满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Long long ago, a man had a cat which he ...

    Long long ago, a man had a cat which he loved very, very much. He thought it was such an unusual animal that he decided to name it Sky.

One day, a friend said to him, “Allow me to _____________ to you that there is something stronger than sky. I mean the clouds, for they _____________ the sky.” “You are right,” _____________ the man. “From now on, I’m going to give my most unusual cat the name Cloud.”

Sometime later, one of his neighbours was drinking tea at his house. “_______________  do you call this unusual animal Cloud? For there is _____________ much stronger than the clouds. I mean the wind that blows away the clouds _______________ it.” So from then on the man called the cat of which he was so _______________ by the name of Wind.

But a week had not passed when the leader of the town noticed this quite unusual cat. “Wind,” he said, “seems to me a _____________ that is not worth the quality of this animal. The wind meets his master every day. I mean the wall that it cannot _____________through.” “Ah, so,” said the ________________ of the cat, “my most beloved pet will be called Wall.”

A little later, a young man from a nearby school respectfully said to the man that there was something which could beat even a wall — the __________________ that bit a hole through it. “That is ______________,” said the man. “I will name my most unusual cat Mouse.”

Just then the gardener’s little son happened by. “Mouse!” ________________ cried out. “Aha, I know something much stronger than a mouse. I mean the cat that ______________  the mouse and eats him up.” At this the man realized his ______________ . And from then on he called the animal by the most beautiful name that anyone had been able to give it — the name of Cat.

1.A.carry out B.point out C.put out D.find out

2.A.hide B.fill C.clean D.decorate

3.A.asked B.added C.replied D.doubted

4.A.When B.Where C.How D.Why

5.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

6.A.as a result of B.instead of C.in front of D.because of

7.A.scared B.proud C.tired D.sure

8.A.sport B.subject C.weather D.name

9.A.look B.blow C.walk D.wash

10.A.owner B.seller C.buyer D.hunter

11.A.fish B.dog C.mouse D.bird

12.A.true B.wrong C.necessary D.interesting

13.A.I B.you C.he D.she

14.A.touches B.finds C.hits D.catches

15.A.kindness B.foolishness C.cleverness D.sadness


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了一个人给自己的宠物猫取了很多“强大”的名字,但最后又取回了“猫”这个名字的故事。 1. 句意:请允许我向你指出,有比天空更强大的东西。 carry out执行;point out指出;put out熄灭;find out发现。根据语境可知,朋友向他指出有比天空更强大的东西。故选B。 2. 句意:我指的是云,因为它们遮住了天空。 hide遮蔽;fill充满;clean扫除;decorate装饰。根据语境可知,云能把天空遮蔽起来,因此认为云比天空更厉害。故选A。 3. 句意:“你说得对,”那人回答说。 asked询问;added添加;replied回答;doubted怀疑。根据语境可知,此处是对上文朋友所说的话的回答。故选C。 4. 句意:你为什么称这种不寻常的动物为云? When什么时候;Where哪里;How如何,怎样;Why为什么。根据下文“For there is ________ much stronger than the clouds”可知,邻居询问这人为什么称这种不寻常的动物为云,应用why提问。故选D。 5. 句意:因为有比云更强大的东西。 something一些,一般用于肯定句中;anything一些,一般用于疑问句或否定句中; everything任何,一切;nothing什么也没有。根据语境可知,有比云更强大的东西,本句为肯定句,故应用代词something。故选A。 6. 句意:我是说,风吹散了前面的云。 as a result of由于……的结果;instead of而不是;in front of在……前面;because of由于。根据语境可知,风能吹散挡在前面的云。故选C。 7. 句意:从那时起,那人就给那只他引以为豪的猫起名叫风。 scared害怕的;proud骄傲的;tired劳累的;sure肯定的。根据上文“He thought it was such an unusual animal”及关系代词前的介词of可知,构成搭配be proud of,这只猫让他非常骄傲。故选B。 8. 句意:在我看来,这个名字不配这种动物的品质。 sport运动;subject科目;weather天气;name名字。根据上文“‘Wind,’ he said”可知,在镇长看来,“风”这个名字配不上这只猫的品质。故选D。 9. 句意:我的意思是风不能吹透墙。 look看;blow吹;walk走;wash洗。根据语境可知,风不能吹透墙。故选B。 10. 句意:“啊,所以,”猫的主人说,“我最心爱的宠物叫墙。” owner物主;seller销售者;buyer消费者;hunter猎人。根据语境可知,猫的主人决定称自己的宠物为墙。故选A。 11. 句意:过了一会儿,附近一所学校的一个年轻人恭敬地对那人说,有一种东西甚至可以穿过一堵墙——老鼠在墙上咬了个洞。 fish鱼;dog狗;mouse老鼠;bird鸟。根据下文“I will name my most unusual cat Mouse”可知,老鼠可以在墙上咬个洞。故选C。 12. 句意:“那是正确的,”那人说。 true正确的;wrong错误的;necessary必要的;interesting有趣的。根据下文“I will name my most unusual cat Mouse”可知,这个男人认为年轻人说得“老鼠比墙强大”是正确的。故选A。 13. 句意:“老鼠!”他喊道。 I我;you你;he他;she她。根据上文“Just then the gardener’s little son happened by”可知,园丁的儿子喊猫的名字,故此处应用人称代词he指代园丁的儿子。故选C。 14. 句意:我的意思是猫能够抓住老鼠并把它吃掉。 touches触摸;finds找到;hits击打;catches抓。根据语境可知,猫能抓老鼠。故选D。 15. 句意:这时,这个人意识到自己的愚蠢。 kindness仁慈;foolishness愚蠢;cleverness聪明;sadness悲伤。根据语境可知,这个人给猫取了许多强大的名字,但最后还是又回到了“猫”这个名字本身,故他意识到了自己的愚蠢。故选B。

Tom became interested in books at a very young age. He read every book he could find and bought books of all kinds. Today Tom has a big collection of books. His favourite books are mystery novels and books about detective stories.

The story mainly tells us ________.

A.why Tom does the reading B.how Tom learned to read

C.how much Tom likes to read D.what Tom’s favourite books are



―Are you sure you won't come for a drink with us?

        if you insist.

A.Not at all B.All right then

C.It depends D.I don't care



It’s an either-or situation — we can buy a camera this year or we can go on holiday but we can’t do________.

A.other B.either C.all D.both



If steel is heavier than water, why are ships able to ________ on the sea?

A.float B.fly C.fall D.flow



You look the same now as you looked ten years ago. You’ve ________ changed.

A.completely B.hardly C.greatly D.already



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