满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

打电话时,你想知道对方是谁,可以这么问: ___________________...




Who's that? 【解析】 打电话时,你想知道对方是谁,可以这么问:你是谁?打电话的时候用Who is that?来询问对方是哪位,故答案为:Who's that?  






Excuse me______________________________



    Do you like to tell storiesDo you like to writeSometimes those questions have two different answers.Many children love to tell stories out loud.1.  

Writing is one of those skills that takes practice.Even professional writers do not write everything perfectly the first time.2.When you revise(修)your writing,you look for ways to change it that will make it better.3. You make sure that you have used capitals,periods and other punctuation marks(标点符号)in the best way.You look for words that can be taken out or traded for different,more exciting words.4.

Revising your writing is important.The changes you make can turn boring words into exciting words.5.Don't be afraid to make changes.The first time you write on a topic,you get your ideas down on paper.Revising your writing is cleaning it up.It's making it ready for readers to enjoy.

A.You check your spelling.

B.It can make your ideas come alive.

C.They have to rewrite their work to make it perfect.

D.However, it can be hard to write them down on paper.

E.You make sure that your words hclp the reader get a picture in his mind.



What is BeidouBeidou is a navigation(导航)satellite system.It is developed by China.China is the third country in the world to have its own navigation satellite system.With BeidouChina no longer has to rely on foreign systems.This is very important for national safety.

The rescarch and development of Beidou began in 1994.Howeverthe first two Beidou satellites were not sent into space until 2000.Since thenChina has launched dozens of Beidou satellites.These satellites have formed a global network.NowChina is further improving the system.The BDS—3 system will be fully completed in June2020with the launch of the last satellite.

The Beidou Navigation Satellite System will be more powerful than any other navigation satellite system in the world.Yang Changfeng is a designer of Beidou.He said the system can notice the sway(晃动)of a building in strong winds.

Beidou has brought much benefit(益处)to our lives.In many citiesthousands of buses have been using Beidou.When we are waiting for a buswe can know when it is about to come.Many smartphones have also been using Beidou."Many people say‘Let me turn on my GPS'.In facttheir phones are using Beidou”jokes a salesperson in Beijing.

1.What's the meaning of the underlined phrase "rely on"?

A.pay for B.learn from C.depend on D.search for

2.How long has passcd since China launched the first Beidou satellite?

A.Nearly 10 years. B.Nearly 20 years.

C.Nearly 26 years. D.Nearly 30 years.

3.Which of the following is TRUE about the BDS—3 system?

A.It can control a building in strong winds.

B.It will be used in China in several years.

C.Many buses and smartphones will use it.

D.It will be the most powerful in the world.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.The importance of national safety.

B.The Chinese own navigation satcllite system.

C.The history of the navigation satellite system.

D.The benefit of the navigation satellite system.

5.The text is probably a ______

A.report B.notice C.diary D.poem




Students in France have one less thing to put in their backpacks these days. The country recently banned(禁止)smart phones in public schools for all students through ninth grade. Many schools around the United States have similar bans.

Some educators say kids pay better attention in class when they aren't constantly(始终)looking at their phones. They say banning phones encourages students to talk to cach other more.

Most teachers would agree that they don't want a classroom full of kids texting. But many say a total ban on phones isn't necessary. Some people argue that it is better to teach kids to use technology responsibly(负责任地)than take it away. Plus, many parents point out that they need to be able to reach their kids during the day.

Group Yes

★Smartphones make it difficult for students to concentrate(聚精会神)in class. Kids might play games, watch videos, or check out apps instead of paying attention to the teacher. They can easily miss important information. Plus, a ringing or buzzing phone distracts other students.

★Also, some kids might use their phones to cheat. They could go online and look up answers to a text, or they could text their friends for help.

Group No

★Students should be able to have their phones with them in case of an emergency(紧急情况). Kids need a way to get in touch with their parents if they get sick, if the school bus breaks down, or even if they forget their lunch at home.

★Plus, smartphones can actually help kids do better in school. We can use them to go online and do research for a class project or for help with writing essays. Plus, there are great educational apps we can use.



1.Students are not allowed to bring smartphones to public schools in_____

A.China B.France C.Japan D.Australia

2.What can be learned from the third paragraph?

A.Most cducators encouragc students to use phones at school.

B.Many parents say yes to have a total ban on phones.

C.Some people think students should use phones properly.

D.Some teachers like a classroom full of kids texting.

3.After banning phones in schools, students may______.

A.get help from others more easily

B.check out apps more quickly

C.listen to their teachers more carefully

D.text their friends more often

4.Parents may agree with"Group No"because______.

A.they want to keep in touch with their kids

B.they like to look up answers to a text

C.they need to teach their kids more

D.they are willing to do research online

5.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Are smartphones useful for learning?

B.Should schools ban smartphones?

C.How can students use smartphones?

D.Why do schools ban smartphones?



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