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Dear friends,

As we know, Shenzhen is working hard to win the title of China's National Civilized City.


All in all, Shenzhen is our home. It's time to take action.

The Student Union

July 20, 2020


Dear friends, As we know, Shenzhen is working hard to win the title of China's National Civilized City.(引出话题) It's well known that Shenzhen is striving for one of the ten civilized cities in China, and now it is a good opportunity for us to make our own contributions.(倡议缘由) Firstly, more changes in our daily life, such as sorting out the rubbish and travelling in a greener way, can be made to protect the city environment. What's more, to make Shenzhen a loving city, we are also supposed to help those in need by doing some voluntary work or raising donations.【高分句型一】 Last but not least, get along with others in an honest and friendly way. We'd better avoid talking about others' privacy if we want to show our respect.(具体介绍如何做) I strongly believe that we will make Shenzhen a more civilized and beautiful city with our joint efforts.(展望) All in all, Shenzhen is our home. It's time to take action.【高分句型二】(号召) The Student Union July 20, 2020 【解析】 1.题干解读:该题目属于倡议书写作。在写作时应承接短文开头;第一段引出话题;第二段写倡议缘由;第三段具体介绍如何做;第四段进行展望;第五段号召大家行动起来。 2.写作指导:本文应该用第一人称来进行写作;时态采用一般现在时为主,写作时要注意语句通顺,语意连贯,紧扣要点,注意句子之间的连接与过渡,要注意涵盖所给提示。  

    One day, a man was walking by the corner of a street. Here he met1.little boy holding a bird cage and selling the birds inside. He 2.(stop) and looked very sadly at the birds without freedom in front of him. The birds were screaming in the cage, trying to fly away.

After standing 3. a moment, he said to the boy, "How much does4.(you) bird cost? I want…"

"One fifty cents, sir," the boy answered quickly.

"I am afraid that you are mistaken. I am not asking how much it is." The man said, "I would like5.(buy) all of them. What I ask is how much you want for them."

Hearing this, the boy6.(happy) counted the number of the birds in the cage.

"They cost five dollars."

"Here7.(be) the money!" The man passed the money. The boy counted excitedly. However, he then was8.(surprise) to find all the birds had flown away.

"OH, my god, for what reason did you do that, sir? You don't even get a bird!" The boy asked the man who set the birds free.

"My boy, let me tell you9.I did this." The man said, "I have no right to get them. Every life should be free and they are our10.(friend). So we should give them freedom."



    The Taojinshan Greenway (绿道) in Shenzhen has been open to citizens since July, 2019.Sitting at the west side of Shenzhen Reservoir, it is as long as 7.07 kilometers.

With plants along both sides and lakes lying at different sites, tourists can enjoy wonderful scenery all the way. If they are tired, they are free to take a rest at the 3 stops that were built for breaks. Additionally, five unused guard posts (岗享) along the old route have remained. They serve as sightseeing platforms for visitors to feel the cultural spirit behind the place.

Of all its 13 scenic spots, 8 were designed to have AI helpers. From them, visitors can gain information on parking, tour guide services and more. The smart greenway, with free Wi-Fi available, also provides environmental date, such as temperature, wind speed and air quality. What's more, it can give visitors warnings of coming extreme ( 极端的) weather and natural disasters, including rainstorms and typhoons that may hit Shenzhen.

"Started in the middle of 2015,the building process of the Taojinshan Greenway has taken good care of the wildlife and environment nearby" said Yang Shiming, an official in charge of the project.

The greenway is an example of construction projects without doing ham to the nature. It also shows the role that technology plays in building a smart greenway for more life convenience."

1.How long did it take to finish the Taojinshan Greenway?

A.About 3 years B.About 4 years. C.About 5 years D.About 6 years.

2.What does the underlined word "They" in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Views. B.Visitors. C.Stops. D.Guard posts.

3.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A.What AI helpers do. B.Technology changes life.

C.How AI helpers work. D.Technology protects humans.

4.What can we learn from this passage?

A.It is interesting to use AI helpers.

B.It is important to build greenways.

C.It is possible to balance nature and construction.

D.It is unnecessary to worry about terrible weather.



    Teens and kids are reading a lot less for fun, according to a recent report.

Although the decline(下降) in the past ten years is very surprising for teen readers, some data(数据) in the report shows that reading is still a big part of many children’s lives.

According to the report, the number or teens who hardly read has gone up from 8 percent to 25 percent today. The report data shows that kids’ reading ability remains almost the same. However, the amount of reading time has fallen, from about an hour every day to half an hour.

As for children’s e-reading, the report mentions little about its effects. But it says that many parents choose to control the time spent on e-books, mainly because they are worried about the increased screen time. After all, it is important to protect their kids’ eyes.

