满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

很多孩子们对《西游记》很感兴趣。 Many children _________...


Many children ____________ Journey to the West


are interested in 【解析】 根据句意可知横线处缺少谓语,be interested in意为“对……感兴趣”,又因为主语是many children,为可数名词复数,所以be动词用are,故填are interested in。  


China is ____________ in Asia.




When you step into a new environment, you must have a strong wish to fit in. Fitting in means making more friends, having more influence on others and getting more chances to live a happier life. Here is some advice that can help you.

Be confident. Confidence attracts most people. Everyone is special and there is only one person like you in this world. Spend some time thinking about your strong points. If so, you will be able to build up confidence step by step. You won’t have much difficulty fitting in.

Be kind to everyone. Kindness is the bridge to your own happiness. When people notice your kindness, they will return it one day. Always give more than you receive, and think more of others than of yourself. A person who cares for others is popular everywhere.

Be active in group activities. Various activities like playing football can help you to be known to others. You may add more friends to your circle. At the same time, you’ll be amazed to see how much they like you. Instead of being alone to waste time, going out to dance and singing together with others to develop friendship.

Be optimistic.Optimismmakes both you and others feel pleased. It makes a good first impression. A pleasant smile costs the least and does the most. Humor catches others’ attention as well. People will like you for making them live happily.

If you follow what is mentioned above, you will be accepted by people around you. As a result, you will fit in very well and enjoy your new life.

1.Is it necessary for a new comer to make more friends around?

2.What should we do, giving more than receiving or receiving more than giving?

3.Why should we take part in various activities?

4.How many pieces of advice are given altogether?

5.What do you think of the word “Optimism”?



    Every day, it is easy to see advertisements in English all around us. Look at your own bags and clothes of your classmates. How many different advertisements can you see which use English words? Often, bags and clothes show the name of company that made them. This is a popular form. A special picture or symbol (标志) called a logo is sometimes used. Logos appear on many different products. They are popular because when you see a logo, it helps you to remember that product or company. It is common to see advertisements on TV and hear them on the radio. Most advertisements are very short. Sometimes the advertisers use a short sentence and it is easy for people to say. Nike, for example, has a simple English sentence which is used all around the world: "Just do it." Advertisements often use funny situations as well. It is simple to remember it. All advertisements are designed to make people buy a product. An advertisement for a soft drink, for example, might show a group of young people who are having fun. The young people are all drinking the soft drink. Advertisements are saying to you, "Why don't you buy this drink and be like these people? You can be young and modern." You might think that advertisements are not for you, but the next time you buy a soft drink, ask yourself this question: Why am I buying this particular product?

1.Why are advertisements very short?

A.Because they are beautiful. B.Because they are funny.

C.Because they are modern. D.Because they are easy to say and remember.

2.From the passage, we know that________.

A.all advertisements around us are written in English

B.having soft drinks makes a person young and modern

C.many bags have the name of the company that made them

D.advertisements are only for young people

3.All advertisements are designed to________.

A.sell you something you don't want B.make you buy the product

C.make you young and modern D.show you what you need to buy

4.The best title of this passage is________.

A.advertisements all around us B.all kinds of advertisements

C.to make people buy a product D.advertisements often use funny situations



    As our national treasure, Beijing Opera has a rich list of plays, artists, audiences, and wide influences, making it the most important opera in China. Beijing Opera is a comprehensive acting art. It combines singing, reading, acting, fighting, and dancing together by using acting methods to tell stories and describe characters. The roles in Beijing Opera include the male, female, painted-face, and comedic roles. Besides, there are other supporting roles as well. In addition, the types of facial make-up, especially concerning the color, are the most particular art in Beijing Opera, because they can symbolize the personalities, characteristics, and fates of the roles.

It is believed that the end of the 18th century was the most flourishing period in the development of Beijing Opera. During this time, there were lots of performances not only in folk places, but also in the palace. The noble class loved Beijing Opera, which played a positive role in the performances, make-up, and stage setting. The influence between palace and non-government places promoted Beijing Opera's development.

From the 1920's to the 1940's of last century was the second flourishing period of Beijing Opera. The symbol of this period was that lots of sects (流派)of the opera appeared. The four most famous were "Mei" (Mei Lanfang 1884-1961), "Shang" (Shang Xiaoyun 1900-1976), "Cheng" (Cheng Yanqiu 1904-1958), and "Xun" (Xun Huisheng 1900-1968). Every sect had its groups of actors and actresses. Furthermore, they were extremely active on the stage in Beijing, Shanghai, and so on. The art of Beijing Opera was very popular at that time.

1.According to Paragraph 1, Beijing Opera is ________.

A.an art of dancing and acting B.a comedic art

C.an art of painted- face D.a comprehensive acting art

2.The most flourishing period of Beijing Opera was________.

A.in the 20th century B.in the 18th century

C.from the 1920's to the 1940's D.from 1920 to 1940

3.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.There are four roles in Beijing Opera.

B.The singing style is the most particular art in Beijing Opera.

C.The noble class had an effect on the development of Beijing Opera.

D.The symbol of the second period of the opera was the appearance of four sects.

4.What's the passage mainly about?

A.A brief introduction of Beijing Opera. B.The roles of Beijing Opera.

C.The famous sects of Beijing Opera. D.The history of Beijing Opera.



    What is your wish for the New Year? The following is from some teenagers.

Zhang Lei: I wish my father could see and know what I look like now. My father has been blind since my mother left.

Wang Feng: I wish there would be less exams, for I always get nervous when I come to exams.

Li Li: I wish my father would come back earlier every day and I could spend more time with Dad. I haven't had dinner with him for months.

Mary: I wish someone would help me find my lost dog. My dog is named Huanhuan and was lost a week ago.

Mark: I wish that I would be a student of a famous high school this year. I am going to finish my junior studies the coming June.

Peter: I wish for good health though I'm badly ill. I hope to be a doctor when I grow up, so I can help the people like me.

Bob: I wish I could get more money this new year. I want to buy my grandma a new mobile phone designed for old people. So I can keep in touch with her.



1.Who is badly ill among the children?

A.Kate. B.Peter. C.Mary. D.Bob.

2.What's Mark's wish?

A.To be a student of a famous high school. B.To buy his grandma a mobile phone.

C.Someone would help find his lost dog. D.There would be less exams.

3.Who wishes father would come back earlier every day?

A.Zhang Lei. B.Li Li. C.Wang Feng. D.Bob.



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