满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mo Yan joined the ________ /ˈɑːmi/ when ...

Mo Yan joined the ________ /ˈɑːmi/ when he was a teenager. After that he began to write.

A.arm B.am C.army D.animal


C 【解析】 句意:莫言在十几岁青少年的时候参军。在那之后,他开始写作。 考查语音。arm/aːm /手臂;am/əm /是;army/ˈaːmi/军队;animal/ˈænɪml/动物。根据音标提示/ˈɑːmi/,可知C选项符合题意,故答案选C。  

This is Mr. Brown’s son and that is his________ /ˈdɔːtə/.

A.dollar B.dinner C.teacher D.daughter





1. 养成良好的生活习惯,如:健康饮食,适度运动等。

2. 要乐观(optimistic),有积极的心态。

3. 劳逸结合。

4. 补充自己的观点。


1. 书写规范,行文流畅,表达连贯,可根据内容适当发挥。

2. 文中不得出现真实的地区、学校及姓名。

3. 不少于100词。




We're keeping you here for your own _________ (safe).



    Dark clouds appear over the River Mersey and a cold wind is blowing. A few raindrops are beginning to fall. We’re in the famous city of Liverpool and we’re going to spend this rainy day in the Williamson Tunnels, which were built by a man named Joseph Williamson.

Joseph Williamson was born into a poor family in 1769. At the age of 11, he left home and went to work for a tobacco company. He began at the bottom and worked his way up to become head of the business.   

Williamson spent 30 years building these tunnels. From his death to this very day, these tunnels have remained a puzzle to researchers. Nobody knows why Williamson dug tunnels under most of Liverpool, but many think it was to create jobs. It is believed that about half of Liverpool’s population worked for him.   

I go on a guided tour starting close to where his empire (集团) began in Edge Hill. In the tunnels, the steps leading from rooms below ground to those buildings, which no longer exist, seem particularly ghostly (幽灵似的).

We go into the Double Tunnel. It’s just been discovered that it’s actually a triple tunnel – but nobody knows why the three tunnels were built on top of each other.

We finish the tour and decide we’ll have coffee in the Williamson Tunnels Cafe Bar. There, I notice lots of flyers (宣传单) for bands and theater groups that are coming to play there.   

Apart from the obvious attractions like the football clubs, or anything to do with the Beatles, Liverpool has a lot to offer. You should definitely visit Liverpool.

1.How was the weather in Liverpool when the writer arrived there?


2.Who was Joseph Williamson?


3.According to some people, why did Williamson dig tunnels under Liverpool?


4.What are Paragraphs 4 and 5 mainly about?      


5.What’s the purpose of writing this passage?           




    1 Ring, ring, ring, the alarm bell sounds. It’s school time again! After a long, relaxing and comfortable winter holiday, are you ready for the new semester? Whether you feel excited to see your classmates or maybe a little nervous about the coming schoolwork, heading back to school is a time of transition (过渡). How can we adjust to (适应) the new semester? Here are some ways to make the transition from holiday to school a little easier.

2 It’s perfectly normal to feel nervous on the first day of school. Getting back to the school routine (常规) and adjusting to new workloads  (工作量) takes some time after a long winter break. So how can we deal with being nervous? Just think about your first day in previous (以前的) years. Everything will go well once you get into the routine. Just relax and be patient.

3 If you went to bed and got up late during the holiday, you will have to change your body clock back to normal. Go to bed earlier the week before classes start. This way, you won’t be tired after the first few days of school. Also, having some warm-ups before school time is helpful. Doing exercise or making plans for the following week are some other good ideas.

4 It makes you feel organized (有条理的) if you are prepared and have all the supplies you need. It is better to pack your schoolbag the night before school starts.

5 What about wearing something you like? Maybe you got a new schoolbag during the holiday, or new sneakers (橡皮底帆布鞋) that can put a spring in your step. If you wear a school uniform, you can wear your favorite watch or a new hair band to show your personal style.

A. Start your school-year schedule

B. Back to school fashion

C. Deal with your nerves

D. Prepare your school supplies

E. Say goodbye to last year and adjust to the new semester.








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