满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Last week my biology teacher asked us to...

    Last week my biology teacher asked us to do a project the introduction of green food. We didn’t have any idea _________. Then our four-member group _________ and decided to do a research in a supermarket. One of us _________ the names of the green food on the shelves.  _________ three interviewed _________ with questions like “Do you know _________ are green foods?”, “_________ do you buy green food?” and so on. We interviewed more than fifty shoppers! Later we made a _______  on the research and handed it in. Our teacher _______ the best reports and posted them on the back wall of our classroom, among which there was __________. We learned a lot from this fun activity.

1.A.at first B.in all C.after that D.in the end

2.A.told a joke B.had a party C.told a story D.had a meeting

3.A.looked after B.depended on C.called up D.wrote down

4.A.Other B.The other C.Others D.The others

5.A.doctors B.drivers C.cooks D.shoppers

6.A.whose B.which C.when D.how

7.A.How often B.How many C.How long D.How soon

8.A.wish B.deal C.report D.list

9.A.chose B.sent C.gave D.wrote

10.A.mine B.its C.theirs D.ours


1.A 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D 【解析】 本文主要讲述了我和同学们去超市做有关于绿色食物的研究报告的经历。 1. 句意:一开始我们没有主意。 at first首先,起初;in all总共;after that之后;in the end最后。联系下文“Then our four-member group ________ and decided to do a research in a supermarket.”然后组员决定去超市做研究,说明一开始没有主意。故选A。 2. 句意:然后我们的4人小组开了会议,决定去超市做研究。 told a joke讲笑话;had a party举办派对;told a story讲故事;had a meeting开会。根据句意表示开会做决定去超市做研究。故选D。 3. 句意:我们中的一人写下货架上的绿色食物名字。 looked after照顾;depended on取决于;called up打电话;wrote down写下。根据句意表示写下绿色食物的名字。故选D。 4. 句意:其他3人采访购物者一些像这样:“你知道哪个是绿色食物么”“你多久买一次绿色食物”的问题。 Other其他的,后跟名词;The other另一个,指2个中的另一个;Others其余的,后不跟名词;The others其余的,表示同一个范围中剩余的。联系上文“our four-member group”4人一组,可知是指团队中剩余的另一部分。故选B。 5. 句意:其他3人采访购物者一些像这样:“你知道哪个是绿色食物么”“你多久买一次绿色食物”的问题。 doctors医生;drivers司机;cooks厨师;shoppers购物者。联系下文“We interviewed more than fifty shoppers”我们采访了50多个购物者,故选D。 6. 句意:其他3人采访购物者一些像这样:“你知道哪个是绿色食物么”“你多久买一次绿色食物”的问题。 whose谁的;which哪一个;when何时;how怎样。根据句意表示哪个是绿色食物,故选B。 7. 句意:其他3人采访购物者一些像这样:“你知道哪个是绿色食物么”“你多久买一次绿色食物”的问题。 How often多久一次,问频率;How many多少,问数量;How long多久,问时间;How soon多久,问时间。根据句意表示多久买一次绿色食物。故选A。 8. 句意:之后我们做了个研究报告然后上交了。 wish祝愿;deal约定,交易;report报告;list清单。联系下文“Our teacher ______ the best reports”可知是报告。故选C。 9. 句意:我们老师挑选了最好的报告然后把它们贴在教室后面的墙上。 chose选择;sent发送;gave给与;wrote写。根据句意表示老师挑选出最好的报告然后贴在墙上。故选A。 10. 句意:其中有我们的。 mine我的;its它的;theirs他们的;ours我们的。联系上文“Later we made a ______ on the research and handed it in.”我们做的研究,可知是我们的报告。故选D。

(2013江苏南京)Linda’s father hates waiting in long linesI think he’s just not very________







Too much water ________ in the world every day, and we should do something to protect it.

A.wastes B.wasted C.was wasted D.is wasted



You can't go to the reading room ________ you have a school ID card. It is only for students.

A.if B.although C.unless D.since




--I've just make a model robot for our class project.

A.What's your name? B.What are you up to?

C.How old are you? D.How can I help you



—Don’t ________ late, Betty. You have to go to school early tomorrow.

—OK, Mom. I’ll go to bed right now.

A.put up B.stay up C.sit down D.fall down



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