满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Slowly, I opened my eyes and found my le...

    Slowly, I opened my eyes and found my legs hard to move.

A jar and a whip (鞭子) were in my sight. I smelled old plants. Stinky! I looked inside the jar. It was a dark liquid (液体). I guessed this gift might be able to make people get_________. I tried it. It tasted awful, so it must be good for us!

Wow! It_________. I wasn’t tired any more! I held a rope with one hand and slid all the way down. Then I tied the rope to the top of the cliff and slid down again with its help.

“Woohoo!” I screamed to my friends. They got out of my way quickly. I_________the ground and bounced (反弹) back up. “I met the Emperor of Medicine, and he looks like all of you!” I shouted with excitement. “I’ve got medicine...and...a whip. Not sure_________the Emperor of Medicine gave me a whip, but it’s lots of fun! Let’s go!” At my words, they were very_________, but followed me.

We hurried toward the_________but took a path that ended in a bush. There were too many grasses and other plants for us to move forward. I used my whip to cut through the bush. Then I tasted the juice of the plants I had cut. Suddenly, my tongue (舌头) _________feeling anything.

I now knew the value of the whip. “This juice would be useful for_________.” I said. “My tongue is unable to feel.” I turned to my friends. “See, all the medicines people need are already here, _________. We only need to find and share them.”

Our friends worked in groups. Some went on to take the medicine jar to the village. Others explored with me. In that bush, I began to__________. My friends helped me make detailed notes about every plant, including my feelings.

We travelled together, looking for__________. We found the red mushroom which cured me after I couldn’t breathe because of a poisonous (有毒的) plant. And every night, we wrote down what we had learned. “This plant can cure a bad stomach.” “Don’t have this, or it may hurt you.”

We also knew what we had to do. I had to try every plant. My friends had to__________the knowledge. Then people would live and be healthy. We all knew that one day I would eat a plant that would__________me. And my friends would write everything about it. Then__________else would die from eating that poison. We didn’t talk about what would happen, but we knew.


I happened on top of a cliff. I took a bite of a plant and felt my insides__________. My friends ran to me. Their faces were the face of the Emperor of Medicine. I could not look away from my last view. There was too much beauty.