The most helpful part in the report is parents’ effects on their children. It shows that parents are examples and important guides for them in reading. If parents read more and find more time to read with their children, it turns out that their children actually read more often.

As summer vacation arrives, parents might take this chance to step in, make a reading list and enjoy the pleasant family reading time.

1.What do we know about children’s fun reading time?

A.It is much shorter. B.It stays the same.

C.It is much longer. D.It changes a little.

2.Why do many parents control e-reading?

A.It can waste kids’ time. B.E-books are not so important.

C.It can harm kids’ health. D.E-books are a waste of money.

3.How should parents encourage children’s reading?

A.By making reading plans. B.By setting good examples.

C.By praising kids’ reading. D.By offering different books.

4.What’s the writing purpose of the last paragraph?

A.To prevent e-reading. B.To encourage family reading.

C.To advise family trips. D.To describe vacation pleasure.



    When Chinese people talk about Chinese tea culture today, they won't miss an important person in Chinese history-Lu Yu, respected as a "Sage of Tea (茶圣)" for his achievements in the Chinese tea culture. He is bestknown for The Classic of Tea, the first work on growing, making and drinking tea.

Lu was born in Jingling in 733 A.D.As a child, he became a student of Zou Fuzi. Thanks to his teacher's guidance, he learnt a lot. He often made tea for his teacher. He also took care of his fellow students' health using his knowledge on tea and herbs (草药).

Lu Yu often went to the countryside to gather tea leaves and herbs. On one of those trips, Lu Yu found a spring. The water was quite clear and clean. When Lu made tea with this spring water, he found the tea tasted better than usual. From then on, he realized the importance of water quality in making tea.

In 752 A.D, Lu Yu finished his studies and returned to Jingling, where he met Cui Guofu. Both men shared the same interests in tea, literature (文学) and poetry. They soon became good friends. Since then, the two spent much time travelling, drinking tea and writing poems together.

This period was important to Lu Yu as a man of literature. Cui, with his rich experience and skills in writing, became a coach of Lu. He provided necessary help with Lu's writing. It was during this time that Lu finally wrote the amazing work, The Classic of Tea.

1.What is Lu famous for?

A.Having wisdom. B.Respecting teachers.

C.Caring for friends. D.Influencing tea culture.

2.What does the underlined word "guidance" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Help B.Stress C.Protection D.Control

3.Why did Lu and Cui become good friends?

A.They had the same hobbies. B.They lived in the same place.

C.They spent much time together. D.They had the same experiences.

4.Which of the following is the correct order according to the passage?

Lu Yu wrote The Classic of Tea.

Lu Yu became a student of Zou Fuzi.

Lu Yu made friends with Cui Guofu.

Lu Yu found water quality was important.

A.②③①④ B.②④③① C.④①③② D.④②③①



    "Miss Smith! What rough (粗糙的) hands Mary Jessup has! "said Daisy Marvin, as she walked home from school with her teacher.

"In my opinion, Daisy, Mary's hands are the prettiest in our class."

"Why? Miss Smith, they are as red and hard as they can be. How they would look if she tried to play on a piano!" Daisy said.

Miss Smith took Daisy's hands in hers, and said, "Your hands are very soft and white, just the hands to look beautiful on a piano: yet they don't have one beauty that Mary's hands do. Shall tell you what the difference is?"

"Yes, please, Miss Smith." Daisy looked at Miss Smith, with eyes wide open.

"Well, Daisy, Mary's hands are very busy. They wash dishes; they make fires; they hang out clothes, and help to wash them, too: they are always trying to help her poor, hard-working mother."

Miss Smith continued, "Besides, they wash and dress the children; they mend their toys and dress their dolls; yet, they find time to bathe the head of the little girl who is so sick in the next house to theirs."

"They do good deeds (行为) to every living thing. I have seen them patting the tired horse and the homeless dog in the street. They are always ready to help those who need help."

"I shall never think Mary's hands are ugly any more, Miss Smith." Daisy said that with tears in eyes.

"I am glad to hear you say that, Daisy; and I must tell you that they are beautiful because they help others gladly and cheerfully."

"Oh, Miss Smith! I feel so ashamed of myself and so sorry, "said Daisy, looking into her teacher's face with shining eyes.

"My dear, beauty doesn't lie in how one looks but what he does."

1.What did Daisy think of Mary's hand at first?

A.Warm B.Ugly C.Dirty D.Soft

2.What is beauty in Miss Smith's opinion?

A.Being patient. B.Being good-looking.

C.Being helpful. D.Being hard-working.

3.What can we infer (推断) from the passage?

A.Mary's mother was lazy. B.Mary lived a comfortable life.

C.Miss Smith disliked Daisy. D.Daisy understood beauty better.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Busy Days B.Cheerful Tears

C.Shining Eyes D.Beautiful Hands



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