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How to improve body and mind at home To ...

    How to improve body and mind at home

To most people, holiday is a time to stay at home and have a good rest. Thanks to social media, computer games and online TV series and movies, staying inside is great fun. But too much time on media and digital entertainment could be a heavy burden to both the mind and eyes. Here are five activities you could try to get away from the screen for a while.


If you choose a good book, it can help you enjoy a whole day at home. The ability of your brain to process words could be greatly improved through reading. And your vocabulary could be enlarged as well. Personally, paper copies are suggested. The touch and smell of real paper has no digital replacement.


Everyone can write something, even if it may look very ugly at first. But the point of such practice is not to write beautiful characters. It’s about improving your ability to calm down and focus, as you must breathe deeply to keep your hands from shaking when practicing handwriting.


You can just pick up a brush and draw anything, either nearby or something you imagine. Copying paintings is one nice beginning option. Copies of the Dunhuang Mogao grottoes are a good choice.


Chopin, Mozart, Bach. Any of these great musicians could attract you with their works of art. Even if you prefer pop music, give classical music a chance.


Many Chinese people, especially women, are crazy for yoga. Now it is a good time to practice yoga every day to relax your body. Likewise, you can try tai chi, which can improve both mind and body.

A.Read books, or at least listen to them.

B.Just listen, and let your brain and ears take a break.

C.You don’t have to be professional before picking up a brush.

D.While improving your mind, your body should also be cared for.

E.Drawing is natural pleasure that has a long history and it is still fun.

F.There are online audio lessons to help you learn a musical instrument.


1.A 2.C 3.E 4.B 5.D 【解析】 本文介绍了在家改善身心健康的五个活动。读书、练习书法、学习绘画、听音乐、以及锻炼身体。 1. 根据下文的叙述“If you choose a good book, it can help you enjoy a whole day at home. The ability of your brain to process words could be ……The touch and smell of real paper has no digital replacement.”可知,此段介绍了读书的好处,因此小标题应该是与书有关的。所以选择Read books, or at least listen to them. 读书,或者至少听听。符合语境。故选A。 2. 根据“Everyone can write something, even if it may look very ugly at first. …… as you must breathe deeply to keep your hands from shaking when practicing handwriting.”每个人都可以写一些东西,即使一开始看起来很难看。但这种练习的重点不是写漂亮的字。这是关于提高你的冷静和集中注意力的能力,因为你必须深呼吸,以防止你的手在练习书法时颤抖。可知,此段的介绍与练习书法有关。因此选择You don’t have to be professional before picking up a brush. 在拿起毛笔之前,你不必很专业。符合语境。故选C。 3. 根据“You can just pick up a brush and draw anything, either nearby or something you imagine. ” 你可以拿起画笔画任何东西,无论是附近的或你想象的东西。可知,此段的介绍与绘画有关,因此选择Drawing is natural pleasure that has a long history and it is still fun. 绘画是一种自然的乐趣,它有着悠久的历史,而且仍然很有趣。符合语境。故选E。 4. 根据“Chopin, Mozart, Bach. Any of these great musicians could attract you with their works of art. Even if you prefer pop music, give classical music a chance.”肖邦,莫扎特,巴赫。任何一位伟大的音乐家都可以用他们的艺术作品吸引你。即使你喜欢流行音乐,也要给古典音乐一个机会。可知,此段的介绍与听音乐有关,因此选择Just listen, and let your brain and ears take a break. 听音乐,让你的大脑和耳朵休息一下。符合语境。故选B。 5. 根据“Many Chinese people, especially women, are crazy for yoga. Now it is a good time to practice yoga every day to relax your body. Likewise, you can try tai chi, which can improve both mind and body. 许多中国人,尤其是女性,对瑜伽非常着迷。现在正是每天练习瑜伽放松身体的好时机。同样,你可以试试太极拳,它可以改善身心。可知,此段的介绍与身体锻炼有关。因此选择While improving your mind, your body should also be cared for. 在提高你的智力的同时,你的身体也应该得到照顾。符合语境。故选D。

    Liz Moore is a writer of novels. Her first novel, The Words of Every Song (Broadway Books,2007), centers on a fictional record company in New York City. It draws partly on Liz’s own unhappy experiences as a musician. It was selected for Border’s Original Voice program. Roddy Doyle wrote of it. “This is an excellent novel and beautifully constructed (构想). I loved the book.”

