满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

You can take ________ of the two toy car...

You can take ________ of the two toy cars and leave the other for your brother.

A.either B.neither C.both


A 【解析】 句意:你可以拿这两个玩具车中的任意一个,把另一个留给你弟弟。 考查不定代词。either两者之一;neither两个都不;both两个都;根据leave the other for your brother把另一个留给你弟弟,可知是拿走一个;故选A。  

Tony is ________ about his performance tomorrow because he thinks he has prepared it well.

A.serious B.honest C.confident



Stephen Hawking was famous ________ a scientist. He made a great contribution to the world, and he passed away in 2018.

A.by B.for C.as



Was the monument built in of the PLA?

Yes. The soldiers saved all the villagers in that flood.

A.view B.memory C.support



    疫情期间,学生线上学习不注意用眼卫生或长时间玩网络游戏等对学生的视力影响非常大。据调查,我国青少年的近视率居全球第一,70%的学生有视力方面的问题。为引起广大青少年的重视,某英语报刊正在开展以" Saving Our Eyesight"为题的征文活动。请根据以下提示写篇短文投稿,分析青少年近视的原因并提出保护视力的合理建议。

Saving Our Eyesight



1. read in wrong positions: read in bed,...

2. take less exercise...

3. ...

1. sit straight

2... ...

3. ... ...






Saving Our Eyesight

As the saying goes," Eyes are the window to the soul(心灵)." _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In a word, let’s take care of our eyes so that we can see our bright future.



A: Nick, I haven't seen you these days. 1..

B: I've been to China for a visit with my parents.

A: Wow! Great! 2.

B: We visited many places of interest and had a lot of delicious food.

A: 3.    Anything else?

B: We also had many delicious snacks there. One of the most famous snacks is tanghulu.

A: Tanghulu? 4.

B: It is made of haws(山楂果). They are put together on a stick and covered with sugar.

A: Can we use other materials to make tanghulu?

B: Of course, We can also use bananas to make it.

A: 5.

B: You're right. You can go to China and have a taste of it.

A.Sounds wonderful.

B.Where have you been?

C.What's it made of?

D.What did you do in China?

E.Do you enjoy Chinese food?

F.It must be difficult to make tanghulu.

G.The process of making tanghulu must be interesting.



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