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阅读短文,并按要求完成文后小题。 The sudden sound of an ...


The sudden sound of an alarm clock is enough to wake up most of us, but it's an unhappy way to start the day. Thanks to creative inventors who have been changing our lives with their wonderful products. We may be woken up by the scent(香味) of our favorite food in the future—an alarm clock called Sensor Wake.

This kind of alarm clock has a large face for showing the time and a hole at the top to release(释放) the scent. It_can_wake_you_up_with_smells_such_as_coffee_and_orange_juice.

The clock works by releasing the scent at a chosen time. If a user doesn't wake up within a minute, lights on its face will be turned on. What's more, to make sure that the user gets up on time and doesn't miss an important meeting, the alarm clock can also produce sound three minutes after the scent is released.

Now people can choose a smell from ten smell capsules(胶囊), depending on what they think will successfully make them leave their comfortable beds. Each capsule offers 30 wake­up calls, and they can change capsules to enjoy the different scent from day to day.

1.完成句子 ________ of an alarm clock is an unhappy way to start the day.

2.完成句子There is a hole ________ of this kind of wonderful product.

3.简略回答问题How soon will the alarm clock produce sound after the smell is released?





1.The sudden sound 2.at the top 3.Three minutes later. 4.We may be woken up by the scent of our favorite food in the future—an alarm clock called Sensor Wake. 5.它可以用气味唤醒你,如咖啡和橙汁。 【解析】 【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了由于普通闹钟的噪音惹人厌烦而研究出的一种新型闹钟,它可以通过释放香味,发出亮光等一系列令人愉悦的方式来叫人起床。 66.题干意为:闹钟的________是开始一天的一种不愉快的方式。根据文章第一段第一句“The sudden sound of an alarm clock is enough to wake up most of us, but it's an unhappy way to start the day.”可知填The sudden sound。注意句首单词首字母要大写。 成 果 报 告) 错因分析 ①考生没有抓住题干中的关键信息“an unhappy way to start the day”,导致没有在原文中找到对应的语句;②考生缺少将原文语句转换为题干的表达能力;③写答案时出现拼写错误,首字母没有大写。 67.题干意为:这种神奇的产品________有一个洞。根据第二段第一句“This kind of alarm clock has a large face for showing the time and a hole at the top to release(释放) the scent.”可知填at the top。 成 果 报 告) 错因分析 ①考生没有抓住题干中的关键信息“this kind of wonderful product”,导致没有在原文中找到对应的语句;②考生缺少将原文语句转换为题干的表达能力;③写答案时出现拼写错误。 68.题干意为:气味被释放后,闹钟多久会响?根据第三段最后一句“What's more, to make sure that the user gets up on time and doesn't miss an important meeting, the alarm clock can also produce sound three minutes after the scent is released.”可知是三分钟后。 成 果 报 告) 错因分析 ①考生没有抓住题干中的关键信息“after the smell is released”,导致没有在原文中找到对应的语句;②回答问题时单词拼写错误,首字母没有大写。 69.根据文章的内容可知是介绍这种用香味来叫醒人的闹钟,第一段最后一句可概括全文。 成 果 报 告) 错因分析 ①考生没有看清题目,题目要求是概括“全文”的主旨大意,考生可能只是总结了某个段落的主旨大意;②单词拼写错误或者大小写错误。 70. wake sb. up唤醒某人;such as例如。 成 果 报 告) 错因分析 ①考生不理解句中的固定表达“wake sb. up”把某人叫醒;②不认识句中的单词。

    Every morning my father buys a newspaper on his way to work. Every evening my mother 1.(translate) English into Chinese for me if I can't do English homework by myself. Can you imagine life without paper o2. printing?

Paper was first invented about 2,000 years ago, and its 3. (material) were usually silk, cotton and bamboo. Since the 19th century, it was made f4. wood. But in those days, books could only be 5. (produce) one at a time by hand. In that case, they were e6.. And because there weren't many books, few people learned to read.

Then printing was invented in China.7.(it) development carried on in the 11th century. Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply. As 8. result, more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread 9. (wide).

Today information can be found on 10.(difference) websites and be downloaded from the Internet, not just be found in the books. However, paper and printing still cannot be replaced.



(2020原创)The Olympic Games of 2020 will ________ in Tokyo, which will become the pride of Tokyo.

A.take up B.take off C.take place D.take in



(2020原创)There is no ________ that Linda is telling the truth. She never tells lies.

A.doubt B.saying C.chance D.habit



(2020原创)The boy grows too fast. He is ________ as tall as his father now.

A.nearly B.hardly C.mostly D.usually



(2020原创)I like the ________ of your sweater. It looks very cute and smart.

A.idea B.ability C.style D.hobby



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