满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Five years ago, my father and I had a se...

    Five years ago, my father and I had a serious disagreement. But we haven't _______ it since then. We avoid seeing each other _______ we had to at Christmas or other family gatherings. But even then, we hardly spoke to each other.

So last Tuesday, when I got home, I _______ myself I was going to tell my father I loved him. It's strange, but just making that _______ seemed to lift a heavy storm off my chest.

I was so _______ that I could hardly sleep during the night. The next morning I went to _______ early. At 9:00 in the morning, I called my dad to ask _______ I could come over after work. He _______.

At 5:30 in the afternoon I was at my parents' house ringing the _______, praying that dad would ________ the door. I was afraid if mum answered that I would ________ and tell her ________. Luckily, Dad did answer the door.

I didn't ________ any timeI took one step in the door and said, "Dad, I just came over to tell you that I love you."

Believe it or not, it seemed like a magic. Before my eyes, my father's face softened, the wrinkles (皱纹) seemed to ________ and he began to cry. He hugged me and said excitedly, "I LOVE YOU too, my dear son, but I've ________ been able to say it." Seeing this unforgettable sight, Mom walked by with tears in her eyes.

So my message to all of you is this: Don't wait to do the things you know need to be done. What if I had waited to tell my dad?

1.A.remembered B.reached C.got D.solved

2.A.unless B.while C.as D.when

3.A.warned B.said C.told D.spoke

4.A.information B.decision C.instruction D.mistake

5.A.embarrassed B.moved C.surprised D.excited

6.A.museum B.market C.work D.sleep

7.A.what B.how C.whether D.why

8.A.disliked B.refused C.expected D.agreed

9.A.phone B.doorbell C.website D.car

10.A.answer B.reply C.leave D.shut

11.A.set up B.give up C.take up D.put up

12.A.instead B.rather C.yet D.still

13.A.take B.waste C.save D.spend

14.A.smile B.appear C.dance D.disappear

15.A.ever B.hardly C.never D.seldom


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 【解析】 文章大意:文章主要描述了作者和父亲发生争执,一直没有得到解决且互相不怎么说话。后面作者主动承认错误,从中告诉我们,想做什么事,不要等待。 1. 句意:但从那以后我们一直没有解决它。 remembered记得;reached到达;got得到;solved解决。根据下文We avoid seeing each other我们避免见面,可知是一直没有得到解决,故答案选D。 2. 句意:我们彼此避免见面,除非必须参加圣诞节聚会或其他家庭聚会。 unless除非;while在……期间;as作为、如同;when当……时候。根据We avoid seeing each other ___2___ we had to at Christmas or other family gatherings. 前面说我们避免见面,后面应该是除非我们不得不在圣诞节或其他家庭聚会上见面,故答案选A。 3. 句意:我告诉自己我要告诉父亲我爱他。 warned警告;said说;told告诉;spoke说。根据I ___3___ myself I was going to tell my father I loved him. 可知应该是告诉我自己我要告诉我父亲我爱他,故答案是选C。 4. 句意:这很奇怪,但仅仅是做了这个决定似乎就解除了我心头的大风暴。 information信息;decision决定;instruction说明;mistake错误。根据上文告诉我自己我要告诉我父亲我爱他,可知作者应是做了这样一个决定,因此是仅仅做这个决定就好像解除了我的心头大风暴,故答案选B。 5. 句意:我太激动了,晚上几乎睡不着。 embarrassed尴尬的;moved感动的;surprised惊奇的;excited兴奋的。根据后半句I could hardly sleep during the night. 晚上几乎睡不着,可知应该是很兴奋,故答案选D。 6. 句意:第二天早上我很早就去上班了。 museum博物馆;market市场;work工作;sleep睡觉。根据下文I could come over after work. 我下班后可以过来,可知应是很早就去上班了,故答案选C。 7. 句意:我打电话给我父亲,问我下班后是否可以过去。 what什么;how怎样;whether是否;why为什么。根据I called my dad to ask ___7___ I could come over after work. 可知是打电话给我父亲,问我下班后应该是否可以过来,故答案选C。 8. 句意:他同意了。 disliked不喜欢;refused拒绝;expected期待;agreed同意。根据下文I was at my parents' house ringing我在我父母家房子按门铃,可知应该是父亲同意作者来,故答案选D。 9. 句意:下午五点半,我来到父母家摁响了门铃。 phone电话;doorbell门铃;website网页;car汽车。根据下文praying that dad would __10__ the door. 祈祷爸爸开门,可知应该是我在我父母家房子按门铃,故答案选B。 10. 句意:我暗自祈祷父亲会应声开门。 answer回答;reply回复;leave离开;shut关闭。根据下文I was afraid if mum answered,可知应该是祈祷父亲开门,故答案选A。 11. 句意:我担心是妈妈来开门,自己会放弃(向父亲说爱他)。 set up建立;give up放弃;take up开始从事、占据;put up收好。根据上文祈祷父亲开门,这里应该是母亲开门,自己会放弃(向父亲说爱他),故答案选B。 12. 句意:我担心是妈妈来开门,自己会放弃来代替向父亲说爱他。 instead代替;rather相当地;yet也;still仍然。根据上文祈祷父亲开门,这里应该是如果母亲开门,自己会放弃来代替向父亲说爱他,故答案选A。 13. 句意:我没有浪费任何时间。 take拿;waste浪费;save节省;spend花费。根据上文作者的忧虑,可知这里应该是一分钟也没有浪费,直接表达作者的爱意,故答案选B。 14. 句意:就在我眼前,父亲的脸变得温和起来,皱纹似乎也消失了,他哭了起来。 smile笑;appear出现;dance跳舞;disappear消失。根据Before my eyes, my father's face softened, the wrinkles (皱纹) seemed to在我眼前,我父亲的脸变温和,皱纹似乎……,结合选项,可知应该是消失了,故答案选D。 15. 句意:他拥抱我,兴奋地说:“我也爱你,我亲爱的儿子,但这话我以前从来说不出口。” ever曾经;hardly几乎不;never从不;seldom极少。根据I LOVE YOU too, my dear son, but I've __15__ been able to say it.由转折词but可知是父亲也爱作者,但父亲应该是以前从未说过,故答案选C。

I wish you can get good grades this time!


A.Thank you. B.Don't say so. C.I'm afraid not. D.Yes, you are right.



Hi, Wu Lei. We haven’t seen each other for a long time.


A.Good luck B.That’s great C.Best wishes D.Nice to see you again



We teenagers should look up to the people ______ have made great achievements to our country, like Yuan Longping.

I think so.

A.who B.what C.which D.whose



Can you tell me ______?

Sure. He lives on ….

A.what his job is B.what does he do C.where he lives D.where does he live



I can't hear clearly. Please ______ the radio a little.

Just one minute. I'll do it right away.

A.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D.turn down



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