After the publication (出版) of her debut novel, Liz got her Master of Fine Arts in novel from Hunter College. In 2009, she moved to Philadelphia. Her second novel, Heft, was published by W.W. Norton in January 2012. Of Heft, The New Yorker wrote, “Moore’s characters are lovingly drawn... a truly unusual voice.” The San Francisco Chronicle wrote, “Few novelists of recent memory have put our unwelcoming loneliness into words as clearly as Liz Moore does in her new novel”, and editor Sara Nelson wrote, “Beautiful… Superbly sad and heroically hopeful.” The novel was published in five countries and it was included on several “Best of 2012”lists, including the Apple iBookstore.

Moore’s short novels have appeared in places such as Tin House and New York Times. After winning a 2014 Rome Prize in Literature, she spent 2014-15 at the American Academy in Rome, completing her third novel.

The Unseen World, was published by W.W. Norton in July of 2016. It is about a moving story of a daughter's search to discover the truth about her beloved father’s hidden past. Louisa Hall called it “petty intelligent” in her review in The New York Times; The Unseen World was included on “Best of 2016” lists by The New Yorker, the BBC, Google Play, and Audible.com.

Moore's fourth novel, Long Bright River, was published by Riverhead Books in January 2020. She lives with her family in Philadelphia and is a talented member of the Master of Fine Arts program in Creative Writing at Temple University.

1.The underlined word “debut” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.

A.first B.second C.third D.last

2.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.Liz Moore was born and brought up in Philadelphia.

B.Liz Moore had successful experiences of being a musician.

C.Liz Moore expressed some sad and lonely feelings in Heft.

D.Liz Moore told her own moving story in The Unseen World.

3.The writer organizes Paragraph 3 by ________.

A.asking questions B.using numbers C.telling stories D.listing opinions

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Liz Moore’s Plan as a Famous Writer

B.Liz Moore’s Three Important Prizes

C.Liz Moore and Her Published Novels

D.Liz Moore’s Four Favorite Novels



    As the weather changes from day to day, sometimes it's impossible to avoid catching a cold or the flu. However, that doesn't mean we have to suffer terribly. Since the only way to get better from a cold is to go through the process, many natural remedies (疗法) have helped to reduce the symptom (症状) of the common cold.

If you feel the cold, you should drink something warm. Add honey and lemon to hot water or tea. You will keep warm while you're drinking tea. In traditional Chinese medicine, ginger () has been used for over two thousand years. A cup of ginger tea helps to increase the blood move and make you sweat through your body.

Garlic (大蒜) is a super food. Garlic helps to fight off germs (细菌) when eaten daily. It can reduce the number of colds you get each year and shorten cold symptoms. If you don't mind eating uncooked garlic, it's best to eat a few pieces every three to four hours when you feel the first signs of a cold.

It's no secret that salt gets rid of germs. For a sore throat, mix about half a teaspoon of salt into warm water and use as a mouthwash. Whether it's for breakfast, lunch or dinner, the Japanese enjoy umeboshi, sour and salty apricots(杏子) that help keep the doctor away. Using a neti pot is an old practice from India that helps people breathe better. As a mixture of salt and water pours into the nose, the germs are cleared away.

Although cutting an onion can make you cry, it's good for a blocked nose. People in Mexico and Spain eat hot peppers to get their sense of smell back temporarily during a cold. Of course, you'd better be ready to experience a wave of heat! In Korea, kimchi is a popular side dish that keeps people healthy. It's made from pickle vegetables, red hot sauce and sometimes garlic and ginger.

It is common to have a cold, and Mother Nature’s remedies will be there for you to lower your pain when you need to fight against that cold!

1.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?

A. B. C. D.

2.The underlined word "It" in Paragraph 3 refers to ________ .

A.the garlic B.the germ C.the cold D.the symptom

3.The passage mainly wants to tell us that ________.

A.people can catch a cold and the flu in many ways

B.natural remedies are helpful when people catch colds

C.Mother Nature's food can take the place of medicine

D.natural food helps people fight against all the illnesses

4.According to the passage, we can learn that ________.

A.a neti pot is always used to keep warm

B.ginger is newly found to be good for health

C.kimchi is a main dish made from vegetables

D.umeboshi is salty and sour apricots Japanese like



    We use elevators all the time, but try and imagine life without them. Tall buildings wouldn't be possible without the invention of the elevator. It's convenient and safe. but did you know that long ago people were afraid of using elevators?

People had been using ropes to move things for thousands of years before the invention of the modern elevator. The ancient Romans moved heavy things attached () to ropes pulled by people or animals. Then in 1743, the French king had a “flying chair”. His men lifted the king up to the second floor by using ropes. Although elevators had been improving over time, people were afraid to use them. People liked the idea of an elevator, but they believed it might suddenly fall.

