满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Once upon a time, there lived a wise man...

    Once upon a time, there lived a wise man. Everyone respected him. His son, however, was very lazy and did nothing all day.

The wise man was worried about his son's future. One day, he said to his son, "I want you to go to find some treasure. I have drawn a map to guide you. " Then he handed his son a bag. Inside the bag were clothes, some food, a little money and the map.

The son set off on his long journey the next day. He had to travel across forests, rivers and mountains. Along the way, he met a lot of people. He was helped by some with food and by some with shelter (住所). He also came across robbers (强盗)who tried to rob him. He saw changing sights and experienced different kinds of weather.

Finally, after a long year, he reached the treasure's location (地点). He spent two days looking and digging for the treasure, but found nothing.

Disappointed, he headed back to his home. On his way back, he experienced the same changing sights and seasons. Sometimes, he would stop to enjoy the beauty of nature. He also learned to hunt and make meals. He had to fix his own clothes and shelter himself. He was now able to tell time by the position of the sun and protect himself from wild animals. He met the same people who had helped him earlier. This time, he stayed and helped them in order to repay them.

When he reached home, he apologized to his father for not finding the treasure.

"There wasn't any treasure in the very first place, my son, " the father answered with a smile. " But I think you have found your life's true purpose. "

1.What did the wise man ask his son to do?

A.Draw a map that would guide him to treasure.

B.Travel to a faraway place to look for treasure.

C.Make a living by selling clothes and food.

D.See the world's forests and mountains.

2.It can be inferred(推断)that the son __________ during his journey.

A.suffered from hunger, cold and other dangers

B.chose a guide that would easily take him to the treasure

C.had to rob others for food and clothes

D.did not enjoy the natural scenery that he saw

3.What was different about the son's journey back home?

A.The sights were changing.

B.He found treasure and became rich.

C.He mastered many life skills.

D.He learned how to be a wise man.

4.What does the underlined word " repay" mean in the passage?

A.付款. B.补偿. C.报答 D.还钱

5.What was the father's purpose of setting this task for his son?

A.To make his son do some interesting activities.

B.To see whether his son could deal with difficulties.

C.To test his son's ability to live in the wild.

D.To help his son find his life's true purpose.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D 【解析】 本文讲述了一位父亲为了帮助懒惰的儿子找到生活的意义,让他去一个遥远的地方找一个宝藏,儿子在路上经历了困难并获得了帮助,虽然没有找到宝藏但他在回家的路上学会了很多生活技能。等他回到家,父亲认为儿子已经找到了生活的真正意义。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段“I want you to go and find some treasure”可知,这位父亲让他的儿子去遥远的地方寻找一些宝藏。故选B。 2. 推理判断题。根据第三段“He had to travel across forests, rivers and mountains. Along the way, he met a lot of people. He was helped by some with food and by some with shelter. He also came across robbers who tried to rob him.”沿途有人帮助给他食物、住所、遇到了强盗。推断,儿子在旅途中遭受了饥饿、寒冷和其他危险。故选A。 3. 推理判断题。根据第五段“He also learned to hunt and make meals. He had to fix his own clothes and shelter himself. He was now able to tell time by the position of the sun and protect himself from wild animals.”他还学会了打猎、做饭、缝补衣服,搭建住所等,可知,儿子在回来的路上学会了很多技能。故选C。 4. 词义猜测题。由第三段可知他在去往寻找宝藏的途中得到很多人帮助;根据第五段“…He met the same people who had helped him earlier. This time, he stayed and helped them”归途中他碰到早先帮助过他的人,推断,他留下帮他们是为了回报他们。故选C。 5. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“But I think you have found your life’s true purpose.”可知,父亲把这个任务交给儿子的目的是帮助他找到生活的真正意义。故选D。

A Welcoming Library

Regular Fall and Spring Hours

Monday - Thursday 7:00 am - 2:00 am

Friday 7:00 am - 9:00 pm

Saturday 10:00 am - 9:00 pm

Sunday 10:00 am - 2:00 am

Contact Information

Service Desk: (503) 943-7111 or (800) 841-8261

Research Desk: (503) 943-7788, 24/7, Library Chat

Digital Lab Desk: (503) 943-7796

Website: http://library.up.edu

Fax: (503) 943-7491

Services and Resources (资源)

Study and Learning Space: The main and upper floors are areas with different kinds of seats. The lower floor is the Quiet Floor for focused study. There are 20 group study rooms that can be booked online.

