满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—It took me nearly two days to make the ...

It took me nearly two days to make the vlog.

I can't wait to watch it.

A.hardly B.probably C.almost


C 【解析】 句意:——我花了近两天的时间制作微录。 ——我迫不及待地想看了。 考查副词。hardly几乎不;probably可能,大概;almost几乎,差不多。题干中nearly意为“将近,几乎”,almost与其意思相近,选项C符合题意。故选C。  

Bi Sheng, an ancient Chinese, invented movable type printing in the 1040s.

It was developed in China but served the world.

A.created B.discovered C.searched



— You are always there for me when I am in trouble.

— That’s what a friend should do.

A.in fear B.in difficulty C.in surprise



Your English teacher is very humorous.

Exactly. She is very popular with us.

A.friendly B.outgoing C.funny



Tom, let's go to play basketball.

I'd love to. But I have to complete my homework first.

A.check B.finish C.correct



    Tom works in a big company and he is often very busy. One day, when he came out of the office, it was late in the evening. There was no bus at that moment, so he had to walk home. The street was very dark and he could hardly see anything. So he had to walk along slowly and carefully.

Juts at that time, Tom found a man with a lantern coming in the distance“If I go with that person, I will be able to see well," he thought.

When the man with a lantern got nearer, Tom found he was coming with a cane(手)  in his hand. Tom thought this was strange and asked,“Why are you walking so slowly with a cane when you have a lantern?"

The man said, "You know, I'm blind. That is why I use thins cane to walk." Tom laughed, "Ha, ha, ha.You're blind? Then why do you carry a lantern? You don't need a lantern if you can't see."

The man with the lantern answered, "Yes, I can't see. And this lantern cannot help me, but it can help others in the dark. I know better than anyone else how it feels when you cannot see."

Tom didn't say anything for a long time. Then he said sorry to the man.

1.When did Tom come out of the office that day?


2.How did Tom walk on the street?


3.Where was the man when Tom first found him?


4.What did the man carry the lantern for?


5.Why did Tom say sorry to the man with a bow?




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