满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It was a quiet village in which there wa...

    It was a quiet village in which there was a camp. It was far from the towns and cities and there were some high mountains around. Of course it was a good place for training the new soldiers. 1.. Mr. White, an officer of forty, was strict with them and he hardly let them leave the camp.

Once Mr. White was ill in bed. He couldn't work and a young officer, Mr. Hunt began to train the new soldiers instead of him.2.And let nine soldiers go to the nearest town to have a holiday. But night fell and none came back to the camp. He was worried about it and stood at the gate. It was five to twelve when Mr. Hunt decided to go to the town and see what was happening with the young men.3.. At that moment the nine soldiers came back. It seemed they were all drunk. Of course they found the officer was angry.

"I'm sorry, sir." said the first soldier." I left the town on time.4.. I had to buy a horse and made it run fast. Bad luck! It died and I had to run back."

And the other seven soldiers said they were late for the same reasons. It was the last soldier's turn. He said, "I'm sorry sir, I got on a bus on time, but..."

Having heard this, the officer became even angrier and stopped him at once. He called out, "If you say something was wrong with your bus, I'll punish you at once!"

"No, no, Sir." said the young man." My bus was all right.5.."

A.He knew the young men well.

B.But something was wrong with my bus on my way here.

C.He was very strict, too.

D.But the dead horses were in the way.

E.He started the car quickly and set off.

F.But it was difficult for the young men to go outside.


1.F 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.D 【解析】 本文主要讲述了在一个偏僻的村庄里有一个军营。这个军营是用来训练新兵的,他们的教官非常严格,从来不允许他们去城镇。一次,军官病了,一个年轻的军官代替他训练,他允许士兵去城镇玩,但士兵们都喝醉了,回来特别晚,军官很生气。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

    Louis Armstrong had two famous nicknames (绰号). Some people called him Bagamo. They said his mouth looked like a large bag. Musicians often called him Pops, as a sign of respect for his influence on the world of music.

Although born in 1901 in New Orleans, poor, he lived among great musicians. Jazz was invented in the city a few years before his birth. Armstrong often said, "Jazz and I grew up together."

Armstrong showed a great talent for music when he was taught to play the comet (短号) at a boys' home. In his late teens, Armstrong began to live the life of a musician. He played in parades, clubs, and on the steamboats that traveled on the Mississippi River. At that time, New Orleans was famous for the new music of jazz and was home to many great musicians. Armstrong learned from the older musicians and soon became as famous as them.

In 1922 he went to Chicago. There, the tale (传说) of Louis Armstrong begins. From then until the end of his life, Armstrong was celebrated and loved wherever he went.

His comet playing had deep humanity (仁爱) and warmth that caused many listeners to say, "Listening to Pops just makes you feel good all over." He was the father of the jazz style and also one of the best-known and most admired people in the world. His death, on July 6, 1971, was headline news around the world.

1.Armstrong was called Pops because ________.

A.his mouth looked like a big bag. B.people wanted to show their respect to him.

C.his family name is Pops. D.he lived in New Orleans.

2.The underlined word "parades" may be the name of ________.

A.a man B.an animal C.a place D.music

3.People liked Armstrong's music because________.

A.there was humanity and warmth in it. B.they liked Jazz.

C.Armstrong played the comet D.Armstrong was a great musician.

4.Which statement is true?

A.Armstrong was born in Chicago. B.Armstrong left for Chicago at the age of 20.

C.Armstrong lived to 70 years. D.Armstrong was the father of comet.

5.The passage is ________.

A.a letter B.a story C.a report D.a biography(人物传记)



    When we see well, we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.

People who are near-sighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Everything else seems unclear. Many people who do a lot of work such as writing, reading and sewing become near- sighted.

However, people who are far-sighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm's length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses, too.

Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have what is called astigmatisms (散光). This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some people's eyes become cloudy because of cataracts (白内障). Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.

1.________ eye problem(problems)is(are)mentioned in the passage.

