规定具体写什么,学生们应根据题目要求发表自己的看法,这就需要学生们发挥想象力,结合平时所学并联系实际,组织语言。短文应以一般将来时和一般现在时为主叙述。

    May 12th—International Nurses Day is an important date to all nurses. The tireless efforts of nurses all over the world are celebrated every year on May 12th, because it is the anniversary(周年纪念日) of the birth of Florence Nightingale, who is widely considered the founder of modern nursing.

Nurses are appreciated(感激) in many different ways on International Nurses Day, also called IND. People are encouraged to take time to thank a nurse who has been there for them or their loved ones during days of sickness. Do you know the history of International Nurses Day?

It all began in 1953, when Dorothy Sutherland, an official with the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, asked President Dwight D. Eisenhower to proclaim(宣布) a Nurses Day. However, he did not do so at that time. The International Council of Nurses has celebrated on May 12th since 1965. In January 1974, this day was finally officially made International Nurses Day.

Because this day is all about celebrating nurses' endless contributions(贡献) to society, taking this opportunity to show a nurse who has taken care of you how much you appreciate him or her is very meaningful on this day. If you are feeling especially grateful for the way a certain nurse took care of you (fed you, brought you a blanket, monitored your vital signs, made sure you were getting the right pills, changed your wound dressings, helped you get to the bathroom, let you cry on his or her shoulder, or any of the hundreds of other things nurses do), May 12th is the day to show that gratitude(感谢). So take a trip down to the hospital with a box of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers, or anything else you think that particular nurse might like.

Some people, after having spent months in the hospital with a serious condition, decide to order pizza or cake for the entire medical team that was looking after them, a gesture that team is guaranteed(肯定的) to remember you for forever, if you should decide on it. However, as mentioned before, it's the thought that counts the most. A nurse's main goal is to help you get through treatment and get better, so just knowing he or she succeeded is a reward in itself.

1.When is International Nurses Day?


2.What are people encouraged to do on International Nurses Day?


3.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?


4.Why do people take a trip down to the hospital with chocolates or flowers on May 12th?


5.What is a nurse's main goal?




    Feeling stressed has almost become the norm(常态) for many busy American families. Although one kind of stress called 'eustress' can actually be positive( 积极的 ) and productive(有用的), many suffer far too often from negative stress. All that stress leads us to cope in unhealthy ways that take their toll on( …… 造成伤害 ) overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, stress is not just a problem for adults. Teens are also vulnerable(易受伤害的) to stress and its effects.

The latest Stress in America Survey by the American Psychological Association (APA) polled(对……做民意调查) adults as well as 1,018 teens who live in the United States about stress over the previous month. While American adults report higher stress levels than what they believe to be healthy, the survey also shows the patterns of unhealthy stress behaviors we see in adults impact(影响) teens as well. According to the survey, many American teens report experiencing stress at unhealthy levels, appear uncertain in their stress management techniques and experience symptoms(症状) of stress in numbers that mirror adults' experiences. Stress during the teen years also seems to take a toll on activity, nutrition and lifestyle behaviors.

Stress impacts teens in many ways. The survey shows that 36% of teens report fatigue(feeling tired); 35% report lying awake at night; 32% report having headaches; and 23% report skipping a meal.

The report also shows that teens are less aware(有……的意识) than adults about the impact stress can have on their physical and mental health.

It's important that parents find ways to manage stress positively and productively. Because our kids see what we do and how we handle different situations and stressors, for better or worse, we need to model as best as we can positive ways of perceiving(认识) and coping with stress.

Staying physically active, engaging in exercise and sitting less can temper(缓和) stress. Finding activities we enjoy can help our hearts be healthier. Eating different kinds of nutrient-rich foods, for example, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats throughout the day can help have mood-boosting. Connecting with others regularly, laughing and thinking can also help. Getting enough sleep by having regular bedtimes can also help us avoid fatigue.

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Both adults and teens can be affected by stress.

B.It's not common to see stress in many busy American families.

C.The survey shows that stress impacts teens most in falling asleep.

D.Meeting and talking with friends does no good to reduce stress.

2.The latest Stress in America Survey shows that ________.

A.adults' experience can impact teens little

B.teens know how to manage their stress very well

C.adults know the impact stress can have better than teens

D.less teens report having headaches than skipping a meal

3.According to the survey, ________ is NOT a good way to cope with stress.

A.burning the midnight oil

B.taking time out for sports often

C.eating different kinds of vegetables and fruits

D.visiting your friends or relatives every weekend

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Stress Affects the Young and the Old

B.Doing Exercises Can Help Temper Stress

C.How Stress Affects Kids and How to Help Them Cope

D.Stress Has Impacts on People's Physical and Mental Health



Skills vs. Knowledge in Education

Education systems all over the world are based on the idea that students get and remember information from teachers and books. These systems test this knowledge with standardized tests which compare students to each other. They only test the kind of information which is possible to measure(测试,测量) in tests. The goal is gaining information, not developing skills by which to use and make information. Unlike the old style of education where people remembered things in order to pass tests and get higher scores than other students, the modern world calls for a new kind of education in which the focus(焦点) is deep understanding, creativity and information management skills.