In 1853, Elisha Otis invented the modem elevator. He made safety brakes(刹车) to stop the elevator from falling. Otis had been thinking about peoples fear of elevators. He decided to do an elevator act at a show in 1854. Otis stood on his elevator and cut the rope that was holding it. The elevator fell, but the safety brakes suddenly stopped it. Otis amazed the audiences! Three years later, customers at a department store in New York could travel to the fifth floor by using an Otis elevator.

The next step was to improve the elevator ride. People had been feeling nervous about using elevators because they were small and noisy. In the 1920s, elevators started playing relaxing music to cover up other sounds. Then there was a great idea to put mirrors in elevators. The mirrors made the elevator seem bigger and quicker. People could check their hair instead of fearing the elevator!

These days, elevators aren’t scary. Elevators are getting faster, and office buildings, apartments and hotels are  getting higher. You can find Otis elevators in most cities around the world. Remember to enjoy your ride in the elevator when you’re going up to the thirty-fifth floor!

1.What is the correct order in which these happened?

An Otis elevator was first put into use in New York.

People used to move heavy things by pulling ropes.

Otis elevators can be found in most parts of the world.

Flying chair was once used to lift a king to the second floor.

A.②④③① B.②④①③ C.③①②④ D.①②④③

2.Why did Otis do an elevator show in 1854?

A.To tell why it takes a lot of time to develop a new thing.

B.To show how safe his elevators are with the safety brakes.

C.To explain why safety brakes can be well used in any show.

D.To check how hard it is for people to accept something new.

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?

A.Relaxing music makes the ride in the elevator seem quicker.

B.The elevators are made small enough to let people feel safe.

C.Mirrors are fixed inside to make the elevators look brighter.

D.The noise in the elevator used to make people feel anxious.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Elevators have been developing over time.

B.People used to be afraid of using elevators.

C.Modern elevators were invented by accident.

D.Elevators are very popular all over the world.



    Welcome to Alaska! Fairbank’s location is a dream place for experiencing northern lights viewing because it is under the “Aurora Oval(极光带)”. Today you could enjoy a free day in Fairbanks. We have prepared wonderful winter activities for you.

Dog Sledding in Winter

Dog Sledding (11/2019-5/2020): $129/person

Dog sledding was a very important part of Alaskan local life. Dogsleds were the most convenient way to travel and deliver important supplies between local villages in winter. On this tour, sit under a warm blanket and enjoy the lively 30-minute sled ride through the beautiful forests of Alaska. Since it's not allowed to take pictures yourself, your driver will help take photos for you.


Snow Machine Tour

Snow Machine Tour (11/2019-5/2020): $149/person Duration: 1 hour

Snow machines make common back country travel feel like an adventure. Guests can take a guided trip on the snowy surface, with photo-opportunity stops at famous natural features along the way. No experiences? No problem. Every snow machine trip includes an introductory lesson, plus a guide to help guests along every mile of the trip.

Minimum (最小的) age: 16. This tour designed for 2 people to share one sled.

Ice Fishing

Ice Fishing (1/2019-5/2020): $149/person Duration: 5 hours

In Alaska, rivers and lakes freeze over from November to May. The Ice provides a great environment for one of the favorite winter pastimes in Alaska-ice fishing. Sit in the warmth of a small ice house and look into the mysterious green color of the ice and water below. Our local fishing guide will teach you the tricks of ice fishing and if you catch a fish, you can cook it up on the spot.

Note: The Ice Fishing requires a fishing license. The fishing license fee is $30.00/person/day, which is not included

in the tour fee.




1.If your parents want to go Ice Fishing today, how much should they pay for it?

A.$79 B.$298 C.$358 D.$363

2.Which of the following statements is True?

A.People who are interested in northern lights viewing can visit Alaska.

B.Guests who enjoy the Dog Sledding Tour can take photos themselves.

C.People who want to go ice Fishing should have introductory lessons first.

D.Children who don’t have experience can also take the Snow Machine Tour

3.Which part of the magazine is the writing most probably from?

A.News Corner. B.Travelling Square

C.Language World. D.Technology Garden









1. 出售报纸,饮料。

2. 出售旧物:书,玩具,自行车等。

3. 出售自制的蛋糕、卡片等。






roadside the standard 地摊           Renmin Square n. 人民广场

experience v.& n. 体验, 经历         meaningful adj. 有意义的


1. 必须包含所给的全部的要点及内容, 可适当发挥。

2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名。

3. 词数80100。开头已给出, 不计入总词数。

Fellow students,

This year due to the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, many people have to stay at home and can't go outside to work to earn a living. Roadside Stands have sprung up in many big cities. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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