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Zhong Nanshan is a doctor in Guangdong, ...

    Zhong Nanshan is a doctor in Guangdong, who saved many people's lives in 2003. SARS broke 1.in Guangdong that year. Later, it spread 2./əˈkrɒs/ China and other parts of the world.3.(hundred) of patients even died from the disease.

Many doctors and nurses got SARS when they treated patients. So everyone was 4.of it. But Zhong was brave enough to fight the disease. Zhong spent days and nights to find the5./ kɔːz/of the  disease. And with his way of treating, many patients6.(begin) to get better. Zhong finally won people's trust.

In early 2020, a disease called Novel Corona Virus Disease(COVID-19)hit Wuhan. It spread 7.(quick)around and tens of thousands of Chinese people fell ill. Zhong led his team to Wuhan to fight the 8.(ill). Zhong's team took many measures to cure the patients with COVID-19. He advised people to wear masks, wash hands often, stay at home and not to go to crowded places.

Zhong likes sports and could still play basketball when he was 67.Now, at the 9.of 84, he still treats patients in the hospital and teaches young doctors.

We think Zhong is a 10./ˈhɪərəʊ/and a fighter, but he says, "I am just a doctor."


1.out 2.across 3.Hundreds 4.afraid/frightened 5.cause 6.began 7.quickly 8.illness 9.age 10.hero 【解析】 钟南山是广东的一名医生,他在2003年广东爆发非典时,拯救了许多人的生命。2020年初,新型冠状病毒病袭击了武汉,他率队来到武汉,与抗击疫情。钟教授的团队采取了许多措施治愈COVID-19患者。他是英雄、战士。 1. 句意:钟南山是广东的一名医生,他在2003年拯救了许多人的生命。那年广东爆发非典。 从文字的表层意思推断空格指广东爆发非典,空格指动词后面,判断填副词,out外面,副词,break out爆发;故答案为out。 2. 句意:后来,它传播到中国和世界其他地方。 空格在名词前,判断填介词;根据音标提示,across的读音为/əˈkrɒs/,从一边到另一边,介词;故答案为across。 3. 句意:甚至有数百名病人死于这种疾病。 hundred百,基数词;判断填复数形式与of构成hundreds of表不确定数目;故答案为Hundreds。 4. 句意:许多医生和护士在治疗病人时得了非典。所以大家都很害怕。 空格在be动词后面,判断填形容词;下文“But Zhong was brave enough to fight the disease.”但钟足够勇敢与疾病作斗争;根据but句意转折,推断空格指大家很害怕;afraid/frightened害怕的,形容词;故答案为afraid/frightened。 5. 句意:钟花了好几个昼夜寻找病因。 空格在定冠词后面,判断填名词;根据音标提示,cause的读音/ kɔːz/,原因,名词;故答案为cause。 6. 句意:用他的治疗方法,许多病人开始好转。 根据下文“Zhong finally won people's trust.”钟终于赢得了人们的信任,推断空格指病人开始好转;句子陈述发生过的事情,用一般过去时;begin开始,动词,其过去式为不规则变化began,故答案为began。 7. 句意:它迅速传播开来,成千上万的中国人病倒了。 从文字的表层意思推断迅速传播开;空格在动词后面,判断填副词;quick快的,形容词,其副词形式为quickly,很快地;故答案为quickly。 8. 句意:钟带领他的团队来到武汉与疾病作斗争。 下文“Zhong's team took many measures to cure the patients”钟的团队采取了许多措施来治愈病人,推断空格指与疾病作斗争;空格在定冠词后面,判断填名词;ill生病的,形容词,其名词形式为illness,疾病;故答案为illness。 9. 句意:现在84岁高龄的他仍在医院治疗病人,教年轻医生。 从文字的表层意思推断空格指在他84岁时;空格在定冠词后面,判断填名词;age年龄,名词,at the age of …在某人……岁时;故答案为age。 10. 句意:我们认为钟是一个英雄,一个斗士,但他说:“我只是个医生。” 空格在不定冠词后面,判断填单数可数名词;根据音标提示,hero的读音为/ˈhɪərəʊ/,英雄,名词;故答案为hero。

当你在餐厅要买单时, 可以对服务员这样说:




当你想建议同学晚上早睡时, 可以这样说:

______________________is a good habit.



当你不确定是否有时间参加朋友的聚会时, 可以这样说:

______________________if I have time for the party.



当你想鼓励落选的朋友再试一下时, 可以这样说:




假如你是Darren, 接电话时可以这样说:

Hello, ______________________.



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