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Every year, the UK holds the National Ca...

    Every year, the UK holds the National Cat Awards in London. The awards go to the most outstanding cats from around the country. Please have a look at this year's winners.

The Hero Cat

One afternoon, Cleo suddenly started behaving strangely by running up and down the stairs. Seeing this, Pauline knew something must be wrong. So when her husband Richard said he felt great pains in his chest, she quickly called 999.Later, doctors said that Richard had suffered(遭受)a serious heart attack(发病).Cleo stayed at Richard's side until he was fully recovered. Cleo was chosen as this year's Hero Cat. She saved her owner's life.

The Most Caring Cat

Jack Dignam used to be a soldier. For him, 3-year-old Elias is more than a pet. When he came back from war, Dignam suffered from a serious mental sickness. He refused to talk to anyone. It was then that Elias came into his life. By jumping up and down to draw Dignam's attention, Elias gave Dignam hope. He helped the man enjoy everyday life again. Elias has won the Most Caring Cat Award for taking care of his owner.

The Most Unusual Cat

Nelson is a 2l-year-old cat. He has certainly used up a few of his nine lives. Ten years ago, he was put into a big bag and thrown into the sea. Fortunately, a fisherman saved him. Nelson then spent a few years living with fishermen by the sea. He lost an eye when a group of young people threw rocks at him. Luckily, in 2009, he was picked to live with a loving family. In 2014, Nelson had cancer. However, with his strong will, he amazed everyone again.

1.Which of the following is True according to the passage?

A.The awards are handed out in Oxford. B.Cats from different countries can win the awards.

C.Winners will be given lots of money. D.The UK hands out the awards every year.

2.Cleo suddenly started behaving strangely one afternoon because_______.

A.something was wrong with her legs B.she wanted Pauline to help Richard

C.someone would break into the house D.Pauline was having a serious heart attack

3.Elias won the Most Caring Cat Award for _______.

A.saving his owner's life successfully B.taking care of his owner during the war

C.helping his owner to get well again D.looking after his owner in the hospital

4.Which of the following is a part of Nelson's life?

A.He was forced to jump into the sea. B.He suffered from cancer and died in 2014.

C.He lost an eye when hit with a stick. D.He lived with fishermen by the sea for years.

5.Which is the best title for this passage?

A.National Cat Awards B.All Kinds of Cats on Show

C.People's Pets-Cats D.Awards for Cats and People


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 【解析】 每年,英国都会在伦敦举行全国猫奖。该奖项颁发给来自全国的最杰出的猫。文章介绍了3只获奖的猫。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

    The epidemic(疫情)has changed our lives. It not only forces us to stay at home, but also changes the way we work, study, and even go shopping. In many countries, the Novel Corona Virus Disease(COVID-19)has also changed the way people greet each other. To help stop the spread of disease, people give up their usual greeting styles and invent safe ways. Let's take a look!

Lean forward, touch cheeks(脸颊)and make a kissing sound. This is French people's favorite way of greeting. It's very romantic. But when facing the virus, kisses are not good. Etiquette expert(礼仪专家)Philippe Lichtfus gives people a suggestion: simply looking into a person's eyes can be a greeting. It's not so romantic but it's safe.

Like the French, Italians are also romantic people. When they meet, they always hug or kiss each other. Recently, an Italian grandma made a video to help everyone fight against the disease.

She says that if you meet, you can close one of your eyes and give them a wink. Isn't it cute?

It's a very Australian thing to shake hands. But if you do this, the virus can jump from one person to another. Now a health official in Australia says a pat on the back would be better. But it also has some problems. For example, it's a bit crude if you do this to your teachers.

A video shows that an interesting greeting way is now popular in Iran. In the video, 3 Iranians meet and tap their feet against each other. They wear masks with their hands in their pockets. It looks like they are playing a fun game. If we can't shake hands, why not try to "shake" feet?

1.Why do people give up their usual greeting styles nowadays?

A.To make life more interesting. B.To change their study way.

C.To protect themselves from the disease. D.To invent some new things.

2.What does French people's favorite greeting way include?

Touch cheeks.

Hug each other.

Make a kissing sound.

Give a tap on the back.

Lean forward.

Look into a person's eyes.

A.①②⑥ B.③④⑥ C.①③⑤ D.②④⑥

3.What's the Italian grandma's suggestion to greet others?

A. B. C. D.

4.What does the underlined word "crude" in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.unlucky B.unhappy C.impatient D.impolite

5.In which country is "shaking feet" a popular way to greet cach other now?

A.Iran. B.France. C.Australia. D.Italy.



The Hollies are a British rock group. They once sang. "All I need is the air that I breathe." The _______ could have been referring to air plants. There are more than 650 types of air plants. All of them can grow _______ soil.

Air plants get all the water and what else they need through their leaves. They use their roots only for _______ themselves to rocks, trees and the ground.

Air plants are easy to grow. They are perfect for _______ who don't have much time to care for their houseplants. However, there are still a few rules to _______ when growing air plants. One of the most important things is - air! Fresh and clean air keeps your plants happy. _______ they are called "air plants", they still need water, fertilizer(肥料)and light to live. Air plants need a little water two to three times a week. They need nutrients _______ -that is to say, they should be fertilized once in several days. _______ sunlight is very necessary, too. Although air plants love warm weather, most of them need protection from full sun. If taken good care of, they will live for over ten years.

Air plants can clean air and they are usually _______ simple art at home, for they can grow almost everywhere, except in soil or in water. They are often placed in glass containers and ________ up in the rooms. Each air plant will flower once in its lifetime. Its flowering can last from some days to many months.

1.A.story B.song C.report

2.A.in B.under C.without

3.A.fixing B.sending C.blowing

4.A.them B.those C.that

5.A.compare B.choose C.follow

6.A.While B.Until C.When

7.A.daily B.weekly C.yearly

8.A.Enough B.Little C.Hot

9.A.made of B.divided into C.made into

10.A.hung B.hanged C.hanging



Do you know ________?

Of course. It will be hosted in Tokyo, Japan.

A.Which city will host the 2020 Olympics

B.how the2020 Olympics will be hosted

C.when the 2020 Olympics will be hosted



The volunteer nicknamed" Raincoat sister" ________ for cooking and delivering food for medical workers fighting against COVID-19 in Wuhan.

A.has praised B.was praised C.is praising



The TV show Say Hello to Life is popular recently.

Yes. It's the only program ________ I watched this month.

A.that B.who C.what



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