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Everyone must stay at home to prevent NCP during the winter holiday. Online teaching is carried out every day.Students are supposed to be on time on weekdays.It provides us with a relaxing and free learning environment and learning methods, and it is a good way to improve ourselves.For me, studying online helps ease my anxiety and makes me focus on my study. I think it saves me a lot of time on the journey to school. It meets the needs of different students, If I don't understand, I can listen to the record again and again. But online classes may greatly reduce the efficiency of listening, so it is necessary for us to have a quiet learning environment. Clean up any distraction on the table before class. Write down the key points of the knowledge and the difficult parts that you don't understand during the class. Ask for advice through wechat, QQ or other ways as soon as possible.Online class is a new teaching mode, I think it can be more perfect. 【解析】 1.题干解读:该题目属于话题作文,针对疫情期间在家上网课的二种不同观点——网上学习效果不好,网络学习有利于成绩的提升;结合自身经历,给出三点理由谈谈自己持哪种观点,并围绕你的观点提出合理化建议。 2.写作指导:本文应该用第一人称、一般现在时说来叙述,给出3点理由阐述自己对网课所持的观点时要注意文句之间衔接自然得体,逻辑清楚;围绕自身的观点给出相应的建议,要表述正确,紧扣主题。    

To be a good listener in your family

Communication is important for strong family relationships. However, if you don't r1. listen to others, it can be difficult to communicate.

When listening to a family member, it's important to stay in the situation to make your family member f2. he is heard. Remember to put your phone away and give them your full a3.. Just think about the speaker's words instead of what you'll say next when talking. Wait for a moment when the speaker stops. This will allow you to make sure w4. they have completely finished. Everyone wants to feel valued, so try to talk about your feelings or t5. after the speaker finishes. For example, "So, it sounds to me like you're a little sad with mom b6. you feel like she is not treating you like an adult." This can help you make sure you u7. the speaker.

Besides these, there are also some "Don'ts"you should remember while communicating with family members. First, don't start talking until the other person has finished. Second, don't offer advice u8. you are asked if someone just wants to talk. Third, don't change the subject even if it may make you feel unhappy, let your family member e9. themselves clearly. Fourth, don't hurry the speaker along. Never say things like, "Can you get to the point?" This will make it seem like you have never enjoyed the conversation. A10. these "Don'ts"will help you and your family communicate better.




______________to make others learn.




The teacher often tells us that ______________.




What he said______________.




More attention______________students' mental health.



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