满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

As the host city of the next Winter Game...

    As the host city of the next Winter Games, Beijing held a wonderful eight-minute show at the closing ceremony of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, sending a warm invitation to the whole world.

The show was directed by Zhang Yimou, a famous Chinese director who was also responsible for the eight-minute summer handover in Athens in 2004 as well as the opening and closing ceremonies in Beijing in 2008 that had a big success in the world.

Unlike Athens which focused on showing Chinese history with traditional culture like red lantern and jasmine(茉莉花), “Beijing 8 Minutes” gave special importance to the Chinese people’s sincere welcome to the world by using modern technology.

Leading the team were two dancers in costumes of panda puppets that are the world’s largest but the lightest at the same time, each weighing only about 10 kilograms. To reduce the pressure on the two dancers, researchers had tried hundreds of different materials until ending up with high-technology ones.

During the whole performance, the dancers and robots both wore LED lights on them that could be fit for the cold weather at PyeongChang Olympic Stadium without the risks of breaking. The costumes were also made with a kind of special material to keep the dancers warm.

Performers danced with 24 intelligent robots – standing for Beijing hosting the 24th Winter Olympics. They showed scenes of sports such as skating and skiing.

Pictures were projected to the icy floor while dancers skated across it, making a sense of augmented reality(增强现实). A number of moving screens in the middle of the field were also controlled by artificial intelligence(人工智能).

1.What’s the purpose of the eight minutes in Athens in 2004?

A.To spread Chinese traditional culture.

B.To show advanced science and technology in China

C.To improve our living standards.

D.To carry forward the spirit of sports.

2.What does the underlined word “puppets” probably mean in this passage?

A.木偶 B.模特 C.机器人 D.复制品

3.The dancers and robots both wear _______ on them in the show.

A.red lanterns and jasmines B.sports suits

C.LED lights D.moving screens

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.Athens 8 Minutes. B.Beijing 8 Minutes.

C.The 2018 PyeongChang Olympics. D.The 2018 Beijing Olympics.


1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 文章大意:文章主要介绍了北京在2018年平昌冬季奥运会闭幕式上举行了精彩的八分钟秀,向全世界发出了热烈的邀请。并对一些细节进行了介绍。 1. 细节理解题。根据文中“Unlike Athens which focused on showing Chinese history with traditional culture like red lantern and jasmine(茉莉花), “Beijing 8 Minutes” gave special importance to the Chinese people’s sincere welcome to the world by using modern technology.” 不像雅典集中展示中国历史与传统文化喜欢红色灯笼和茉莉花(茉莉花),“北京8分钟”就特别重视中国人民真诚欢迎使用现代技术世界。可知在雅典奥运会上展示中国的历史,是用红灯笼和茉莉花这些传统的中国文化来展示,故答案为A。 2. 词义猜测题。根据文中“Leading the team were two dancers in costumes of panda puppets that are the world’s largest but the lightest at the same time, each weighing only about 10 kilograms.” 带领队伍的是两名身穿熊猫木偶服装的舞者,这是世界上最大但同时也最轻的服装,每一件仅重约10公斤。可知,在这篇文章中,画线的单词“puppets”可能是“木偶”的意思,故答案为A。 3. 细节理解题。根据文中的第五段“During the whole performance, the dancers and robots both wore LED lights on them that could be fit for the cold weather at PyeongChang Olympic Stadium without the risks of breaking.”可知在整个演出过程中,舞者和机器人都戴着LED灯,故答案为C。 4. 主旨大意题。根据文中的第一段“As the host city of the next Winter Games, Beijing held a wonderful eight-minute show at the closing ceremony of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics on Sunday, sending a warm invitation to the whole world.”作为下一届冬奥会的主办城市,北京在2018年平昌冬季奥运会闭幕式上举行了精彩的八分钟秀,向全世界发出了热烈的邀请。可知主要介绍是北京的8分钟表演,故答案为B。

    Here's the content of a book.





Unit 1



Sad movies

Understanding main ideas

Predicting by title

Kinds of music

Music stars

Unit 2


National sports

The ancicnt Olympic Games

Understanding main ideas

Guessing meaing of new words

Action verbs

Names of sports

Sports tools

Unit 3


Weather service

Weather and nature

Understanding main ideas

Guessing meaning of new words

Weather conditions

Weather information

Unit 4


Traveling in India

Body language in the United States

Understanding main ideas

Prdieting by title

Making inferences

Cultural studies

Cultural and art

Unit 5


Living in space

The planets

Understanding main ideas

Understanding atitude

Space news

Space terms



1.If you're interested in music, you can read “_______”.

A.National sports B.Sad movies C.The planets D.Weather service

2.You can learn something about weather in _______.

A.Unit 1 B.Unit 2 C.Unit 3 D.Unit 4

3.Words about _______ are in Unit 5.

