满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

在我们的成长过程中, 一定都有很多令人难忘的经历。假如你是李华, 请用英语写一篇...

    在我们的成长过程中, 一定都有很多令人难忘的经历。假如你是李华, 请用英语写一篇以 An Unforgettable Experience 为题的短文, 描述一件事情, 主要内容包括: 这件事情发生的时间, 地点, 过程以及感悟。


1. When and where did it happen?

2. What happened during this experience?

3. What have you learnt through this experience?



例文: An Unforgettable Experience I had many unforgettable experiences in my life. But there is a special thing that I never forgot. One day on my way to school, I ran across a traffic accident. A boy was riding his bike in the corner when a motorcycle was driving. The boy fell down and was seriously hurt by the motorcycle. I rushed to save him immediately. I picked him up and called a taxi which quickly took us to a nearby hospital. After emergency treatment, the boy came to himself. I felt at ease when I knew that he had only suffered from minor bone fractures and would recover in a couple of weeks. I left the hospital without giving my name. Although I delayed my class, my heart was full of joy and peace. Not until then did I understand the meaning of the proverb: “Helping others is the source of happiness.” This may be the most unforgettable experience of my life. 【解析】 1. 题干解读:文章是一篇话题作文。主要以“An Unforgettable Experience”为主题展开描写。描写自己的一次难忘的经历,写作时要交代清楚事情发生的经过,以及通过这件事情自己的想法,要突出这件事情为什么是难忘的,描写要用过去时,使用第一人称,要注意语言的衔接要连贯。





自从去年我买了电脑, 就没做过锻炼。








这些巧克力饼干尝起来真的很甜, 中间感觉很软。




Max's Good Habit

Max reads more than anyone he knows. He loves reading during all of his free time. His friends laugh at him because he would rather read than play video games, but his parents and his teachers are proud of him. They say reading is important, and it will help him learn about the world around him. They also tell him it is a good habit to read on a regular basis.

One day Max was reading a magazine article about volcanoes (火山). He told his friends all about volcanoes and what causes them to erupt (爆发). The very next week, his class was told to do a science project. It was to create a poster board with information about volcanoes and to build a volcano model. Guess who everyone wanted in their project group? Max's friends weren't laughing at him any more. Max ended up being in a group with Liz, Anna and Josh.

Max made copies of the magazine article about volcanoes so his project partners could read about them too. They also went to the library to look for more information about volcanoes.

The group met at Anna's house that night to organize (组织) the information. They all asked Max what he thought was the most important. Then they discussed and decided on the information they wanted to put on the poster board.

The next night they met at Josh's house to build their volcano. They used cardboard and modeling clay (黏土). First they made a volcano shape with the cardboard, and then they covered the shape in brown clay. They also fixed red clay to the top of the volcano to make it look like it was erupting.

The volcano looked great. Max, Liz, Anna and Josh were very proud of their hard work. When they turned in their project, their teacher was proud, too. Thanks to Max's good habit, they got an A+ on both parts of the project.

1.Does Max love reading during all of his free time?


2.Who are in the group to work with Max?


3.Where did the group meet to organize the information, at Anna's house or at Josh's house?


4.What did the group use to make the volcano model?


5.What do you learn from this story?




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