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C_______ are people whose jobs are to tr...

C_______ are people whose jobs are to train and organize a sports team.


Coaches 【解析】 句意:教练的工作是训练和组织运动队。 根据“whose jobs are to train and organize a sports team.”可知,训练和组织运动队的人应该是教练。结合所给的首字母提示可知,填coach;句子的be动词是are ,因此主语用复数形式。故填Coaches。  

He is eight now, and next year he is going to have his n_______ birthday party.



    Trumpets(小号) are very popular in the world. They have been around for 1. (hundred) of years. People can play all types of music on the trumpet. They are 2. type of wind instrument. A wind instrument makes sounds when a 3. (play) blows into it. There are many types of wind instruments. A trumpet belongs in the brass instrument(铜管乐器) family. 

4. can you learn more about the differences between a brass instrument and other instruments? The Carol Brass Tourism Factory is the best place.

The guide will show you 5. the museum when you visit the Carol Brass Tourism Factory. There are so many types 6. you won’t have problems finding what you want.

But visitors also want to learn how brass instruments 7.(make). There is a walkway at the Carol Brass Tourism Factory. As you walk along it, you can see each step it takes 8. (create) a beautiful brass instrument.

Workers take metal pieces and make 9. (they) into all the parts of a brass instrument at the first station. Then the parts are put together. Next, workers make the instruments look beautiful. At last, workers make sure every instrument is perfect and people can buy them and play music 10.(beautiful) on them. How amazing they are!



    I was a receptionist(接待员) for an animal doctor fifty years ago. As an animal lover, I couldn’t ______ seeing any animal in pain.

One day, when we were closing the office, a young man ran up to us holding a(an) ______  Doberman in his arms and asking us to save his life. The four-month-old dog had been ______  by a car.

The doctor and I ran back into the operating room ______  to save him in time. The animal doctor worked tirelessly for  ______  seemed like hours. The dog had broken many bones, including his spine(脊柱). He was badly hurt and we thought that ______ he got better, he would never walk again.

However, that day forever ______ my life. I became the assistant in all things medical. At that time, one of my first jobs was to give that dog daily ______  carefully. I remember moving his tiny ______  with my full attention to try to keep his muscles from becoming weaker and weaker. Weeks went by ______  one day, he continued to push back till he could use his legs. “He finally went ______  the trouble”, we cried.

A year later when I called the name of the next patient, a huge Doberman jumped ______  me. That moment I found ______  pressed against the wall with this dog standing on his behind legs, his front paws(爪子) on my shoulders. He washed my face with ______  kisses! I felt amazed that moment.

I went on to be an animal doctor for 14 years and now I am a volunteer at a no-kill animal shelter to help the homeless animals. The ______ with a thankful heart changed my life so much.

1.A.help B.mind C.stand D.start

2.A.upset B.unusual C.healthy D.wounded

3.A.kicked B.hit C.lifted D.shocked

4.A.at present B.at times C.at last D.at once

5.A.what B.who C.why D.where

6.A.if only B.as if C.only if D.even if

7.A.improved B.changed C.reflected D.broke

8.A.walk B.shower C.treatment D.food

9.A.face B.tail C.legs D.paws

10.A.until B.since C.unless D.after

11.A.through B.with C.into D.on

12.A.beside B.toward C.behind D.among

13.A.himself B.ourselves C.themselves D.myself

14.A.helpful B.joyful C.peaceful D.useful

15.A.patient B.man C.doctor D.volunteer



    How to improve body and mind at home

To most people, holiday is a time to stay at home and have a good rest. Thanks to social media, computer games and online TV series and movies, staying inside is great fun. But too much time on media and digital entertainment could be a heavy burden to both the mind and eyes. Here are five activities you could try to get away from the screen for a while.


If you choose a good book, it can help you enjoy a whole day at home. The ability of your brain to process words could be greatly improved through reading. And your vocabulary could be enlarged as well. Personally, paper copies are suggested. The touch and smell of real paper has no digital replacement.


Everyone can write something, even if it may look very ugly at first. But the point of such practice is not to write beautiful characters. It’s about improving your ability to calm down and focus, as you must breathe deeply to keep your hands from shaking when practicing handwriting.


You can just pick up a brush and draw anything, either nearby or something you imagine. Copying paintings is one nice beginning option. Copies of the Dunhuang Mogao grottoes are a good choice.


Chopin, Mozart, Bach. Any of these great musicians could attract you with their works of art. Even if you prefer pop music, give classical music a chance.


Many Chinese people, especially women, are crazy for yoga. Now it is a good time to practice yoga every day to relax your body. Likewise, you can try tai chi, which can improve both mind and body.

A.Read books, or at least listen to them.

B.Just listen, and let your brain and ears take a break.

C.You don’t have to be professional before picking up a brush.

D.While improving your mind, your body should also be cared for.

E.Drawing is natural pleasure that has a long history and it is still fun.

F.There are online audio lessons to help you learn a musical instrument.



    Liz Moore is a writer of novels. Her first novel, The Words of Every Song (Broadway Books,2007), centers on a fictional record company in New York City. It draws partly on Liz’s own unhappy experiences as a musician. It was selected for Border’s Original Voice program. Roddy Doyle wrote of it. “This is an excellent novel and beautifully constructed (构想). I loved the book.”

After the publication (出版) of her debut novel, Liz got her Master of Fine Arts in novel from Hunter College. In 2009, she moved to Philadelphia. Her second novel, Heft, was published by W.W. Norton in January 2012. Of Heft, The New Yorker wrote, “Moore’s characters are lovingly drawn... a truly unusual voice.” The San Francisco Chronicle wrote, “Few novelists of recent memory have put our unwelcoming loneliness into words as clearly as Liz Moore does in her new novel”, and editor Sara Nelson wrote, “Beautiful… Superbly sad and heroically hopeful.” The novel was published in five countries and it was included on several “Best of 2012”lists, including the Apple iBookstore.

Moore’s short novels have appeared in places such as Tin House and New York Times. After winning a 2014 Rome Prize in Literature, she spent 2014-15 at the American Academy in Rome, completing her third novel.

The Unseen World, was published by W.W. Norton in July of 2016. It is about a moving story of a daughter's search to discover the truth about her beloved father’s hidden past. Louisa Hall called it “petty intelligent” in her review in The New York Times; The Unseen World was included on “Best of 2016” lists by The New Yorker, the BBC, Google Play, and Audible.com.

Moore's fourth novel, Long Bright River, was published by Riverhead Books in January 2020. She lives with her family in Philadelphia and is a talented member of the Master of Fine Arts program in Creative Writing at Temple University.

1.The underlined word “debut” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.

A.first B.second C.third D.last

2.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.Liz Moore was born and brought up in Philadelphia.

B.Liz Moore had successful experiences of being a musician.

C.Liz Moore expressed some sad and lonely feelings in Heft.

D.Liz Moore told her own moving story in The Unseen World.

3.The writer organizes Paragraph 3 by ________.

A.asking questions B.using numbers C.telling stories D.listing opinions

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Liz Moore’s Plan as a Famous Writer

B.Liz Moore’s Three Important Prizes

C.Liz Moore and Her Published Novels

D.Liz Moore’s Four Favorite Novels



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