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2020年新年伊始, 由于受新型冠状病毒(novel coronavirus)的...

    2020年新年伊始, 由于受新型冠状病毒(novel coronavirus)的影响, 全国人民都在各自的家中进行学习和工作. 而作为初四的我们也经历了人生里的第一次学校线上学习课程.我们的线上学习持续了将近两个月的时间, 在这段时间里, 你肯定也深有感悟. 近期英语学习报邀请你用英文来写一篇文章, 介绍你对线上学习的认识.

内容:1. 线上学习和在校学习的不同

2. 可以推荐的线上学习的方法

要求:1. 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校。

2. 词数:60—80

3. 内容完整, 语言流畅, 书写规范.



写作范文: Affected by a novel coronavirus, online teaching has been more popular. But there are some differences between online learning and school learning. Online learning is through a computer or mobile phone. Teachers and students communicate through computers or mobile phones. In school, teachers and students are taught and learned face to face. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. When students study online, they had better save videos of the class so that they can review what they don't understand. Besides,students from different areas or schools can share learning resources. I hope parents pay more attention to their children to prevent them from spending time playing computer games. I also hope to improve online teaching so that teachers and students can communicate better. 【解析】 1.题干解读:该题属于材料写作文。写作时要注意文章要求要写齐全,第一大段陈述线上和在校学习的不同;第二大段推荐线上学习的方法。 2.写作指导:本文应该主要用第三人称来写作;时态采用一般现在时为主;描述线上和在校学习的区别时,可以描述老师的教和学生学等方面的差异,且保证条理清晰。  

阅读下面的短文, 并根据短文后的要求答题。(请注意问题后的字数要求

[1] Many ordinary people ranging from volunteers to media workers have dedicated (奉献)themselves to fighting the novel coronavirus. They prove that ordinary people can still do their part during difficult times.

[2] On Feb 12, Dalian(not his real name)was taking a train to Changsha, Hunan, for a business trip. While on the train, he went into a carriage(车厢)to have lunch and chose to remain in the carriage. He did not realize that the carriage was only for people heading to Wuhan. Several hours later, when the train arrived in Wuhan, Dalian was asked to get off, as he was in the special carriage. Although he was surprised, he didn't want to cause trouble and got off the carriage___________just a single bag.

[3] As Wuhan had been locked down because of the epidemic, Dalian couldn't find a hotel to stay in. Feeling at a loss, he saw a notice online looking for volunteers to work in hospitals. The payment was 500 yuan a day. Dalian decided to give it a try. He soon became a volunteer at Wuhan No 1 Hospital. He was responsible for taking out trash, mopping(拖)the floor, disinfecting(消毒)the hospital, dealing with used protective suits and bringing meals to patients.

[4] The young man, reportedly from northeast China, had to work 12 hours every lay, changing his protective suit three times a day. While working, he couldn't drink anything_____go to the bathroom. He also had to have close contact with infected patients, which is risky. Dalian was afraid of getting infected at first. "When I entered the wards(病房), I was kind of frozen(僵硬的)and felt like I couldn't move, " he said. But __________seeing more patients get better, his fear gradually went away.

[5] Dalian's story has since gone viral(走红的)online. People were surprised by his experience, but also described him as having" a heart of gold".

1.Why did Dalian have to get off in Wuhan?(No more than7 words)


2.How did Dalian feel when he entered the wards at first?(No more than 11 words)


3.What did Dalian have to do at Wuhan No1 Hospital?(No more than 22 words)


4.Fill in each blank in the passage with a proper word.

_________ _________ _________

5.Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.


6.What does this passage try to tell us?(No more than 15 words)




The book you've just____________(借给)to me is very interesting. I really enjoy it.



Natural resources are very important for us and we should use them____________(明智地).



It's a good idea to donate your old clothes instead of t____________ them away.



It's natural for people to feel n ___________during the outbreak of COVID-19.



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