满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

两兄弟的未来 Simon and Pedro were two young br...


Simon and Pedro were two young brothers came from a poor family. They always dreamed of becoming  1. (engineer)

The only way they could make2. (they) dream come true was that one of them worked in the local mine(矿;矿山) to pay for the other to go to school, and when the first one 3.(become)an engineer, he would pay for the other to go to school.

They flipped() a coin. Simon won, but he said, “I can't go. You are much 4. (smart) than me”But Pedro made him go and worked to send money 5. Simon. One day, Pedro was injured quite badly because of  6. accident in the mine, and he would never be a7. to work in the mine again. Simon had to go b8. to take care of his brother. They were both terribly sad.

Luckily, their teacher offered them a h9.. They could go to school again. That was 10.(probable)a perfect day for them.


1.engineers 2.their 3.became 4.smarter 5.to 6.an 7.able 8.back 9.hand 10.probably 【解析】 主旨大意:本文是一篇记叙文。讲述的是一对贫穷的兄弟西蒙和佩德罗,从小就有当工程师的梦想,唯一能实现理想的办法就是其中一个打工,供另一个上学,当第一个成为工程师时,他会供另一个上学。可是在西蒙上大学期间,哥哥打工受伤,中断了学业,但是由于他俩的出色成绩,他们的老师帮助了他们,使他们得以重返校园。文章告诉我们合作、勤奋和梦想是通向美好未来的钥匙。 1.句意为:他们总是梦想着成为工程师。分析句子结构可知,句子的主语是they,故判断此处需填名词的复数形式。故填engineers。 2.句意为:唯一可以使他们的梦想实现的方式是……。分析句子结构及句意可知,此处需填they的形容词性物主代词作定语,修饰空后的名词dream。故填their。 3.句意为:并且当第一个人成为一名工程师时,他将为另一个人支付去学校的学费。根据上下文可知,文章讲述的是过去发生的事情,句子时态为一般过去时,需填动词过去式。故填became。 4.句意为:……你比我更聪明。根据空后的than判断此处需填形容词比较级形式。故填smarter。 5.句意为:但是佩德罗让他去,并通过工作来寄钱给西蒙。分析句子结构及句意可知,此处需填介词,后跟寄出的对象。send sth.to sb.寄某物给某人,为固定短语。故填to。 6.句意为:有一天,因为在矿山的一场意外,佩德罗受伤相当严重。此空泛指一次意外事件。需用不定冠词。且accident是以元音音素开头的单词,故填an。 7.句意为:……并且将永远不________再在矿山里工作。根据句意及常识可知,佩德罗受了严重的伤,故推测他不能再工作了。be(not) able to(不)能够,为固定短语。故填able。 8.句意为:西蒙不得不________照顾他的兄弟。根据句意可知,此处填副词back。go back返回,为固定短语。故填back。 9.句意为:幸运的是,他们的老师________了他们。根据后一句“他们再次回到学校”判断老师帮助了他们。offer sb.a hand帮助某人,为固定短语。故填hand。 10.句意为:对于他们来说,那可能是完美的一天。分析句子结构及句意可知,此处需填副词修饰整个句子。故填probably。

    The fast speed and convenience of modern travel makes the faraway countries be reached quickly and easily now. Even though they now seem closer, they may still be different from your home country. So it is important to change your behavior so that you can get on well with local people. Followings are some basic rules that will make communication easier and make your trip more enjoyable.

First, never raise your voice in order to make yourself understood. If you don't know the word for something in the local language, try to draw a picture or point to the thing. Before you travel, you can also learn some basic words or phrases of the local language, such as words for “please”“thank you”and “may I” as well as basic greetings(问候)

Second, learn the culture of the country you plan to visit and read about the rules related to clothing. You can bring some clothes such as shirts or T­shirts that cover your shoulders, and long trousers.

Avoid topics that you think may be sensitive(敏感的). If a topic is sensitive in your own culture, it will likely be the same in other cultures. Feel free to show interest in the history and customs of the place that you are visiting, but don't ask questions about why things are done in a certain way, because you may make the local people unhappy.

Keep in mind that in many cultures, showing affection(情感) in public isn't allowed. Kissing on the street or in public should be avoided. If you are unsure of how to behave, watch the local people and copy them.

Finally, if you wish to take a gift, do some research. The idea of the perfect gift is different greatly from country to country, and one of the easiest ways to make someone angry is to give a wrong gift.


1.Before you travel, you can learn some basic words or phrases of the local language and____________

2.You shouldn't ask questions about why things are done in a certain way, because you may____________

3.What can you do if you are unsure of how to behave?







Many people dream of going on a great travel adventure(冒险). Most of us keep dreaming; others make it happen.

Gregg Beakney's dream was to travel the Americas from top to bottom. He got the idea after he finished a 1600­kilometer bike ride. Gregg's friend, Brooks Allen, was also a cyclist(骑自行车的人). The two friends talked and decided their goal: they would travel from Alaska to Argentina(阿根廷) by bike. To pay for the journey, Gregg and Brooks worked and saved money for years. Once they were on the road, they often camped outdoors or stayed in hostels(招待所). In many places, along their route, local people opened their homes to the two friends and gave them food.

During their trip, Gregg and Brooks cycled through deserts, rainforests and mountains. They visited modern cities and explored ancient ruins such as Tikal in Guatemala(危地马拉). In many places, they met other cyclists from all over the world. In May 2007, they traveled twelve countries in two years, and over 30500 km (19000 miles) later, Gregg finally reached Ushuaia, Argentina, at the top of South America. Gregg and Brooks kept a record of their adventures in an online blog. The trip taught both men a lot about traveling. Here is some of Gregg's advice

Travel light. The less baggage you have, the less you'll worry about.

Be flexible. Don't plan everything. Then you'll be more relaxed and happier, even when there are challenges along the way.

Be polite. A traveler told Gregg, “Always remember that nobody wants to fight or cheat a nice guy”

1.What can we know from the second paragraph?

A.Gregg dreamed of travelling the Africa from top to bottom.

B.Gregg and Brooks finished a 1600­kilometer bike ride together.

C.Gregg and Brooks worked for years to save money for their trip.

D.Brooks encouraged Gregg to try his best to achieve his goals.

2.Where would Gregg and Brooks finally arrive at the end of their ride trip?

A.Guatemala. B.Argentina. C.Alaska. D.America.

3.Which of the following Gregg's advice is true?

A.Make a careful plan in advance.

B.Don't take any baggage with you.

C.Avoid fighting with a nice guy.

D.Try to be polite to anybody you meet.

4.Which would be the best title for the passage?

A.The Trip across the Americas

B.Lessons From the Road

C.The Secret of Success

D.Advice of the Cyclists



I visited Australia last month. Kangaroo is________ animal I have ever seen.

A.strange B.the strangest C.strangest D.stranger



Nobody is allowed________ here. It is a non­smoking area.

A.smoke B.smoked C.smoking D.to smoke



This silk scarf is much________ than that one. I want to have one.

A.smoother B.friendlier C.quieter D.easier



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