满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Tina: Hello, Tina speaking. Alice: Hi, T...

Tina: Hello, Tina speaking.

Alice: Hi, Tina. _______

Tina: Hi, Alice!

Alice: I called you several times yesterday afternoon, but there was no answer. _______

Tina: Oh, I was shopping at that time. By the way, why were you calling me?

Alice: The movie So Long, My Son is on at the cinema. _______

Tina: Sure, I'd love to. I hear Wang Yuan plays an important role in it.

Alice: Yes. _______

Tina: Great! How are we going there? By bus?

Alice: _______ It's not very far.

Tina: OK. I'll ride my new bike.

Alice: Let's meet outside the cinema at 300 p.m.

Tina: All right. See you then.

1.A.I'm here. B.Where is it? C.It's Alice. D.What's this?


A.When did you return? B.What were you doing?

C.How was the weather? D.Did you buy anything?


A.Have you heard of it before? B.How often do you go to the movies?

C.What's your favorite movie? D.Would you like to watch it with me?


A.Shall we go this afternoon? B.Did he have a good time?

C.What does the actor look like? D.What about this morning?


A.I agree with you. B.We can walk there.

C.Let's go by bike. D.That's a good idea.


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 【解析】 这主要是一则朋友之间约着去看电影的对话。 1. 联系上文“Hello, Tina speaking”我是Tina,可知是在打电话;再联系下文“Hi, Alice!”你好,Alice,可知,空格句子的意思是我是Alice。故选C。 2. 联系上文“I called you several times yesterday afternoon, but there was no answer.”我昨天下午打了你很多次电话,都没人接;再联系下文“Oh, I was shopping at that time.”哦,我那时正在购物。可知,空格句子的意思是你那时正在做什么。故选B。 3. 联系上文“The movie So long, my Son is on at the cinema.”有部电影在上映;再联系下文“Sure, I'd love to.”当然,我愿意去。可知,空格句子的意思是你愿意和我一起去看么。故选D。 4. 联系下文“Great! How are we going there? ”很好,我们怎么去?在联系下文“Let's meet outside the cinema at 3:00 p.m”我们下午3点电影院见。可知,空格句子的意思我们下午一起去好么?提建议。故选A。 5. 联系上文“Great! How are we going there? By bus?”很好,我们怎么去?乘公交车么?再联系下文“ I'll ride my new bike.”好的,我骑我的新自行车。可知,空格句子的意思是我们骑自行车去。故选C。

    While I was waiting outside my wife's office building for her to get out of work, I saw a bum (流浪乞丐)coming to_____.

"I hope he won't ask me for any _____," I thought.

He came and sat in front of the bus stop. After a few minutes he _____. "That's a very pretty car," he said. I gave him a_____and continued cleaning my car. He sat there quietly as I worked. The expected asking for money _____ came. Then a voice inside me said, "Ask him if he needs any help."

"Do you need any_____?" I asked.

He answered in _____ simple but meaningful words that I shall never forget. We often look for wisdom(智慧) in _____ men and women, and we expect it from those of higher learning and achievements. I expected nothing but an outstretched (伸出的) dirty_________from him, but he said three words that shook me.

"Don't we all?" he said.

I was feeling high, _____and important above a bum in the street, until those three words hit me like a shot.

Don't we all?

I needed help. Maybe not for a bus fare(路费) or for a place to sleep, _____I needed help. I reached_____my wallet and gave him not only enough for a bus fare, but enough to get a_________meal and shelter(住处) for the day. Those three little words still ring true. No matter how much you have, you need help, too. No matter how_____you have, no matter how many problems you are facing, even without money or a place to _____, you can give help.

1.A.us B.me C.him D.her

2.A.food B.money C.Advice D.trouble

3.A.won B.left C.asked D. spoke

4.A.smile B.chance C.lesson D.surprise

5.A.also B.soon. C.never D.often

6.A.paper B.water C.time D.help

7.A.two B.three C.four D.five

8.A.poor B.small C.great D.young

9.A.leg B.arm C.foot D.hand

10.A.successful B.beautiful C.painful D.awful

11.A.so B.if C.but D.because

12.A.in B.on C.under D.behind

13.A.bad B.cold C.warm D.poor

14.A.many B.much C.few D.little

15.A.sleep B.stand C.read D.sit



—It's Tony's birthday the day after tomorrow. I don't know_________.

—How about a basketball?

A.what I should get for him B.when is his birthday party

C.whose basketball is that D.where did he go yesterday



Mr. Miller is from Canada. He has_________this middle school for almost five years.

A.come in B.arrived at C.gone to D.taught in



— Did you have a good weekend?

—Yes. I went to the countryside_________my grandparents.

A.see B.saw C.seeing D.to see



— My brother drew this picture last week. Have a look!

—_________wonderful picture!

A.What B.How C.What a D.What an



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