满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Look at the picture on the right. What i...

Look at the picture on the right. What is the woman probably saying?

A.Come in please. B.Turn round please. C.Stand up please. D.Hold on please.


A 【解析】 句意:看右边的图画。那位妇女可能正在说什么? 本题考查动词短语。Come in please.请进;Turn round please.请转身; Stand up please. 请起立;Hold on please请稍等。根据图画,这位妇女开门,看见一个小女孩,因此欢迎她进来,故选A。  

初三中考最后复习阶段,同学们要学会调节并且劳逸结合,可以积极参加一些有意义的活动来丰富自己的生活。假定你是李磊,你的朋友 Frank 想邀请你与他共度周末,请认真阅读他写给你的邮件,根据邮件内容及你的想法用英语问复。

To: Lilei@163.com

From: Frank@Email.com

Subject: Weekend Activities

Dear Li Lei,

I’m happy to hear you have finished your exam. If you aren’t busy, would you like to stay at my place this weekend?

While you’re here, the Environment Club I belong to needs some volunteers. We could either help pick up litter along the river or plant trees in a park for a few hours. Which activity would you prefer? Why?

We have to wear old clothes and boots for these kinds of activities. I have an extra pair of boots if you want to borrow them.

What else do you want to do during your stay?

Best wishes, Frank


注意: 1.词数 90 左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数;



Dear Frank,

Thanks for your invitation for this weekend.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I am looking forward to this weekend!

All the best,

Li Lei




Chinese delivery ( ) driver, Gao Zhixiao, appeared on the cover of Time magazine in March b1.he was picked by the magazine as one of the heroes.

Ever since COVID-19 broke out, many restaurants shut down or offered takeout-only s2.. Millions of people have been staying home to prevent t3.getting ill. People choose to order food online instead of going out. As a result, delivery orders greatly increased.

Gao was born into a poor family in Ningxia. He left for Beijing after graduating from middle school. A 4. trying his hand as a dishwasher, assistant cook, and many other jobs, he worked as a deliveryman in 2012. When the novel coronavirus broke out, Gao g5. up his train ticket to go back home during the Spring Festival and continued working because he thought customers might be in need.

Late this February, Gao received a s 6. order that asked him to send  medicine for coronavirus patients. He thought for a moment and picked up the order. B7.delivering goods, Gao once warm-heartedly cooked for an elderly customer who was living alone at her home. Gao said, “I’m an ordinary person, and I just do w8.I am supposed to.”

On March 19, Time magazine p9.six covers for its coronavirus issue under the theme “When the world stops”. If not for riders l10.Gao, many families would be infected (感染) while shopping or buying food.



阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容,在文章后每个 小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填 1 个单词。

Because of the novel coronavirus, it is useful for many people to wear masks to avoid illness. In fact, masks have been helping humans for centuries. Let’s take a look at something about masks.

1st century

During that period, many people in Roman Empire lived a hard life and had to work underground in mines to support their families. But after several years’ work, most of them had difficulty breathing normally and finally died. To solve this problem, Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD), a Roman philosopher and naturalist, recommended the use of animal bladder ( 膀 胱 ) skins to stop dust from being taken in. After that, his idea was considered the very first recorded mask invention.

16th century

Early inventions did not stop with Pliny. Many centuries later, Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), put forward a suggestion of using a wet cloth over the face to protect against the harmful chemicals.

19th century

The design of the mask took a big step forward in the 19th century. In 1848, American Lewis Hassley started to patent (注册) a protective mask for miners, which was a landmark. Masks at this stage were similar to gas masks. Later, in 1897, Polish-Austrian doctor Johann von Mikulicz-Radecki designed a simple mask made of one layer of gauze ( 纱 布 ), recommending medical workers to wear it to prevent infection. Since then, surgical masks have appeared.

20th century

In 1910, an epidemic broke out in Northeast China. Chinese doctor Wu Liande designed a cheap face mask called “Wu’s mask”. Made of two layers of surgical

gauze, it could be wrapped (缠绕) around the back of the head and tied in a knot. This mask was praised by experts around the world, as it was easier to make and had a lower production cost.

Modern exploration

With the development of science technology, the materials in masks have been improved to better protect its wearer. For example, in 2012 when China suffered from smog, mask models such as N95 and KN90 became highly popular. In the future, masks will continue to improve, hopefully so will the habits of humans.

The1.of the mask

Wearing masks is of great 2. to protect oneself against the illness. In fact, masks have been helping humans for centuries.


1st century

    Many people in Roman Empire couldn’t afford their family3.they worked underground in mines. But after several years’ work, most of them had difficulty breathing normally and finally died.

    It was Pliny the Elder who4.with this problem by recommending the use of animal bladder (膀胱) skins to stop dust. This is the first recorded mask.

16th century

    To avoid the harmful chemicals, Leonardo da Vinci 5.a suggestion of using a wet cloth over the face for us.

19th century

    In 1848, American Lewis Hassley became the 6. person to patent (注册专利) a protective mask for miners, which was a landmark.

    In 1897, Polish-Austrian doctor Johann von designed a simple mask made of one layer of gauze ( 纱 布 ) and recommended medical workers to wear it. That was 7.surgical masks appeared.

20th century

In 1910, the face mask called “Wu’s mask” was spoken highly of by experts around the world, as it cost 8.and was made more easily.

Modern exploration

    With the development of science technology, the materials in masks have been improved to reduce the9.of getting illness.

    In the future, it is 10.that masks will continue to improve, as well as the habits of humans.






It is also kind of overseas Chinese to___________ (捐献) a lot of things to Wuhan.



Many people give a helping hand to those in need___________ (没有) leaving their names.



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