满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A banker was on holiday. He was walking ...

    A banker was on holiday. He was walking on a beautiful beach near a small village. He saw a fisherman in his_______ with a few fish in it.

“Great fish! ”he said.“ _______ did it take you to catch them?”

“Not very long”, answered the fisherman.

"Why didn't you stay at sea longer to catch some more? asked the banker.

"There are just enough fish here to _______my family, answered the fisherman.

Then the banker asked, But what do you do the rest of the time?

"I sleep late, I play with my kids, _______I relax. In the evening, I go to see my friends in the village. We drink wine and play the guitar. I’m _______than you think. Life here isn’t as...

“I have an MBA from Harvard University, the banker _______."And I can help you. You're not fishing as much as you can. If you start fishing for longer periods of time, you’ll get enough money from selling the fish to buy a bigger boat. Then with the _______ you' ll get from catching and selling more fish, you could buy a second boat, and then a third one, and so on. Then _______selling your fish to shops, you could sell them directly to a fish factory, or even _______your own factory.”

“And then? "asked the fisherman.

"Then you' ll be able to leave your little village for the big city, where you could direct the company and you will________ millions.

"Millions? But then what?

"Then you can retire(退休), live in a small village by the sea, go to the beach, sleep late, play with your kid...

1.A.house B.kitchen C.boat D.sea

2.A.How long B.When C.How much D.How

3.A.serve B.cost C.treat D.feed

4.A.though B.so C.and D.but

5.A.lazier B.busier C.cleverer D.kinder

6.A.turned up B.cried out C.ran away D.broken in

7.A.money B.success C.time D.interest

8.A.instead of B.thanks to C.except for D.because of

9.A.save B.find C.open D.sell

10.A.dream B.make C.lose D.spend


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.B 【解析】 文章大意:短文主要叙述了银行家和渔夫的一个幽默故事:银行家希望渔夫在休闲时间里多打鱼,多赚钱,并且给渔夫设计了以后的生活,从农村到城市生活最后再到农村养老。 1. 句意:他看见渔夫在船上,船上有几条鱼。 house房子;kitchen厨房;boat小船;sea大海。根据前句He was walking on a beautiful beach near a small village.他正在一个小村庄附近的美丽的海滩上散步可知,空处的词应是“小船”,故答案为C。 2. 句意:你花了多长时间才抓住它们? How long多长时间;When什么时候;How much多少;How怎么样。根据本句句型it takes sb some time to do sth可知,空处的词是对some time一段时间进行提问,应为“多长时间”,故答案为A。 3. 句意:这就有足够的鱼来养活我的家人。 serve服务;cost花费;treat对待、治疗;feed喂养、养活。根据宾语my family我的家人可知,空处的动词应是“养活”,故答案为D。 4. 句意:我睡觉很晚,我和我的孩子们玩,我很放松。 though虽然,从属连词,表示让步;so因此,并列连词,表示因果关系;and和、又,并列连词,表示顺延关系;but,并列连词,表示转折关系。根据前后句句镜可知,空处的词表示并列关系,应是and,故答案为C。 5. 句意:我比你想象的要更忙。 lazier更懒;busier更忙;cleverer更聪明;kinder更友善。根据后句Life here isn’t as...这的生活不是像……可知,渔夫认为他们的生活也很忙碌,故答案为B。 6. 句意:我有哈佛大学的工商管理硕士学位,那个银行家打断道。 turned up开大、出现;cried out大声呼喊;ran away逃离、逃避;broken in打断(谈话、思路等)。根据上句Life here isn’t as...这的生活不是像……可知,银行家打断了谈话,故答案为D。 7. 句意:用你从捕鱼和卖鱼中赚的钱,你可以再买一条船。 money钱;success成功;time时间;interest兴趣。根据后句you could buy a second boat, 你可以再买一条船可知,空处的词应是“钱”,故答案为A。 8. 句意:而不是把鱼卖给商店,你可以把它们直接卖给鱼工厂,甚至是开你自己的工厂。 instead of代替、而不是;thanks to多亏、由于;except for除……之外;because of因为。根据后句you could sell them directly to a fish factory, or even ___9___your own factory. 你可以把它们直接卖给鱼工厂,甚至是开你自己的工厂可知,空处的短语应是“而不是”,故答案为A。 9. 句意:而不是把鱼卖给商店,你可以把它们直接卖给鱼工厂,甚至是开你自己的工厂。 save挽救、储蓄;find找到、发现;open开、打开;sell卖。根据前后句语境和副词even的提示,空处的词应是“开”,故答案为C。 10. 句意:那么你将能离开小村庄到大城市,在那里你可以管理公司,你将赚到数百万。 dream梦想;make制造、获得;lose丢失、损失;spend花费。根据前半句where you could direct the company在那里你可以管理公司以及表示顺延的并列连词and的提示,空处的词应是“赚到、获得”,故答案为B。

It was nice talking to you. The plane is taking off, so I have to go.

______OK.I will miss you a lot.

A.why not? B.Good point. C.How come? D.Take care



—Why didn’t you fly to Moscow?

—Because all the flights ________

A.are canceled B.were canceled C.will be canceled D.have been canceled



What kind of house do you want to buy?

Well, it’s _______ be bigthat’s not so important.

A.should B.must C.needn’t D.can’t



—How do you and Joe _________?

—We’re great friends.

A.come along B.get on C.give up D.set off



Emma, what do you want to be in the future?

I want to be a doctor. This has been my dream_______ I was a kid.

A.since B.when C.until D.before



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