满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

(2019北京改编)My advice on how to save paper...

(2019北京改编)My advice on how to save paper ________ by my class last Monday.

A.accepts B.is accepted C.accepted D.was accepted


D 【解析】 略  

(2019扬州)The 2021 International Horticultural Expo________ in Yangzhou.

A.holds B.will hold C.is held D.will be held



(2019重庆B)These machines________ in their factory by themselves last year.

A.make B.made C.are made D.were made



(2019广东)It is said that one Greater Bay Area university ________ in Guangdong in the future.

A.will be built B.build C.will build D.is built





Happy English Learning


English news, movies, songs, games and so on


1. improve our English with our classmates

2. help us enlarge our English vocabulary

3. improve our listening skills





Here is my design for the new app.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I hope my ideas will be valuable to your company.



    In the morning, everything is slippery with ice outside. 1. (sudden) I come up with a good idea. I get 2. pair of old socks and pull them on over my shoes. Then I step on the s3. of the icy ground. No more slipping.

In the afternoon, Grandpa's driving me to my swimming class. He's 4. (bring) me a cup of tea. The tea is too hot to hold. Then I noticed the hole on my shoes where my foot goes in is cup-shaped. Grandpa likes my shoe-cup holder,5. he says, "I'd better keep my shoes on."

In the evening, Mom's making a sweater 6. Dad, and the dog is running after the yarn(毛线) all over. "W7. I'm an inventor, I'll build you a dog-proof yarn holder," I tell her.

As I think, I play with a big plastic bottle. I cut the bottom of the bottle and put the yarn in. It fits. I hang the bottle on the wall, away from the dog.

"Maybe this will work u8. I complete my invention," I tell Mom.

"Perfect," she says. "And,9. (invention) don't have to be new things. Using 10.(day) stuff is clever."



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