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The Chinese Character Dictation Contest ...

The Chinese Character Dictation Contest (汉字听写大赛) reminds us that Chinese characters play an important r________ (角色) in passing on Chinese language and culture.


role 【解析】 句意:汉字听写大赛提醒我们汉字在传承汉语和中国文化中扮演着重要角色。 role角色,根据an可知是单数,play an important role in在……中扮演重要角色;故填role。  

    As you grow up, you need to explore the world in new ways, while your parents need to protect you from the dangers in the world. Different ideas might lead to fights in families. Do you know how to make your home a happy and healthy place? Try the following.


Respect is more than just doing what you are told to do. Respect is about valuing(重视) what your parents have to say. It is also about them valuing what you have to say.

Mark, 14, puts it this way, “At least try to understand whatever they are trying to tell you, no matter how bad it may sound at the time.”


You can communicate with your parents by expressing your thoughts in a respectful way. Your ability to explain your thoughts calmly may give your parents a chance to see you in a new light.


You are more likely to get along with your parents and have more freedom if your parents trust you.

Taking time together

Some teenagers find that doing fun activities with their parents can improve their relationships. Sharing time together can build trust and communication. Sometimes we forget that parents are more than rule-makers — they’re interesting people who like to watch movies, play cards, and go shopping— just like us!

Your relationship with your parents may be sometimes good and sometimes bad. But remember that parents can be a great support when things are not going well. So try your best to improve the relationship between you and your parents. If your parents see that you try your best, they will do the same.

1.What is passage mainly about?(不超过15个词)


2.How should you communicate with your parents?(不超过10个词)


3.What does the underlined part “do the same” mean?(不超过15个词)




    More and more Chinese are having English names, but not everyone is good at finding one. Why not offer them some help? An American girl called Lindsay Jernigan is now teaching people how to get better English names.

While working in Shanghai, Lindsay met many Chinese people with strange English names. Some of them chose a lucky number of “Seven,” a favorite fruit, “Apple,” and a cartoon character, “Snow White.” Others had names like “July” and “Rabbit.”

After noticing the problem, Lindsay had an idea. She gave up her job and set up a website (bestenglishname.com) to help Chinese people get better English names.

The website helps people in two ways. After they take an online quiz, people will get five English names based on their personal information, such as age, job and even future plans. This costs 3 yuan. People can also meet with Lindsay to talk about their English names. But that costs more.

Now, about 2,000 people each day visit the website. Most of them are preparing to study or work abroad. Lindsay is planning to offer them more help, such as helping them write resumes(简历).

1.What does Lindsay think of the name of “Rabbit”?

A.Wonderful. B.Strange. C.Creative. D.Boring.

2.If you get a name from Lindsay’s website, you should pay her _______.

A.three yuan. B.2000 yuan C.two yuan D.more than 3 yuan

3.Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Lindsay?

A.Her website mainly helps the English--speaking people.

B.Her idea came from her work experience in China.

C.She plans to provide more service for the customers.

D.She can help the people to get names in two ways.

4.The best title of the passage is _______.

A.A hard-working American girl

B.How to find a good English name

C.Don’t choose English names without thinking

D.American girl helps to choose an English name



    As the host city of the next Winter Games, Beijing held a wonderful eight-minute show at the closing ceremony of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, sending a warm invitation to the whole world.

The show was directed by Zhang Yimou, a famous Chinese director who was also responsible for the eight-minute summer handover in Athens in 2004 as well as the opening and closing ceremonies in Beijing in 2008 that had a big success in the world.

Unlike Athens which focused on showing Chinese history with traditional culture like red lantern and jasmine(茉莉花), “Beijing 8 Minutes” gave special importance to the Chinese people’s sincere welcome to the world by using modern technology.

Leading the team were two dancers in costumes of panda puppets that are the world’s largest but the lightest at the same time, each weighing only about 10 kilograms. To reduce the pressure on the two dancers, researchers had tried hundreds of different materials until ending up with high-technology ones.

During the whole performance, the dancers and robots both wore LED lights on them that could be fit for the cold weather at PyeongChang Olympic Stadium without the risks of breaking. The costumes were also made with a kind of special material to keep the dancers warm.

Performers danced with 24 intelligent robots – standing for Beijing hosting the 24th Winter Olympics. They showed scenes of sports such as skating and skiing.

Pictures were projected to the icy floor while dancers skated across it, making a sense of augmented reality(增强现实). A number of moving screens in the middle of the field were also controlled by artificial intelligence(人工智能).

1.What’s the purpose of the eight minutes in Athens in 2004?

A.To spread Chinese traditional culture.

B.To show advanced science and technology in China

C.To improve our living standards.

D.To carry forward the spirit of sports.

2.What does the underlined word “puppets” probably mean in this passage?

A.木偶 B.模特 C.机器人 D.复制品

3.The dancers and robots both wear _______ on them in the show.

A.red lanterns and jasmines B.sports suits

C.LED lights D.moving screens

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.Athens 8 Minutes. B.Beijing 8 Minutes.

C.The 2018 PyeongChang Olympics. D.The 2018 Beijing Olympics.



    Here's the content of a book.





Unit 1



Sad movies

Understanding main ideas

Predicting by title

Kinds of music

Music stars

Unit 2


National sports

The ancicnt Olympic Games

Understanding main ideas

Guessing meaing of new words

Action verbs

Names of sports

Sports tools

Unit 3


Weather service

Weather and nature

Understanding main ideas

Guessing meaning of new words

Weather conditions

Weather information

Unit 4


Traveling in India

Body language in the United States

Understanding main ideas

Prdieting by title

Making inferences

Cultural studies

Cultural and art

Unit 5


Living in space

The planets

Understanding main ideas

Understanding atitude

Space news

Space terms



1.If you're interested in music, you can read “_______”.

A.National sports B.Sad movies C.The planets D.Weather service

2.You can learn something about weather in _______.

A.Unit 1 B.Unit 2 C.Unit 3 D.Unit 4

3.Words about _______ are in Unit 5.

A.music stars B.weather conditions C.sports tools D.space news



    I’m confused (困惑的) these days. We are taught at home and at school that using violence (暴力) is the least civilized (文明的) way to solve problems. For example, last week I thought about hitting my friend for winning a beautiful shell while we were playing at the beach. But I talked with him instead and we came to an agreement. If two adults had a disagreement, and if they used violence towards each other in order to win, is it all right?

When two countries disagree, they often fight a war. Why is using violence not okay at home, at school, or in your country but okay between countries? Many people have been killed because of wars, not only soldiers but ordinary people, even small children and babies. And refugees (难民) exist, too.

A war is a great violence, like two people fighting over a shell, just much bigger. Adults say they are fighting wars in order to solve problems and make peace. But can you really "make peace" by killing so many people? I don't think bombs can reach people's hearts and change them. Bombs can't create love and caring, and that's what we need in the world. Why do adults use violence so quickly? Why can't they use their wisdom and talk it over?

Adults might say that things are not that easy. But they are the ones that teach us to be kind, not to hurt people, and not to kill. Why don't they act as what they say?

A page from a 12-year-old boy, Joshua's diary

1.At the beach, Joshua             .

A.hit his friend in the face

B.won a beautiful toy

C.played with a beautiful shell

D.came to an agreement with his friend

2.Joshua hates wars between countries because           .

A.he knew little about wars

B.he doesn't understand adults

C.wars create death and refugees

D.wars are not the only way to make peace

3.What's the key to peace in Joshua's opinion?

A.Love and care for each other.

B.Don't use violence so quickly.

C.Stop using bombs in wars.

D.Don't hurt or kill people in wars.



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