A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four

2.If you have the problem of astigmatisms, your eyes ________.

A.can only see close things B.can only see things far away

C.aren't exactly the right shape D.have cataracts

3.Long ago, some people became blind because ________.

A.they were near-sighted B.they were far-sighted

C.They had astigmatisms D.they had cataracts

4.Perhaps ________ can become near-sighted more easily.

A.the writers B.the farmers C.the workers D.the policemen

5.Glasses are useful for those who ________.

① are near-sighted  ② are far-sighted  ③ have astigmatisms  ④ have cataracts

A.①②④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①③④



    Even if you are a good high jumper, you can jump only about seven feet off the ground. You cannot jump any higher because the earth pulls you hard. The pull of the earth is called gravity. You can easily find out the pull of the earth. If you weigh yourself, you will know how much gravity is pulling you.

Since there is gravity, water runs down hill. When you throw a ball into the air, it falls back down. Because of gravity, you do not fall off the earth as it whirls (旋转) around.

Then, can we get away from the earth and go far out into space? Now you can do it, because spaceships have been invented. Then spaceship will go so fast that it can escape the earth's gravity and carry you into space.

1.If you are a good high jumper, you can jump far higher than seven feet high.

2.You can know how much gravity is pulling you by weighing yourself.

3.Because of gravity, the water runs up hill and the balls back if you throw it into the air.

4.We can escape the earth's gravity by spaceship because it can travel very fast.

5.The Chinese meaning of "gravity" is "重力".



    今年年初, 新型冠状病毒肺炎肆虐, 全民同心, 共同抗"疫", 充分体现了做一合格公民至关重要。为此, 学校特举办主题为"助力社会发展 争做合格公民 (qualified citzen)"的主题班会。请根据表格内容提示及要求写一篇80~100词的英语发言稿, 谈谈你对于合格公民的看法。

Being a qualified citizen

Why should we be a qualified citizen?

our duty

What should we do?

for environment

①protect the trees and flowers;

②divide rubbish;


for wild animals

①be friendly to wild animals;

②no killing;


for ourselves


①love our country;

②care for others;




1、描述做好合格公民的措施, 并分别补充一条措施。

2、语言通顺, 要点齐全, 意思连贯, 条理清楚, 书写规范;


4、文章题目及开头已给出, 不计入总词数。

Being a qualified citizen

We all live in a big society and we are all part of it. We are not only students but also _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Hope my suggestions will be helpful. Thanks for reading my letter!

Yours sincerely,

Wang Tao



    The biggest secret about inventing is that anybody can do it! Perhaps this sounds crazy, but it's true. Maybe you have the wrong idea about inventing, so read on to discover the truth.

Wrong idea No. 1: An invention has to be something completely new.

Inventing means creating something "new", but the idea could come from something that already exists(存在). The Wright Brothers, for example, got the idea for building a "flying machine" from watching birds.

Wrong idea No. 2: Inventors are born, not made.

There are a lot of factors(因素)that make invention possible. Take Mozart for an example. He was born with a (3)talent for musical composition. But other factors were also important for his creativity. His father was a music teacher, and Mozart practiced for hours every day, from the time he was four years old. Thomas Edison said that being an inventor was "99% hard work and 1% inspiration"!

Very successful creators don't give up when they get something wrong. As one inventor said, "A failure was the right answer to the wrong question."

Wrong idea No. 3: Inventors are always old people.

Don't believe that you can't invent something when you are young. Here are two examples of young inventorsLouis Braille went blind when he was a child. When he was fifteen, he invented a system of reading and writing for blind people that is still used in most countries today.

As a young man, George Nissen was watching some artists performing in a show. He watched how they fell into the safety net and then jumped back up again. This gave him an idea, and he invented the trampoline(蹦床).

1.How many wrong ideas about inventing are mentioned(提及)in the passage?


2.Who got the idea for building a "flying machine" from watching birds?


3.What does the underlined word "talent" mean in Chinese?


4.What did Louis Braille invent?


5.Give a best title to the passage.




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