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每次考试时我们都能保持冷静。 We can _____________each ...


We can _____________each time we take a test.


keep calm 【解析】 分析句子知,空出缺少“保持冷静”,其英语为keep calm;情态动词can后跟动词原形,故填keep calm。  


_____________, I don' t really want to leave my school.



    If there are no museums, no theaters, no libraries in the place where you live, will you feel bored at home? There is no need for you to worry about it, as we are living in the Internet era(网络时代). Here are some great online resources(资源). They can make our life colorful.

Online museums

If you are a fan of museums, go to the National Museum of China's official website. There are VR exhibitions(虚拟现实展览), livestreaming(直播)classes and many other resources. For example, an exhibition about Confucius (孔子) is going on right now. You can learn about his life and ancient culture during the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476 BC). There are also pictures and videos of the relics(文物), such as bianzhong and books.

Online concerts

Pop singers are now turning their own homes into livehouses! With microphones and musical instruments, they are holding online concerts. Popular ones include "Doulive Sofa Concert" on Douyin and "I'm With You" on Sina Weibo. Go and find your favorite singers!

If you are more interested in classical music, go to the National Center for the Performing Arts website. You'll find many videos of artists from around the world playing music for youfor free!

Online libraries

There are many online libraries where you can read books for free, such as the National Online libraries Library of China and Shanghai Library. There you can find all kinds of books you like.

1.Because of living in the Internet era, we can have a ________ life.

A.colorful B.boring C.safe D.terrible

2.If you want to know something about Confucius, you can go to _______.

A.Sina Weibo

B.Doulive Soft Concert

C.The National Museum of China's official website

D.The National Center for the Per forming Arts website.

3.You can find your favorite ________on Sina Weibo from the passage.

A.singers B.pictures C.books D.videos

4.Several online resources are mentioned in the passage Except ________.

A.online libraries B.online concerts C.online museums D.online school

5.The best title of the passage is "________".

A.Our happy life B.Livestreaming classes C.Online resources D.Musical instruments



If you live in Shanghai, you might have taken a "lesson" on garbage sorting(垃圾分类), Shanghai is the first city to carry out(实施)strict rules on garbage sorting. People in Shanghai know that garbage is sorted into four categories(类别)recyclable, harmful, dry and wet waste. If people fail to sort their garbage properly, they can be fined up to 200 yuan, while companies will have to pay between 1,000 to 50,000 yuan for breaking the rules. Since the rules took effect, the amount of total daily waste in Shanghai has been reduced. The city also rebuilt 21,000 waste-sorting stations and more than 40,000 waste bins have been updated.

However, there have also been some problems. Some people complained that it is difficult to deal with wet garbage, as they are asked to remove wet garbage from its bag when dumping. According to the sorting rules, the wet garbage must go in the wet waste bin and the bag must go in the dry waste bin. Because the wet garbage will decompose(分解)properly ad become useful organic(有机的)waste.

By the end of 2020, garbage-sorting systems will be set up in 46 cities in our country. Everyone should take an active part in garbage sorting.

1.________ is the first city to carry out strict rules on garbage sorting.

A.Beijing B.Shanghai C.Shenzhen D.Chongqing

2.Garbage sorting includes four categoriesrecyclable, ________, dry and wet waste.

A.harmful B.useful C.helpful D.colorful

3.The underlined word "fined" means "________"in Chinese.

A.责备 B.奖励 C.罚款 D.提高

4._______, garbage-sorting systems will be set up in 46 cities around the country.

A.In 2021 B.By the end of 2020 C.Since 2020 D.At the beginning of 2020

5.According to the passage, we can learn that garbage sorting is ________.

A.awful B.relaxing C.painful D.necessary



On a sunny afternoon, Bob went to a park to take walks. Some people were painting pictures, some were reading poems and some were shooting arrows(射箭). It looked fun so he decided to challenge it himself.

He saw one woman pick up an arrow and shoot it after taking a moment to aim(瞄准). The arrow curved(飞出弧线)through the air beautifully. But it finally fell to the ground and missed the target(目标).

It seemed that she didn't put enough power into her shot. While Bob was thinking about what he should do. It was his turn to shoot. He focused(使集中)his eyes on the target and shot the arrow with all of his strength. But the arrow missed the target and stuck straight in the grass. He shot three more arrows, but all of them missed.

He was upset, but decided to take one more shot. He took a deep breath and put one foot forward to keep his balance(平衡). He focused hard on the target and shot the arrow. This time he hit the target!

He said, "There are many things that are not as simple as we imagine. There are challenges everywhere. But if we focus on one thing at a time and learn from failure, we can succeed in the end."

1.Bob went to a park to ________on a sunny afternoon.

A.take walks B.shoot arrows C.paint pictures D.read poems.

2.One woman shot an arrow ________.

A.after checking it carefully B.after taking a moment to aim.

C.after keeping her balance D.after thinking for a long time.

3.Bob shot his first arrow with all of his strength, but he ________.

A.fell B.cried C.succeeded D.failed

4.Bob shot arrows for ________times in total that afternoon.

A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6

5.The main idea of the passage is ________.

A.everything is as simple as we imagine

B.take a deep breath before shooting an arrow

C.we aren't in the face of challenges everywhere

D.learn from failure, never give up and you will succeed




Look at this special handrail(扶手). One part of it is a seat. It is helpful for old people. They can sit on it and rest when they're climbing stairs. A company in Shenzhen designed this handrail. What a good idea!

Wearing a mask(口罩)is not a big problem for people with hearing problems, wearing masks makes it hard for them to communicate with others. This new mask design is here to help. There is a "window" in it. People with hearing problems can read each other's lips(嘴唇)and facial expressions.

Can printers only print on paper? This small printer can print on almost anything. You can print on clothes, cups and even on your skin! The printer uses a special kind of ink. If you don't like the pattern(图案), you can just wash it off. Once fully charged, the printer can work for six hours.

Pepper is a human-like robot. Japanese company SoftBank invented it. It can talk with people through speech or body language. Because of this, Pepper can be a babysitter(保姆), nurse and emergency(急救)medical worker.

In April, 2020, a supermarket in Germany started using Pepper to keep customers apart from each other. It can tell customers to keep their distance(距离)while shopping.





1.This handrail is helpful for _________.

A.the old B.the rich C.the young D.the poor

2.This new mask makes it ________ for people with hearing problems to communicate with others.

A.hard B.easy C.comfortable D.exciting

3.You can ________if you don't like the pattern.

A.put it off B.cut it of C.turn it off D.wash it off

4.Germans started using Pepper to ________ in a supermarket.

A.work as nurses B.look after babies

C.keep customers apart from each other D.save customers' lives as soon as possible

5.We can probably find the passage in a ________.

A.travel guide B.science magazine C.history book D.geography book



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