Technology: The main floor lab has 50 Windows computers, along with printers and copier/scanners. The Digital Lab on the upper floor has 16 Mac computers, scanners, a large format printer, a 3D printer, plus equipment that can be borrowed. The main floor Service Desk also checks out laptops and chargers (充电器).

1.When can students enter the library?

A.At 1 am on Wednesday. B.At 11 pm on Friday.

C.At 10 pm on Saturday. D.At 7 am on Sunday.

2.If a student has a question about the digital lab, which number should he or she call?

A.(503) 943-7111. B.(503) 943-7788.

C.(503) 943-7796. D.(503) 943-7491.

3.Which floor is for focused study?

A.The main floor. B.The upper floor.

C.The lower floor. D.The top floor.

4.What can we know about the library's technology services?

A.There are 50 printers in the main floor lab.

B.The Digital Lab is under the main floor lab.

C.Students can borrow equipment from the Digital Lab.

D.The Digital Lab has more computers than the main floor lab.

5.Which way to contact the library is not mentioned?

A.Making a phone call. B.Visiting the website.

C.Sending a fax. D.Sending an email.



    We all want people to like us, so it is natural for us to do what we can to please others. However, we also know that this is not always possible. Life does not always run smoothly for us.  Mistakes happen.

What happens when you make a mistake? Do you try to hide the factor deny(否认)any responsibility (责任)? We all know that this behavior usually makes the situation much worse. As we grow we should realize the best thing to do after a mistake is to accept responsibility. and to offer an apology in time.

Saying you're sorry allows several positive things to happen. It helps people to regain trust and confidence in you, and it helps to repair any damage (损害)that was caused by the mistake.

What's more, saying you are sorry helps you to regain respect for yourself. It allows you to put a mistake behind you, and to move on with your life. Accepting responsibility also helps us to learn from our mistakes, and encourages us not to repeat them in the future. Perhaps it also helps us to learn how to forgive (原谅)others who make mistakes, learning to say you're sorry is a sure way to learn how to respect yourself and others.

1.It's always easy to do something to please others.

A.Right B.Wrong

2.After making a mistake we can hide the fact.

A.Right B.Wrong

3.It's better to accept responsibility and offer an apology after a mistake.

A.Right B.Wrong

4.People trust and respect those who offer to say sorry after they make mistakes.

A.Right B.Wrong

5.Learning from mistakes can encourage us to do better in the future.

A.Right B.Wrong



    I was feeling a little blue because my mother had lost her job.

One day, while I was ______ on the street, I heard piano music and singing rising above the noise of the people. I walked more slowly to ______ where it was coming from. Then I saw a young lady sitting at a piano.

She was singing songs about love, believing yourself and keeping on trying. The way she was singing made me a little comfortable. I stood there ______, watching her playing. I thought that she must be brave enough to perform in front of so many people.

She noticed me. I walked over and told her how good her ______ sounded. "I have been going through a hard time recently, ______ you've made me hopeful again." I said to her.

"I'm glad that I could help. " she replied. " Why are you so ______? "

" Well, my mom has lost her job, and I'm not sure what to do…"

"Did you notice the ______ you were walking? Your head was down." she said. "Don't be upset, because opportunity comes in different ways and if your head is down, you might not see it. You should ______ more and lift your head up. "

I looked at her, amazed at how she was encouraging me. ______ are you playing the piano here?" I asked her with a smile. She explained that she saw a lot of unhappy people in the world and she tried to cheer ______ up by playing.

I smiled, realizing that no difficulties could stop me from going on.

1.A.walking B.riding C.running

2.A.find out B.read out C.take out

3.A.nervously B.quietly C.angrily

4.A.advice B.interest C.music

5.A.or B.but C.so

6.A.dirty B.busy C.sad

7.A.way B.time C.reason

8.A.pay B.rest C.smile

9.A.How B.Why C.When

10.A.me B.them C.her



I, the, enjoy, fish, eating




my, time, to, second, it's, here, come




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