1.A.smart B.well C.curious D.interested

2.A.moved B.smelled C.appeared D.worked

3.A.cleaned B.visited C.hit D.set

4.A.when B.why C.where D.how

5.A.excited B.touched C.relaxed D.surprised

6.A.forest B.mountain C.village D.farm

7.A.began B.continued C.stopped D.risked

8.A.pain B.hunger C.mood D.sleep

9.A.growing B.guarding C.changing D.passing

10.A.dream B.wait C.plant D.eat

11.A.fruits B.medicines C.friends D.doctors

12.A.accept B.avoid C.share D.shape

13.A.kill B.bite C.cure D.save

14.A.somebody B.nobody C.anybody D.everybody

15.A.wake B.breathe C.reduce D.break


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 【解析】 文章大意:本文讲述了作者和他的朋友们为了村庄里的人们健康的生活,而一起上山去寻找草药的故事。为了知道每一种草药的功效,作者不得不吃尝每一种草药,最后因为吃了一种有毒的草药,致使作者的内脏损坏。 1. 句意:我猜这个礼物可能会让人恢复健康。 smart聪明的;well好;curious好奇的;interested感兴趣的。根据下文It tasted awful, so it must be good for us! 它尝起来很难吃,所以它一定对我们有好处!可知应是猜想这个礼物可能会让人恢复健康,get well恢复健康、康复,故答案选B。 2. 句意:哇!它起作用了。 moved移动;smelled闻;appeared出现;worked起作用、工作。根据下文I wasn’t tired any more!我不再累了!结合上文I tried it. It tasted awful,我尝试它,它尝起来很难吃;可知作者吃下去罐子里的东西以后,这些东西开始起作用了,所以作者感觉到不再累了,故答案选D。 3. 句意:我撞到地上,弹回来。 cleaned打扫;visited参观、访问;hit碰撞;set放、置。根据上文Then I tied the rope to the top of the cliff and slid down again with its help. 然后我把绳子系在悬崖顶上,在它的帮助下又滑了下去。结合I__3__the ground and bounced (反弹) back up.可知作者是从山崖顶上顺着绳子滑下来,然后碰撞到地面又反弹回来,故答案选C。 4. 句意:不知道药王为什么要给我一根鞭子,但很有趣! when什么时候;why为什么;where在哪里;how怎样、如何。根据上文A jar and a whip were in my sight.可知作者醒来在眼前发现了一个瓶子和一条鞭子,结合Not sure__4__the Emperor of Medicine gave me a whip, but it’s lots of fun!由转折词but,可知是作者不知道药王为什么要给他一根鞭子,故答案选B。 5. 句意:听了我的话,他们很吃惊,但还是跟着我走了。 excited兴奋的;touched受感动的;relaxed放松的;surprised感到惊讶的、惊奇的。根据上文作者的描述,结合they were very__5__, but followed me.由转折词but可知,人们听了作者的话应该是感到惊讶的,但还是跟着他走了,故答案选D。 6. 句意:我们匆匆朝村庄走去。 forest森林;mountain山脉;village村庄;farm农场。根据下文Some went on to take the medicine jar to the village. 一些人继续把药罐带到村子里,可知应该是匆匆朝村庄走去,故答案选C。 7. 句意:突然,我的舌头没有任何感觉了。 began开始;continued继续;stopped停止、堵塞;risked冒险。根据下文My tongue is unable to feel. 我的舌头没有知觉了。结合Suddenly, my tongue (舌头) __7__feeling anything.可知是作者尝了切下来的植物的汁液,然后舌头没有任何感觉了,stop doing sth停止做某事,故答案选C。 8. 句意:这种汁液对止痛有用。 pain疼痛;hunger饥饿;mood心情;sleep睡眠。根据下文My tongue is unable to feel. 我的舌头没有知觉了。可推知是这种汁液对止痛有用,故答案选A。 9. 句意:你看,人们需要的所有药品都已经在这里了,还在增长。 growing增加、发展;guarding保卫、看守;changing改变;passing经过、通过。根据下文We only need to find and share them. 我们只需要找到并分享它们。说明作者和朋友们还在继续寻找草药,所以药品应该是还在增加,故答案选A。 10. 句意:在灌木丛里,我开始去吃尝。 dream做梦;wait等待;plant种植;eat吃。根据下文My friends helped me make detailed notes about every plant, including my feelings. 我的朋友帮我详细记录每一种植物,包括我的感受。可知作者为了寻找草药,开始尝吃各种植物,故答案选D。 11. 句意:我们一起旅行,寻找药品。 fruits水果;medicines药品;friends朋友;doctors医生。根据下文We found the red mushroom which cured me after I couldn’t breathe because of a poisonous plant. 我们找到了红色的蘑菇,在我因为吃了一种有毒的植物而无法呼吸之后,它治好了我。可知作者和他的朋友们一起旅行是为了去寻找药品,故答案选B。 12. 句意:我的朋友们不得不分享这些知识。 accept接受;avoid避免;share分享;shape形成。根据下文Then people would live and be healthy. 这样人们就能健康地生活。可知是作者和他的朋友们记下了这些草药的各种功效,然后再把它分享给别人,这样其他人就能健康地生活了,故答案选C。 13. 句意:我们都知道,总有一天我会吃到要了我的命的植物。 kill杀死;bite咬伤;cure治疗;save挽救。根据上文I had to try every plant.我必须尝试每一种植物,由常识可知,有的植物毒性很大,会使人致死的;结合We all knew that one day I would eat a plant that would__13__me.可知应该是作者和他的朋友们都知道总有一天会吃到要人命的植物,故答案选A。 14. 句意:这样就没有人会因为吃了毒药而死。 somebody有人;nobody没有人;anybody任何人;everybody每个人。根据上文And my friends would write everything about it.可知,作者的朋友们会记录关于作者尝吃每一种植物的药效,结合Then__14__else would die from eating that poison.可知这样就没有人会因为吃了毒药而死亡了,故答案选B。 15. 句意:我咬了一口植物,感觉自己的内脏都碎了。 wake醒来;breathe呼吸;reduce减少;break破坏、打碎。联系上文作者知道,总有一天会吃到要自己的命的植物。结合下文的描述My friends ran to me. Their faces were the face of the Emperor of Medicine. 我的朋友们跑向我。他们的脸就是药王的脸。以及I took a bite of a plant and felt my insides__15__.可知是作者咬了一口植物,应该是感觉自己的内脏都碎了,所以作者应该是尝到了有毒的植物,故答案选D。

—Good news! Another new member in the Beidou family was sent into space.

— Scientists tried their best to pay attention to every detail. To them, ________.

A.it never rains but it pours B.a friend in need is a friend indeed

C.a miss is as good as a mile D.the grass is always greener on the other side



—Mr Li, could you please tell me ________?

—Sorry, I’m not sure. You can ask Miss Xiao.

A.where was Chinese Kung fu taught B.how often is the dragon boat race held

C.when the ancient Silk Road started D.how much is the Chinese painting there



Mr Jiang _______ the company to develop the 5G network for years. Now he works as the chief engineer in it.

A.joined B.was a member of

C.has joined D.has been a member of



— Hello! This is Kevin speaking. May I speak to Mr. Cao?

— Please _________. I’ll put you through.

A.come on B.move on C.hold on D.try on



— A robot served us dinner last night. Don’t you think we are living in amazing times?

— I can’t agree more. The ________ makes our lives easier and happier.

A.information B.technology C.discovery D.competition



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