Einstein said "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Use information in creative ways. Knowledge is what other people have created. Understanding is all about what you think about something. Everybody sees, hears, feels and thinks differently. No two people in the world have the same understanding of the same thing. It is impossible to give tests on a point of view. Because of this, tests are illogical. The only reason tests exist is to label(归类) students as "smart" or "stupid". There are many kinds of intelligence(智力,智能), however. One of the most famous researchers in the field of intelligence, Gardner, found at least seven different kinds of intelligence. Intelligence and understanding are related. Unfortunately, tests only measure one kind of intelligence.

In the modern world skills are more important than knowledge. If a person knows many facts, it is impressive, but not very useful. It is of much greater importance to be able to find information quickly, organize that information, analyze(分析) and understand the main ideas, put different pieces of information together, and create new information. Together these skills make what we call information management and innovation, the skills which are most desired(期望) in the business world.

Most people in the world believe that education is about remembering things to take tests which measure one's performance against other people who have studied the same information.

However, this idea no longer matches the reality of the modern world in which knowledge is less important than creativity and deep understanding. To be successful in the age of technology, education must focus on helping students gain information management and innovation skills.

1.The new kind of education in the modern world doesn't focus on ________.

A.creativity B.gaining information

C.deep understanding D.information management skills

2.According to the passage, which of the following is useless?

A.You do as what your teacher tells you in class.

B.You examine a text first carefully to understand what it means.

C.You organize your ideas so that people can understand and follow you.

D.You come up with a solution by asking the questions and understanding the problem.

3.What's the passage mainly about?

A.How people can live in the age of technology.

B.What knowledge tests measure in the age of technology.

C.How students develop themselves in the age of technology.

D.What education helps the students to gain in the age of technology.



    When you picture mountain climbers scaling(攀登) Mount Everest, what probably comes to mind are teams of climbers equipped with oxygen masks, supplies and tents. And in most cases you'd be right, as 97 per cent of climbers use oxygen to ascend(登上) to Everest's summit at 8,848 metres above sea level.

But Kilian Jornet Burgada ascended the mountain in May 2017 alone, without an oxygen mask or fixed ropes for climbing.

Oh, and he did it in 26 hours.

Born in 1987, Kilian has been training for Everest his whole life. And that really does mean his whole life, as he grew up 2,000 metres above sea level in the Pyrenees in the ski resort in Catalonia, north-eastern Spain. While other children his age were learning to walk, Kilian was on skis. At one and a half years old he did a five-hour hike with his mother, entirely under his own steam(精力,力气). He left his peers(同龄人) even further behind when he climbed his first mountain. By age seven, he had scaled a 4,000 metres mountain.

He was 13 when he started to take it 'seriously' and trained with the Ski Mountaineering Technical Centre in Catalonia, entering competitions and working with a coach. At 18, he took over his own ski-mountaineering and trail-running training. He does as many as 1,140 hours of endurance training a year, plus strength training and technical workouts as well as specific training in the week before a race.

All this is thanks to his childhood in the mountains and to genetics(遗传基因), but it is his mental strength that sets him apart. He often sets himself challenges to see how long he can endure difficult conditions in order to truly understand what his body and mind can cope(处理,应对) with.

It would take a book to list all the races and awards he has won and the mountains he has climbed.

1.How many climbers don't use oxygen when they ascend to Everest's summit?

A.3%. B.18%. C.26%. D.97%.

2.The writer wants us to know ________ in Paragraph 4.

A.Kilian's birthplace is a ski resort

B.Kilian has been training for Everest for many years

C.Kilian liked climbing mountains in his early childhood

D.Kilian showed his great gift in mountain climbing when he was young

3.The underlined words sets him apart in Paragraph 6 probably means ________.

A.使他勇敢 B.使他出众 C.将他消灭 D.将他重创




Interesting Magazines for Kids

The Click Magazine introduces new things about the learning environment to the kids. Have you worried about introducing new things to your kids? Don't worry! Click Magazine will help you. Like most of the magazines for kids, Click features typical elements like stories, drawings, fun facts, etc. The magazine is based on the motto, "Opening Windows for Young Minds" and it really does.

Does your child have an inclination towards the arts and crafts? Or are they interested in science? Maybe you should think of getting them the Ask Magazine. Ask is the magazine about science, inventions and more for children aged 6 to 9 years. Ask is a good educational magazine and kids can seek inspiration from it to create new ideas and scientific facts.

Highlights for children is a magazine for kids filled with puzzles and projects that challenge the young minds. It covers some interesting areas for kids. They are unique and are unlike the typical magazines for kids. It offers good challenge to the young minds. The focus and goal of the magazine is to nourish the young mind, increase creativity and develop a wide outlook.



1.Opening Windows for Young Minds is the motto of _______ Magazine.

A.Click B.Ask C.Highlights D.Interesting

2.You can get your friends the Ask Magazine if they are interested in ________.

A.facts B.puzzles C.history D.science

3.Why is Highlights unique and unlike the typical magazines for kids?

A.Because it can help to learn new things.

B.Because it can help to create new ideas and scientific facts.

C.Because it can help to offer good challenge to the young minds.

D.Because it can help young kids to make their dreams come true.



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