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Clara Daly was sitting on an Alaska Airl...

    Clara Daly was sitting on an Alaska Airlines flight from Boston to Los Angeles when she heard a worried voice over the loudspeaker, "Does anyone know American Sign Language (ASL)?"

Clara, 15 at the time, pressed the call button (按钮). An air hostess came by and explained the situation, "We have a passenger on the plane who's blind and deaf" she said. The passenger seemed to want something, but he's traveling alone and she couldn't understand what he needed.

Clara had been studying ASL for the past year to help blind and deaf people. She knew she'd be able to finger spell into the man's hand. So she rose from her seat, walked toward the front of the plane, and knelt ()by the seat of Tim Cook, then 64. Gently taking his hand, she signed, "How are you? Are you OK?" Cook asked for some water.

When it arrived, Clara returned to her seat. She came by again a bit later because he wanted to know the time. On her third visit, she stopped and stayed for a while.

"He didn't need anything. He's lonely and wanted to talk," Clara said.

So for the next hour, she talked about her family and plans for the future. Cook told Clara how he had become blind and shared stories of his days as a traveling salesman. Even though he couldn't see her, she "looked attentively at his face with such kindness," a passenger reported.

"Clara was amazing," an air hostess told Alaska Airlines in an interview" You could tell Cook was very excited to have someone he could speak to, and she was such an angel (天使).

Cook's reply —"Best trip I've ever had".

1.How did Clare Daly communicate with Tim Cook?

A.By talking to him. B.By spelling into his hand.

C.By writing on the paper. D.By showing body language.

2.Why did Tim Cook keep asking for service?

A.Because he felt hungry and thirsty. B.Because he needed someone to talk to.

C.Because he was afraid of taking planes. D.Because he was interested in others' stories.

3.According to the passage, what kind of girl is Clara Daly?

A.Patient and caring. B.Honest and creative.

C.Beautiful and lovely. D.Humorous and friendly.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.No one knew ASL on the flight. B.Clara had studied ASL for many years.

C.Clara came to help Cook four times. D.People on the flight spoke highly of Clara.


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.D 【解析】 本文介绍了15岁的克拉拉用学过的ASL语言来帮助一位双目失明的乘客的故事。 1. 细节理解题。根据“She knew she'd be able to finger spell into the man's hand.”可知,她知道她能在他的手上拼写与那个人沟通。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据““He didn't need anything. He's lonely and wanted to talk,” Clara said.”“他什么都不需要。他很孤独,想谈谈,”克拉拉说。可知,库克一直要求服务,因为他需要有人跟他说话。故选B。 3. 推理判断题。根据“So she rose from her seat, walked toward the front of the plane, and knelt (跪)by the seat of Tim Cook, then 64. Gently taking his hand, she signed, "How are you? Are you OK?" Cook asked for some water.”于是她从座位上站起来,走向飞机前部,跪在了64岁的库克先生的座位旁。她轻轻地握着他的手?你还好吗?”库克要了些水。以及句子“So for the next hour, she talked about her family and plans for the future.”在接下来的一个小时里,她谈到了她的家庭和未来的计划。可以推知,克拉拉·戴利是既有耐心又关心别人的人。故选A。 4. 细节理解题。根据“Clara had been studying ASL for the past year to help blind and deaf people.” 克拉拉过去一年一直在学习ASL来帮助盲人和聋人。可知A、B不对;根据“On her third visit, she stopped and stayed for a while.”她第三次来时,停下来待了一会儿。可知,一共来了三次,所以C不对;根据““Clara was amazing,” an air hostess told Alaska Airlines in an interview”“克拉拉太棒了,”一位空姐在一次采访中说。可知,飞机上的人对克拉拉评价很高。故选D。



Welcome to the Huangshan Taiping Cableway (索道)! This is one of Asia's longest tourist cableways! Each cable car can carry 100 passengers and one staff worker. The cableway is 3,709 meters long. The ride takes about eight minutes.

Here are things you must know before you take our cable car.

•Wait in a line for tickets and entry.

•You must show your ticket to enter the passenger hall.

•People who have serious illness should not take the cable car.

•Don't use your mobile phone while you are in the cable car. Keep your head and hands inside the car. For the cable car may shake during the ride, please hold the handrail (扶手)firmly(紧的).

•if anything goes wrong, please keep calm. Ask the staff worker for help.

•Please take your personal belongings with you before you leave the cable car. Don't step out of the car until it stops completely.

•You are not allowed to carry explosive things or other things that are unsafe into the cable car.

•Please call our staff when you need help. Our service number is 0559-08551818.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.


1.What does the underlined "explosive things" most probably mean according to the passage?

A.Dangerous things. B.Expensive things. C.Delicious things. D.Personal things.

2.According to the passage, which of the following is allowed?

A.Stepping out of the cable car before it really stops.

B.Taking the cable when having high blood pressure.

C.Taking photos with phones in the cable car during the ride.

D.Asking the staff worker for help when something goes wrong.

3.The passage above may be a(n)________.

A.ad B.notice C.report D.survey



    如今, 听书越来越受到人们的欢迎。某英文报正在开展以“Which is better, reading or listening to books?“为题的征文比赛, 请你根据以下要点写一篇英语短文投稿参赛。

听书:随时随地, 保护眼睛:

看书:能做笔记, 可快可慢:



1.词数80~ 100;

2.请不要逐句翻译, 可适当发挥;


Which is better, reading or listening to books?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



The air is f________ (新鲜的) and the water is clean in the countryside.



Don't t________ () rubbish in the park. Can't you see the sign of“No littering!"?



Believing in ourselves is the first step on the road to s________ (成功).



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