A.music stars B.weather conditions C.sports tools D.space news



    I’m confused (困惑的) these days. We are taught at home and at school that using violence (暴力) is the least civilized (文明的) way to solve problems. For example, last week I thought about hitting my friend for winning a beautiful shell while we were playing at the beach. But I talked with him instead and we came to an agreement. If two adults had a disagreement, and if they used violence towards each other in order to win, is it all right?

When two countries disagree, they often fight a war. Why is using violence not okay at home, at school, or in your country but okay between countries? Many people have been killed because of wars, not only soldiers but ordinary people, even small children and babies. And refugees (难民) exist, too.

A war is a great violence, like two people fighting over a shell, just much bigger. Adults say they are fighting wars in order to solve problems and make peace. But can you really "make peace" by killing so many people? I don't think bombs can reach people's hearts and change them. Bombs can't create love and caring, and that's what we need in the world. Why do adults use violence so quickly? Why can't they use their wisdom and talk it over?

Adults might say that things are not that easy. But they are the ones that teach us to be kind, not to hurt people, and not to kill. Why don't they act as what they say?

A page from a 12-year-old boy, Joshua's diary

1.At the beach, Joshua             .

A.hit his friend in the face

B.won a beautiful toy

C.played with a beautiful shell

D.came to an agreement with his friend

2.Joshua hates wars between countries because           .

A.he knew little about wars

B.he doesn't understand adults

C.wars create death and refugees

D.wars are not the only way to make peace

3.What's the key to peace in Joshua's opinion?

A.Love and care for each other.

B.Don't use violence so quickly.

C.Stop using bombs in wars.

D.Don't hurt or kill people in wars.



    The Internet has become part of teenage life. There's a report on about four thousand students aged from 8 to 16 in seven Chinese cities. It says that 94 percent of them use the Internet often. While most of them get useful information and use the Internet to help in their studies, some are not using it in a good way. Many are playing online games too much. A few even visit web sites which are not suitable for students. Bad things can happen if young people spend too much time on the Internet.

In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way, a textbook on good Internet behavior has started to be used in some Shanghai middle schools this term. It uses real examples to teach students all about good ways of using the Internet. It gives useful advice such as it's good to read news or find helpful information to study. Some students also make online friends. But if you are meeting a friend offline, let your parents know.

Teachers and parents all think the book is a very good idea. It will teach students how to be a good person in the online world. It will be a guide for teens using the Internet and keep students away from bad sites.

1.The underlined word "it" means _________.

A.the book B.the Internet C.the report D.useful information

2.Why do teachers and parents think the book is a good idea?

A.Because it helps with the students' studies.

B.Because it gives useful information to parents.

C.Because it is widely used in middle schools.

D.Because it teaches students how to behave online.

3.Which is the best title of the passage ?

A.Internet, part of teenagers’ life.

B.Never use the Internet often.

C.Be careful when using the Internet.

D.How to be a good person.



Simon: Hi, Cindy. I have some good news for you.

Cindy: Good news? 1.

Simon: Miss Lin said we would go out for a trip. 

Cindy: 2. Where shall we go?

Simon: 3.   

Cindy: Not really. I think it’s too far away.

Simon: 4.

Cindy: Zheshan Park is my choice.

Simon: I don’t think that’s a good idea. 5. Why not go to Fantawild Adventure instead?

Cindy: That sounds wonderful.

A.With pleasure.

B.How about the countryside?

C.That’s great!

D.What is it?

E.We’ve been there many times.

F.Who’d like to go there?

G.Where do you think we should go?



    A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night. They turn off the lights, pull up the covers and______ their eyes. Several hours later, they ______ again. Strange, isn’t it?

Sleep puzzles science. Scientists and doctors would rather talk about why one can’t fall asleep. They are not so sure ______ causes sleep.The best conditions for sleep are good health and meal which is ______ too big nor too small. No worries and a comfortable place can help you fall asleep______.They don’t think it’s good for two people to sleep in one bed.

Strange things happen during sleep. For example, you move often. You would feel ______if you didn’t. You also dream. Parts of your brain are still ______when you dream. Dreaming happens when the ______and imagination parts of your brain are still awake. In your dream, you can see things that happened _______or people you met before and you might even see things that never happen or people you never meet in your real life. Many scientists say ______ have shown that most of us dream in colour. Bad dreams may be caused by a stomachache. Don’t worry if you dream. Some great stories and poems were begun while the writers slept.

1.A.close B.open C.opened D.closed

2.A.get on B.wake up C.fall asleep D.go to bed

3.A.who B.whom C.what D.which

4.A.both B.none C.either D.neither

5.A.slowly B.heavily C.hardly D.easily

6.A.sad B.tired C.angry D.excited

7.A.away B.asleep C.awake D.afraid

8.A.memory B.education C.attention D.knowledge

9.A.on holiday B.in the past C.in the future D.at the moment

10.A.pictures B.newspaper C.experiments D.suggestions



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