满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Is it good to be in the middle? Sometime...

    Is it good to be in the middle? Sometimes, no, like when you’re in the middle _______on a long car ride. But sometimes, yes, like when you’re in the middle of a great movie. What will happen next? Middle school is a little bit like that.

For a kid, going to middle school is a big _______: First, it often means ______  to a new building. You have to take some time to adjust (适应). Second, it may mean taking a _____  bus, with different students. Third, the friends you made in primary school may _____ going to different middle schools.

All of this can make you feel a bit______ on the first day of school. Here is some ______ to help you on your first day. Get to bed on time the night before. Before bed, put all your things into your schoolbag so you don’t forget ______.

On the big day, eat breakfast ______ be brave. On your way out the door, take everything you need and try to say “hi” to everyone you meet.

In class, listen to the teachers ______ and take notes. Try to write down the most important things and then you can look them over when you get home and be prepared for the next day.

1.A.street B.seat C.room D.bed

2.A.change B.idea C.chance D.plan

3.A.turning B.pointing C.traveling D.moving

4.A.terrible B.same C.different D.cheap

5.A.run away B.end up C.come out D.think about

6.A.happy B.relaxed C.scared D.angry

7.A.advice B.news C.excuse D.culture

8.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

9.A.and B.or C.but D.so

10.A.easily B.quickly C.slowly D.carefully


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.D 【解析】 本文主要介绍了从小学升入初中时学生所面临的变化和问题,并给出了一些建议。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

    英国某中学邀请你学校学生代表团于寒假期间去访问交流, 假如你是李华, 请你作为学生代表, 写一份英文答谢辞。


1. 感谢邀请;

2. 交流过程中重点介绍中国的传统节日春节和中国传统民间艺术剪纸;

3. 近年来家乡日照发生了很多新变化, 邀请英国朋友明年寒假来日照过春节。


1. 根据提示内容, 不要逐字翻译, 可适当增加细节;

2. 文中不能出现真实的人名和校名;

3. 词数90左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数)。

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm very glad to speak here. First, thanks for _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua



    The best part about the Internet is its ability to give the platform to generous(慷慨的)and kind people who want to change the world for the better. So when one such man named Narayana Reddy started his YouTube videos, people could share the health he spread. Over just two years, Reddy, best known as Grandpa Kitchen, has had over 6 million followers who enjoy watching him cook big meals to feed orphans(孤儿).

Reddy's success on YouTube was not surprising. We all know how much people love cooking videos and Grandpa's was exactly what people needed—simple, easy and as healthy as they can possibly get. The meals he prepared in each video weren't just a trick to catch the attention of his audience. In fact, the meals were big, so that every orphan in Reddy's community would get a bite to eat. The dishes all looked amazing and mouth-watering.

Fans probably know Grandpa's Kitchen intro by heart. Grandpa begins each video saying "Loving, caring, sharing: this is my family. " And it's clear that these words aren't just some catchphrase(流行语), but rather something Reddy truly lived by.

He strongly believed in helping the less lucky and supporting his community. That's why the money he received from his videos was given to charities, so people in need would be provided with basic necessities.

1.What was Narayana Reddy best known as?


2.Why was Reddy's video on YouTube successful?


3.How did Reddy help the orphans in his community?


4.What did Reddy say when he started each of his video?


5.What do you think of Reddy?




    In her Facebook post, Alesha Nemecbek writes how her 85-year-old Papa Joe still remembers to show love, affection, and attention to his wife by doing little things for her. 1.his memory not being as 2.(good) as in his younger years, Joe still remembers all of his wife's favorite things and  3. (try) to surprise her with them.

Nemechek concludes her post by 4. (encourage) people to take this story as a lesson on how it is important 5. (keep) "intentional(有意的)".

6. (move) by their long-lasting relationship, Nemechek often shares little things about her 7.(grandparent) relationship. Recently, she wrote about asking Papa Joe"What's the one thing you've done in your life that you're most proud 8.? " And he responded by saying"Marrying your grandmother! "

The elderly often teach us important life lessons. All of the 9.(wise) they collected through life can help us see things that are truly important in life, such as showing affection to our loved ones. Some of the younger people often take  10. closest ones, including their significant others for granted, and they have a lot to learn from some of those who have managed to keep their relationship strong and fulfilling for decades.



The little boy has good manners and is p___________ to people.



The lake is 11 meters d___________ and 48 meters wide.



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